All right, a little help

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I'm going to be in Vegas for one night, this Friday. That means I have the full board available to me for Saturday. Unfortunately, I've watched basically one college game this year.

So I need some help.

I don't need your full card, not at all. I just need one play. One play that if you said, 'you know, Joe's only gonna be able to bet one game in Vegas this weekend,' you'd give him that play.

I'll be on the road in a few minutes, hopefully I'll check from the iPhone on the way, but thanks in advance. I know at least a couple of you will come up with something really choice (oh, and if you want to throw an NFL game in there or two, don't hold back).


You guys are the greatest. I send you the best from New Mexico. Land of Enchantment, or so the sign says.

I do like marching orders.

I think there is the very real possibility I supplement these with Oklahoma, though I've yet to look at that line.
Shiiiit...In Vegas as we speak, doin research for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday...Cause the drunk is about to begin...Good Luck Joe!
Changed my mind, played the under in the OU game instead.

Then have OU/Iowa/Rutgers in a ML parlay, pays 2/1.

Go coattails.

Thanks guys. Good luck to us all.
Thanks for the winners, guys. Yeah, they weren't all winners, but some of 'em I either missed (LSU, Mich St.) or absorbed (Vandy--f**king Vandy).

All in all, a mixed day with overall positive results. Not huge on the plus side, but enough, mostly thanks to that NCST ML. Great call there.

Personally I should have stuck with my gut and rolled with OU rather than that under. Which I still think was a good play, I never, ever thought OU would get into the 50s let alone the 60s.

But thank you guys again, and thank the Gambling Gods for the winners.