ALDS & NLDS Series Prices Discussion

AL are a coin flip

NL, I expect one of the favorites to get beat but not sure which one
Wanted to do all dog RR again……went 2-2 in wildcard round…..didn’t have chance to hedge with the sweeps…..being 5 game series, more chances for hedge…..
I have to look at lad pitching but snakes price is crazy tempting!!

I’m not sure what gonna happen in o’:/rangers or Phillies/Braves, now that I know these 5 game series (thanks @KJ lol). This is a super dangerous series for Braves, I think Phillies the only team in nl who could beat them, Braves would be wise not to lose at home cause Philly bats almost impossible to stop at home in playoffs! Only thing I can say with a little confidence, I think we see a lot more overs in these 2 series than the entire 1st round (were there any? Lol), I’d bet if there 8-9 games between these 2 series at least 5 go over, probably 6!!

Im kinda starting to believe my twins future has a chance!! Like I might even bet them some this series even holding that 35-1 ticket!! I dunno, I have to look at Stros pitching, that where I feel like they more vulnerable than other, the experience and track record this time of year scares me but I trust all twins pitchers to get game to their pen with a chance,, all those Stros pitchers I like have mostly had very inconsistent seasons. If they all find it in playoffs then they win, they are the more talented team, mojo is very real in the playoffs tho, problem is Stros are mojo killers!! Gotta remember the only reason twins here cause they drew the perfect opponent with probably the dumbest manager in baseball who pulled his starter who was pitching great in 4th inning, stupid Mfer! Only 2 runs the game cause you couldn’t stay out the way!! Anyways, important to remember twins got a gift in 1st round! Now they facing a much more talented, most battle tested, and way better coached team! (I thought twins manager was a idiot until seeing the clown on jays up close! That guy should hang out with Brendan Staley!!).
Darn BM

Can’t RR series this round…..smh

Maybe you be able to once we get closer? Could be they making you wait till they see where the action coming and adjust prices? I felt like before 1st round I was having a problem parlaying series on DK but then all a sudden let me do it, no clue if it was glitch or they just waited till certain time to allow it? Im not that smart so just a guess! lol
It really fucking sucks Mlb starting all these series on Saturday and want to go head to head w ncaa and nfl! Having these start Friday woulda been better but I guess I understand that woulda been tough on WC teams had any of them took 3 games! Just blows, I’ll watch game 2’s over nfl but they can’t get me away from ncaa fb I don’t think.
It really fucking sucks Mlb starting all these series on Saturday and want to go head to head w ncaa and nfl! Having these start Friday woulda been better but I guess I understand that woulda been tough on WC teams had any of them took 3 games! Just blows, I’ll watch game 2’s over nfl but they can’t get me away from ncaa fb I don’t think.
Bro I literally just said this to my brother! MLB is the worst at scheduling lol
Maybe you be able to once we get closer? Could be they making you wait till they see where the action coming and adjust prices? I felt like before 1st round I was having a problem parlaying series on DK but then all a sudden let me do it, no clue if it was glitch or they just waited till certain time to allow it? Im not that smart so just a guess! lol
That’s what I’m thinking of too……will try again tomorrow or Saturday…..
It really fucking sucks Mlb starting all these series on Saturday and want to go head to head w ncaa and nfl! Having these start Friday woulda been better but I guess I understand that woulda been tough on WC teams had any of them took 3 games! Just blows, I’ll watch game 2’s over nfl but they can’t get me away from ncaa fb I don’t think.
Hasn’t it been this way for decades? There’s no getting around postseason baseball & football not crossing unless baseball wanted to play games during the worst tv rating hours.
You’re gonna laugh but I’ve combated this dilemma with 4 TVs in my man cave. I gotta watch every pitch!
Hasn’t it been this way for decades? There’s no getting around postseason baseball & football not crossing unless baseball wanted to play games during the worst tv rating hours.
You’re gonna laugh but I’ve combated this dilemma with 4 TVs in my man cave. I gotta watch every pitch!

I mean probably? I’ve probably complained about it 15 different years and just don’t remember! When you talk as much as me it tough to keep track! lol. I know there been years where I was going ape shit about the retarded ass networks Mlb would put games on, more genius moves by them, making it as hard as possible to find their product! Mlb brass somehow finds a way to be almost as useless as the NCAA!!

I understand there no getting around it all the way, but did they really have to start the division rounds on SYurday/Sunday?? I mean I’d watch nlds baseball games over Monday or Thursday night nfl in a heartbeat! I’ll prob watch over nfl Sunday! It really just the game 1s Saturday that kills me, my Saturdays have become a hectic worlwind this year, im back and forth to casino in morning then just across river by my house using apps later like 4-5x!! can’t just stay at casino cause I have to be around house in case my wife needs things (cause her medical problems). I can barely keep my focus to do everything right with ncaa, now we gotta throw in 4 baseball games!! This gonna be interesting! Lol, I’m dedicating all day today to ncaa cause I’m behind, maybe 2marro I’ll do Mlb and just make game1/series plays Friday then not have to worry bout Saturday! That should work, had to talk out a game plan! Far as Sunday I’ll most likely watch the baseball over the nfl!
The twins will make you a lot of money if you continue to bet them imo.
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The twins will make you a lot of money if you continue to bet them imo.
Cause the Yanks didn’t make it this year…….Yanks are the twins nemesis… back to their 1st baseman hitting champ and their great catcher…..forgot their name….
Cause the Yanks didn’t make it this year…….Yanks are the twins nemesis… back to their 1st baseman hitting champ and their great catcher…..forgot their name….
Think both were called Paul O'Neill if I recall