Am I missing something in the Det/Clev series???


Where the cash flows, matters
I have had the opportunity to watch all 5 games and IMO Cleve has been the better team in every game. There are many solid cappers in this forum and for my money I just do not see how anyone can go against Cleve in this series, Detroit looks OLD and now bloodied and bruised by a younger and quicker team. If I am wrong let me know but in each game Cleve has by far out played Det even in the 2 losses. GL to all , I honestly believe Clev seals the deal sat and Flip will be looking for job else where.:cheers:
Throw out this entire series. Did you believe the Cavs could legitimitally beat the Pistons before the series started?
That is a fact Throwback and I don't care who wins the series, I am just stating what I have observed in 5 games and that is that Clev is the better team just like Det was when they played the Lakers .
Believe: Before the series started my answer was NO, but after watching 5 games there is no doubt who the better team is and it is the CAVS!!!
Believe: Before the series started my answer was NO, but after watching 5 games there is no doubt who the better team is and it is the CAVS!!!

And I doubt many others did, either. And I think thats the reason Detroit would get action. If you thought they'd win the series, they probably thought they come out and dominate game 1 and cover. You probably thought they steal one SU in Cleveland in games 3 and 4. And you definately thought they'd at least win SU if not cover in game 5.
The Cavs have now covered all 5 games which I am sure has made all the BOOKS very very happy. The chasers are getting pummeled, and I believe they will chase again in game 6.
Throw out this entire series. Did you believe the Cavs could legitimitally beat the Pistons before the series started?

yeah but i didnt bet it :spank:

If Lebron beat them 3 games in the playoffs last year

why cant Lebron with 1 more year experience beat them 4 games this year ?
Basically what I'm trying to say here is if you bet the Cavs ATS in every game, that is amazing. Great capping ability! But I don't know how many had this strategy before the series started. I mean, did you have these same thoughts when DET went up 2-0?

I think tonights perfromance by James was definately a turning point in the series.
Yes because I honestly believed the Cavs completely out played Det in games 1 & 2, did I think they would do this to Det before the series, absolutely not, but after 5 games I am tellin ya the Cavs have been the better tean IN EVERY GAME.
Basically what I'm trying to say here is if you bet the Cavs ATS in every game, that is amazing. Great capping ability! But I don't know how many had this strategy before the series started. I mean, did you have these same thoughts when DET went up 2-0?

I think tonights perfromance by James was definately a turning point in the series.

I bet them every game. Im not a good capper i usally just pick a team then bet them every game of the series

the only time i jumped of a team this playoffs was on the Rockets and Jazz. :shake:

Cavs 5-0 Ats this rd :bow: