Am I crazy to believe this can happen?


Pretty much a regular
Charlotte +1050 ml vs Tennessee

I like the 21 but Tennessee might sleep walk through this game and Charlotte beat southern Miss at home last week with a good defensive performance
I wouldn’t say crazy because Tennessee isn’t very good, but I don’t think you can count on them sleepwalking being a part of it. They’ve been getting a little better and, maybe more importantly, have continued to play hard. They know they need this one to have a shot at bowl eligibility.

Of course I say that holding a Tennessee -21 ticket so I’m probably not being objective, maybe one of the vol poster can weigh in. I expect a 31-7 type of game.
I don't know what you normally play, but if you just want to have something on it to validate your hunch if it does happen, $10 is nothing to risk with a nice 105 return - or some variant of that based on your normal amounts.

The first expectation is the Vols are going to have to come out with a C type effort. That is very possible because they are off 3 really big and 3 really tough physical games. If they don't come out flat then my respect for Pruitt will go even higher because it is going to be difficult to get them to play their best this week.

The other thing is the Charlotte will have to play much better on O than they have vs CUSA teams. Like last year when we saw UMass or two years ago Ohio have some success on different UT teams, but similar in terms of Vols personnel, those were teams with alteast decent offenses UMass and Ohio. The games weren't high scoring because I don't think a mid-major of that caliber with a good O is going to have a ton of success vs pretty much any SEC D, but they had enough to execute and make some plays. I'm not sure that Charlotte has that ability based off of what I have seen. They are kind of pedestrian O. So we are going to need some higher level of play out of them.

Charlotte's D has a chance to make it a game. This has been a pretty surprising unit from where they have been in recent years. Now last week, SMiss kinda had their way with them except for on the scoreboard (outgained them by 200y and lost due to turnovers (pick-six) and stopped on downs in CH territory plus missed a FG). Then there is the App St game who blew them out, so it isn't like they are just stonewalling people. Never the less, Charlotte has benefited from playing well vs some weaker offenses and has performed better than expected against some better ones. If they can keep that up and even elevate their play for a game like this, their D may give them a shot.

Naturally it is a tall order, but not out of the question.

I'd say throw something on it to satisfy your curiosities that you wouldn't mind losing, almost expecting it the ML to lose and hopefully the ATS covers as an insurance plan.
I don't think either Charlotte or LaTech will win but won't be surprised to see at least one of them have a chance in the 4th qtr and will take fliers on both
Good post bluedevilboy

I am on Charlotte +21 from Sunday opening lines and got the ML Monday with 90% on points, 10 % ML.
These are the games I like and it is under the radar some.
Teams closer when broken down than one would think, quality of competition and schedule favors Tennessee but would be huge statement game for Charlotte thus the motivation much higher for Charlotte. May look to add more if number goes back up by Saturday.
The perception might be that Tennessee is more vulnerable than Miss St vs a middle-tier CUSA, but yeah, I would say LaTech is a better team all around, although LT also faces a tougher team in Miss St. We're talking about 3-TD dogs potentially winning so the going is tough either way. LT looks better suited to maybe do it.

It's kind of like on this forum, if you can make a case, then it can happen atleast on paper. Sometimes I try and type something that makes sense for something happening and if I can't I don't really want to go public with it because what do you have to offer you know? Sure unexplainable stuff happens, LOL, I bet on it occuring myself sometimes. But maybe you've seen something, or I've seen something, or somebody else has seen something where they say "look for this here" or " they did this in that game and maybe can duplicate it here".

The thing that I would like explained or offered up is, where or how will Charlotte get the O do score some points? Assuming we have Tenn being flat and assuming we have Char D up to the task, 49ers going to need to score some points. I'm sure a case could be made. If somebody can offer that up then that gives it credibility. Whether it happens or not doesn't matter on a Wednesday night. Can we picture how it might happen is what matters at the moment and then if it sounds reasonable enough we can put our money where our mouth is.
The Mississippi State game is the polar opposite of the UT game. State is off a satisfying win with Bama on deck. It's a huge flat spot. Sure, Fitzgerald showed something last week that could carry over, but I still have to think Tech is the play.