All right, Birds vs. . . ., well, birds

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Again, disclaimer, I'm an Eagles fan so, you know, f**k you, Santa an' all that.

I also know that I'm going to be against a number of really good 'cappers this week by taking the Eagles (to exacty what extent I'll get to in a minute), but that's sort of how it is.

Here's why.

When the playoffs started, that the Eagles were even in them was a miracle, but when I looked at the field a grand total of two teams scared me. The Giants and the Panthers (with a little worry about Atlanta, but only in Atlanta and I never expected that game to happen). Not just because the Eagles would have to go on the road, but because they both can pound you with the run--and, in Carolina's case, use that to set you up for Steve Smith burning you deep.

Thankfully, the Panthers never made it out of the last round and, well, the Eagles took care of the Giants.

The reason I didn't fear the Vikings, Cards, or really the Falcons is because--and people won't really believe me when I say this, but to me they're all one-dimensional on both sides of the ball. The Vikings are an excellent running team, but with TJ back there if you can make them throw you can win the game going away. On defense, they're good against the run, but if you can get time and throw you're going to have a good day.

The Cardinals strike me as almost the opposite. They're good through the air and not so good on the ground--and frankly, offensively, I don't care about the last two games I'm talking about overall. Then on defense, they're serviceable, they've been playing better (particularly against the run), and they do have some talent there, but they don't strike fear into my heart against either. I think you can beat them over the middle, chew them up if you spread them out.

Which is kind of why I believe the Eagles matchup well against this team.

Offensively, I think the Eagles can put Curtis, Jackson, and Avant on the field at the same time and get one of them or Celek/LJ Smith/Westbrook out in space.

Defensively, let's face it, Larry Fitz is one of the best WRs in the game. He's basically what TO was a couple of years back, what Steve Smith is most every game, a guy who you have to figure will get at least one TD and somewhere around 100 yards every week. It's just going t happen. And I imagine Boldin will play this week, even if he's a little slower than normal he's as good or better than anybody the Eagles put on the field at WR at least from a total package standpoint.

But the Eagles have one advantage here above almost every other team in the league. They are build to stop the pass. They've been playing well against the run, but really, they are built to slow down--and more importantly, turn over--exactly what makes the Cards succeed.

It's strength vs. strength and the reason I like Eagles in that matchup isn't just because I think Jim Johnson can find a way to get Asante, Sheldon, and Lito on Fitz, Boldin, and Breston, but because of Kurt Warner.

Kurt Warner, for as good as he is, still holds onto the ball too long and is still not very mobile. The Eagles feast on QBs like this. It's what their defense lives for.

So not only do I expect pressure from the Eagles, I don't see who Kurt Warner's safety valve is. TE Steven Spach is out, Pope is hurt to the point they had to sign a guy just this week for this game. He can throw jump balls to Larry Fitz, and Fitz will bail him out occasionally, but eventually that luck runs out, just ask Brett Farve's career.

I suppose that leaves Edge who's always been good out of the backfield catching balls, but I think they are going to need a back in there to pass protect more than they are going to be able to slip him out of the backfield.

To be clear. I am putting next to no weight on the first meeting of the season between these two teams. That was a great spot for Philly and a horrible spot for Arizona. You throw that game out, it almost certainly won't be duplicated.

But I'm also not putting much weight on what the Cardinals did last week.

Just like I threw out what Baltimore did to Miami (and what made last week so hard to cap with the Ravens), whenever a QB meltsdown like that, you can and should credit the defense, but you cannot expect that every week. It just doesn't happen. No defense is five INTs and one fumble out of the QB good every week. That's just a guy falling apart for whatever reason.

What I see on Sunday is Donovan throwing well, probably turning it over once, but getting this team into the 20s. My guess is somewhere between 24 and 34, with 27 feeling about right.

If this were a regular season game I would guarantee you two Kurt Warner turnovers, as it is I'll assume we only get one. But I think the Eagles can turn that team over twice on Sunday, hopefully more.

I do think the Cardinals score, however. This should not be a blowout, this should not be a 27-10 score. Nor should be another game where the Eagles hold someone below 20. I think the winner of this game is in the high 20s, the loser in the low 20s.

I don't like that Westbrook says he tweaked his knee a little bit in NY. I think he'll be more limited than people expect and that really hurts the Eagles. (Thank God he'll get two weeks off if they win.)

I think if Wiz dedicates this team to the run that they will have a better chance to win, but I think because they're at home and because Boldin will be back they won't be able to resist the temptation to throw it.

I expect the Arizona fans to show up nice and loud for at least the first three quarters.

But most of all, as I said, I expect a final of something like 27-24, 27-20, 31-24 with the winner almost certainly being the team that wins the turnover battle--or the team that scores TDs off three TOs.

I think the Eagles win, but I hate this number and the ML is too high. It's all public perception and this game should be closer to a pick. Four is just stupid and -200 on the road is laughable. I think the people who are teasing the Cards are smart, simply because anything over DDs with a team that can score fast I always think is a smart play.

I have the Eagles to win the NFC at plus-money so I'm just going to stick with that, I may do a ML parlay with them and the Steelers as that comes out at even-ish money and though it's sort of a sucker play I like both those teams to win.

What I will however will be playing is the over.

This feels even more like a sucker play, and I wanted the number down around 44, but at 47 (-105) I like the price and I do think these teams can get to 50. I really see both these teams throwing the ball and being able to move the ball well.

But I also see turnovers, and that means points.

Over 47 - 2 units

Good luck with whatever you do.

Go Birds.
Way to challenge your inner SN ..impressive as usual . Sure I will have comment or two when I fully digested it (and the Bulls game ends):cheers:
(For the record, I will only be around off and on over the course of the next few days, I'll be traveling. But I will try to respond to questions and the like. And when Emkee plays the Eagles for six units, I'm sure I'll smile.)
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(For the record, I will only be around off and on over the course of the next few days, I'll be traveling. But I will try to respond to questions and the like. And when Emkee plays the Eagles for six units, I'm sure I'll smile.)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
That, by the way, is one of the great PE songs of all time. And the remix was good too, same with Shut 'Em Down.

Things to worry you, if you're on the Eagles.

Can Jon Runyan suck it up again and gut out another start? His knees are killing him.

Can Westbrook be anywhere near 100%? At 75% is will he worry the defense as much?

Things to worry you if you're on the Arizona Cardinals.

Brian Dawkins.

Kurt Warner.

how can emkee play the iggles?

theyre not dogged!

the only solution to this problem is to use the $$$scottsharp$$$ system and buy 5 points to +1.

all things aside, great writeup joe and hope your boys come through this weekend. ive been considering a big bet on iggles ML but like you said
A) all value is sucked out of them. -205 is ridiculous to lay on the road in the playoffs. argh (i initially saw -170)
B) a LOT of people we dont like to be against are on the other side. and normally i dont care about this, but seems like the sharp side would be zona, as the public inflated the line a couple of points up to 4 when everyone agrees it should be a PK
Yo JP... like your over and would also consider the Cards TT over with it..

Good luck on the over JP, i'm on it too. It's funny cus there are 3 birds left in the playoffs (eagles/cardinals/ravens), but none of them will win the super bowl. Big Ben will get his 2nd ring when it's all said and done.
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The Cardinals have gotten their running game going over the past couple of weeks, but that might have less to do with the Cardinals and more to do with their opponents. Atlanta ranked 25th in run defense DVOA this year. Carolina was 24th. Philadelphia, on the other hand, ranked third. The only teams that played better run defense this year are the two playing over in the other championship game.

Philadelphia led the league in usage of zone blitzes, the only team to zone-blitz more than 10 percent of the time. Arizona's offense had a problem with zone blitzes, gaining 2 fewer yards per play when the defense zone-blitzed. (Note that the phrase "zone blitz" here means that a lineman drops into coverage while at least one linebacker or defensive back rushes the passer. It does not necessarily imply complete zone coverage behind the blitz. Philadelphia would be better off going with a "double-cover Larry Fitzgerald and zone everywhere else" blitz.)

Based on gross value (i.e., assuming average returns), kicker Neil Rackers and punter Ben Graham were both above-average. However, the Cardinals gave up more value on kickoff returns than any team except Kansas City, and more value on punt returns than any teams except Minnesota and Washington. Combined, the Arizona coverage teams gave up an estimated 22 points' worth of field position compared with the NFL average.

JP - BOL with the iggles today....

either NFC team would be a good storyline v.s the steelers in Tampa.... <label for="rb_iconid_12">

McNabb way too inconsistent, awful 1st half, great 2nd half bar the last series (which counted the most...) and what the hell was up with the defensive playcalling on the Cards game winning drive, no blitz, zone fucking coverage ???...

Hate to say it but McNabb once again proved that when the game is on the line, he sucks balls...

A typical season ending punch in the fucking gut 'Philly style', gotta love it...

Thank god for the Phillies winning the World Series...

Go Sixers !!!
First of all, f**k you, Mokey, you talked all that s*it about the Eagles then disappeared when we beat you so I have zero respect for you.

The Eagles lost because they failed defensively in the first half. This wasn't our year and any honest Birds fan admits that, but that that still doesn't excuse losing to the Cardinals.
First of all, f**k you, Mokey, you talked all that s*it about the Eagles then disappeared when we beat you so I have zero respect for you.

The Eagles lost because they failed defensively in the first half. This wasn't our year and any honest Birds fan admits that, but that that still doesn't excuse losing to the Cardinals.

wow man such vulgarity
Whatever, you talked s**t, then vanished, your credibility with me is zero.

I hope you won on the game as I did, though I doubt it. Have a good off season.
Yeah, eat a dick Mokey...

Had the Eagles won I can guarantee your sorry ass would have stayed in 'Fraggle Rock'...

Class-less punk...
What a kick in the balls

Brutal 1st half...unbelievable 3rd quarter/beginning of 4th quarter...finally get the lead...defense cant get the cards off the field...offense comes up short

hell of a time for the defense to have their worst game since the first giants game

brutal....another blown opportunity

i dont know why it surprises me shouldnt
Bottom line, we should have won. The Cards deserve it, but we should have won. Just like the SB, too many first half mistakes. And although the blown call hurt, we didn't do enough to win.

I'm pissed and I'm angry, but this wasn't our year. It still hurts, but this wasn't our year.
Bottom line is, regardless of what a shit stain we had in the first half, it was our game to lose in the fourth quarter, we had the Cards rattled to fuck and our main strength this season, our defense, blew it...plain and simple, watching McNabb sail balls over receivers heads and up their asses on the last drive was a painful experience but that game winning drive by Arizona and the way the defense played it...that's why this one is a little bit more of a tough fucker to swallow...

Feck !!!
bottom bottom line is they had them fourth and inches with 7 some minutes left around midfield and they couldnt stop tim fucking hightower

there were a few ways I could envision losing this game...the defense shitting the bed was not one of them
Yeah, and on a side note...Elton Brand will return to the Sixers line-up completely screwing up team chemistry and they'll hit the fucking skids with a double digit losing streak thus destroying any chance we have of making the NBA post-season...

Oh to be a Philly fan...
almost worse than the actual loss is the 2 week buildup to the super bowl now will be unwatchable for me...every time they mention the cardinals, itll be like another kick in the balls

Fuck ya your posts bring a smile to my face before bed Smokedawg

I would've been 10x more butthurt if the Cardinals lost just because I would've had to read you gloat for the next two weeks, thus taking any enjoyment out of the Super Bowl for me
Smoke's right, there wouldn't have been much gloating had we won. That said, congrats Capt., your boys played a great game.

As fir 4th and one, that was part luck and part skill. You never run wide in that situation, but they did and it worked. Great call.

At this point I have two words for this team: Mike Shanahan. It won't happen, but if it did I think we win at least one ring with this team.
It was a good game and got to give it Phil for fighting back. That 4th & 1 was a big play but is it me or did this game come down to Phil not stopping them @ 3rd & goal from the 8. Hold them there to a fg and all they need to do is come down and get Akers a shot at a fg and come away with a win. Speaking of Akers he completely sucked after making his first 2 fgs so maybe he would not have made the gamewinner but still the defense needed to hold them and just could not do anything.

As for a new coach, Shanny could be the answer but they would need to keep Jim Johnson on imo and let Shanny run the offense. This team has a lot of questions now in the offseason in dealing with FA's etc. Another year older and already they have been to 5 championships, the positive note is they play in the NFC so getting back to this point is not as hard if it were in the AFC, should be an interesting offseason.
Whatever, you talked s**t, then vanished, your credibility with me is zero.

I hope you won on the game as I did, though I doubt it. Have a good off season.

Do you and emkee feel as lost as I do today?....I don't know the last time I have been this disappointed.
At this point I have two words for this team: Mike Shanahan. It won't happen, but if it did I think we win at least one ring with this team.

Call me crazy, but Id prefer John Gruden

Itd be nice to have someone coaching the team who at least shows that he cares as much as I do
Still a good year Philly guys. That was a helluva comeback to actually take the lead.

At least your not in the bay area where we suck in ALL sports. 2 football teams, both garbage. 2 baseball teams, both garbage. GS Warriors, 1 year wonder, back to rebuilding. All college teams are mediocre at best: Stanford, CAL, SJ State. The only thing we got going is the SJ Sharks, but i'm not a hockey fan so I can't enjoy.

For you Philly guys, what's the word on Donovan McNabb? Is he gonna be an Eagle next year? What's the word on the street. I know everybody hates McNabb but i think you guys might struggle with some new blood.
Id put it at about a 98% chance McNabb's back

Ive never been a McNabb 'hater' but at this point its pretty tough to argue that hes anywhere near 'clutch.' 1-5 in big games where 4 of the losses can be (fairly or unfairly) directly attributable to his fourth quarter failures is not encouraging...

But he is what he is - a frustratingly wildly inconsistent QB who when hes on, is as good, if not better than anyone, and when hes off is beyond brutal. To his credit, he's on more than hes off, but whenever the big game comes down to the last few minutes he doesnt preform.

McNabb and Reid are a victim of their own success. Yeah, theyre both good. Very good, in fact, at what they do. But they always come up a little short. And that was ok the first time. And maybe the second time. But the third time? The fourth time?? The FIFTH time?!?! Against the (no disrespect intended) Arizona Freaking Cardinals?!?! I mean, come on!!!

The feeling around these parts (Smokedawg's office) is that this team just cant take that final step. And when thats the case, people will advocate change. In football, 9 times out of 10, that means the head coach and/or the quarterback. The reason Ive been for changing the coach as opposed to the QB is because even given his inconsistancies and his unclutchness, I dont see a viable alternative to McNabb thats definitively better. But with the coach, I think changing the voice could do wonders for this team...especially if it was a voice that commanded respect and brought with it a little fire and passion (read: Cowher, Gruden or Shannahan).

But thats not gonna happen either, so we're pretty much stuck in this football purgatory where you get kicked in the balls, take a few weeks to convince yourself 'that wasnt that bad,' get up, and get kicked in the balls again....

Its brutal
I'm still sick over the "no call" on the last drive where McNabb was taking it down the field for an OT. Defender trips the receiver and no interference was called. " I feel like pucking again"

Sorry Joe.