Alright, speculate...

Herm Edwards was a member of the waverunner betting syndicate out of Asia for many years and was funneled inside information from many current PAC-10 coaches.
I feel like Boise State and Oregon are the only two possibilities that come to mind. USC legacy was destroyed a long time ago.

Maybe the lower division like a North Dakota State?
I would think he's referring to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on student athlete compensation.
When he said balance of power and legacies, was worried about my future on my boy kedon

Cause right now its usc and oregon, as the fringiest fringe of being relevant. Everyone else is still not close
When he said balance of power and legacies, was worried about my future on my boy kedon

Cause right now its usc and oregon, as the fringiest fringe of being relevant. Everyone else is still not close
So hard to tell with so few games last year but I certainly think Utah is relevant...not so sure about Colorado but probably making some inroads too but nothing else

Sucks for Daniels because he was primed for a great season

In Kavanaugh's concurring opinion sits the poison dart that will kill the NCAA's golden goose:

"Nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing to not pay their workers a fair market rate on their theory that their product is defined by not paying their workers a fair market rate. The NCAA is not above the law."

"NCAA couches its arguments for not paying student athletes in innocuous labels. But the labels cannot disguise the reality: The NCAA’s business model would be flatly illegal in almost any other industry in America."

In Kavanaugh's concurring opinion sits the poison dart that will kill the NCAA's golden goose:

"Nowhere else in America can businesses get away with agreeing to not pay their workers a fair market rate on their theory that their product is defined by not paying their workers a fair market rate. The NCAA is not above the law."

"NCAA couches its arguments for not paying student athletes in innocuous labels. But the labels cannot disguise the reality: The NCAA’s business model would be flatly illegal in almost any other industry in America."
He never raped a woman but he is about to rape college football
So hard to tell with so few games last year but I certainly think Utah is relevant...not so sure about Colorado but probably making some inroads too but nothing else

Sucks for Daniels because he was primed for a great season
I'm somewhat of a homer but also a realist. This years Utah team could be very good. If Ty Jordan hadn't died I'd already be calling my shot on them winning the pac12. They brought in RB transfers from OU and LSU but I don't think either is as dynamic as Jordan was. Also, by all accounts the change of scenery has been great for Charlie Brewer.

To get back on track, I've always felt ASU was a slimy program. I think this is bigger than Herm but it still happened under his watch. Todd Graham probably started the majority of their shady practices. Lastly, ASU isn't very good at cheating......
And so I moved on to High School football starting next year. College is dead. NFL has been dead for two years.

I wanted to buy season tickets to Houston or Rice out here, maybe even make the small road trip to Austin. But they finally killed it for me. I cannot spend money or time on football beyond the high school level anymore and even then I have to question it with how evil most school districts are.

Ah well. It was fun while it lasted.

Football was God's sport. They are eliminating everything associated with God.
I'm somewhat of a homer but also a realist. This years Utah team could be very good. If Ty Jordan hadn't died I'd already be calling my shot on them winning the pac12. They brought in RB transfers from OU and LSU but I don't think either is as dynamic as Jordan was. Also, by all accounts the change of scenery has been great for Charlie Brewer.

To get back on track, I've always felt ASU was a slimy program. I think this is bigger than Herm but it still happened under his watch. Todd Graham probably started the majority of their shady practices. Lastly, ASU isn't very good at cheating......
Haha just saw this

ASU isn't very good at much athletically, zero reason that campus and student population along with the facilities can't produce constant winners but I do think they have a superiority issue when it comes to thinking just how much greater they are than you. Whole Valley is just a big small town which is why it's better known for strip clubs than it is for college athletics.