Alabama vs. Clemson Write-up


Pretty much a regular
I suppose I would be remiss if I did not weigh in on the national championship game. That said, there is simply no way I can reduce all of my thoughts on this game to writing here. If I did, it would be a mini novel (and it probably will be anyhow). So for the sake of brevity, I will try to hit what I think are the most salient points.

This is the matchup I have been rooting for all season, so I’m very happy to see it come to fruition. I have rooted for an Alabama/Oregon finale in the past, but it never came about.

I have explained this before, but it bears repeating. There is a huge difference between defending Michigan State’s pro-style offense versus Clemson’s spread offense. Michigan State is a smash mouth team that likes to beat you up in a phone booth. The problem for Michigan State is that Alabama is much better at that style of play than the Spartans are. In fact, they are significantly better at it than anyone in the nation. We saw that in the 2011 with Kirk Cousins under center, and we saw a re-run of the same movie this season with Conner Cook under center. And if they play again next season, the result will again be similar. That is why I posted that Alabama was the easiest bet of the bowl season, because the outcome was so predictable.

Clemson is a completely different animal offensively. As we all know, they are a HUNH team with an extremely talented and explosive quarterback in Deshaun Watson. Clemson will be all about spreading Alabama out, getting Clemson's skill players in space against Alabama's secondary and relying on Watson to make the proper reads. Clemson will try to get the snap count up and play at a high tempo, and hope that pays dividends late in the game.

Clemson frequently utilizes run, pass option plays (RPO) which account for a lot of their big plays. Watson makes a simple pre-snap read, and reacts accordingly. If, for example, the quarterback is unaccounted for in the defensive alignment, he will usually take off and run. Watson has been a big weapon in the Clemson running game all season, and I don’t think anything will change in this game – QB draws and QB power will happen.

But like I cautioned in my Alabama/Texas write-up a few years ago, I said that if Texas insists on running Colt McCoy between the tackles, there is a reasonable chance he won’t finish the game. And what happened? The very first time he did it, he got knocked out of the game. The same thing applies here. There is a reason NFL teams don’t send their QBs on kamikaze missions between the tackles. And make no mistake about it; Alabama’s front 7 is an NFL front 7 (all of them) – the very kind of front 7 that NFL coaches don’t let their QBs run into. I honestly hope it doesn’t happen, but if Clemson insists on repeatedly running Watson between the tackles, don’t be shocked if he finds himself on the sidelines watching his backup finish the game under center in his stead.

So how does Alabama prepare for RPO? They do so by making one of the options happen. In other words, the defense will dictate to Watson what the read is, give him the play, and then attack that choice.

You often hear the mantra that a HUNH offense with an athletic running QB is Alabama’s Kryptonite. If you are betting on Clemson based on that belief, a) you haven’t been paying attention, and b) you deserve to lose your money and probably will. Alabama has played 7 or 8 teams that run HUNH, and they have completely shut all of them down. Here’s a list of how some of the QBs Alabama has faced this season have fared.

Chad Kelly - Ole Miss - 8/21
Greyson Lambert - Georgia - 6/1
Brandon Allen - Arkansas - 7/6
Kyler Murray - Texas A&M - 2/4
Joshua Dobbs - Tennessee - 16/19
Brandon Harris - LSU - 5/20
Jeremy Johnson - Auburn - 6/-18
Dak Prescott - Mississippi State - 26/14
Treon Harris - Florida - 11/-4

Moreover, Alabama leads the country in opposing QBR, holding opposing QBs to a rating of just 12.1. That is the best rating by any FBS defense in the last ten years.

I’m sure it will be argued, and perhaps rightly so, that Deshaun Watson and Clemson are much better that any of the other QBs/teams that Alabama has faced this season. Maybe so, but what you must understand, far from this type of offensive scheme being Alabama’s Kryptonite, Alabama has the ideal defense to slow/shutdown HUNH offenses like Clemson’s down. In fact if I could pick any defense in the nation to shut down a HUNH offense I would take Alabama, and whoever is second is far behind. That is so because Alabama’s defense is specifically built from the ground up to do just that. One key change that Saban and Kirby Smart made in response to having to face HUNH offenses, was to get rid of the big run-stuffing safety’s, and replacing them with 5* caliber cornerbacks. And when Alabama plays a base nickel like they will most of this game, they will have five really talented cornerbacks on the field at the same time.

Of course when offensive coordinators see 5 corners and 6 in the box this would dictate run. The problem for every team that has faced Alabama this season is that those 6 are so deep, so talented, so disciplined, so gap-sound and so well coached that teams have not even been able to run the ball against even Alabama’s nickel defense. Please understand what I’m saying here. Alabama has shut down the running game of every single HUNH offense they have faced playing nickel! If that happens in this game, and to a certain extent I think it will, Clemson is pretty much dead and stinking offensively. That will force Watson to throw into tight windows, and force him to make plays in the teeth of the defensive scheme. That I believe will lead to Watson making mistakes.

The one thing I have noticed from watching Clemson games this week is that, outside of maybe Boston College, no team has been able to shut down Clemson’s running attack. And because of that, Clemson has not been involved in a single game this season where Watson was forced to throw the ball to win. I absolutely think that will change Monday night. Alabama holds opponents to 2.3 yards per rush, and 53.5% of a teams’ yards per carry average – an absolutely absurd number. If that holds true in this game, that would put Clemson around 2.66 per carry, and that’s simply not enough to keep the sticks moving, or keep the defense honest.

Spread teams are dependent upon consistently getting reliable yardage to move the sticks. When defenses are able to minimize the easy yardage the HUNH offenses are so dependent on, rather than exhaust the opposing defense with fast-paced sustained drives, they just hurry up and punt.

Another thing I noticed from watching film this week is that the linebacking Clemson faced in the ACC was quite poor. Much of Clemson’s success has come by way of isolating a receiver or back on a linebacker, or through the zone read. It is not a stretch to say that Alabama’s linebackers are far superior to anything Clemson has faced all season, so I think they will find the going much tougher than what they are accustomed to.

Another thing worth pointing out is that competition matters. Clemson’s stats were accumulated against ACC teams, and If the bowl games tell us anything, they tell us that the SEC defenses that Alabama faced are significantly better than the defenses Clemson faced. Look no further than the results of the bowl teams Clemson played (1 & 5 bowl record) versus the results of the bowl teams Alabama played (8 & 3 bowl record). And for the most part the bowl teams Clemson played got blown out, while the bowl teams Alabama faced blew their opponents out.

Because this write-up has gotten so long already, I will only briefly discuss Alabama’s offense versus Clemson’s defense. I understand that Clemson has a very talented front 4 (linebackers not so much), and a very talented secondary. That said, Clemson’s defense is really not much different from what Alabama saw week in and week out in conference play. I will also note that Clemson has not faced anything remotely on the level of Alabama’s offensive line/running back combination. That will in turn most likely expose Clemson’s biggest vunerability – their complete lack of depth in their front 7. Sure they’ll hang tough in the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] half like many teams have done, but will eventually get caught up in the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] half meat grinder as they inevitably wear down.

I expect Clemson to take their chances with their very talented cornerbacks to play bump-and-run coverage against Calvin Ridley and ArDarius Stewart, and hope the rest of the defense can slow down the Derrick Henry freight train. This probably won’t be too different than what Michigan State tried to do, which is take away Henry and force Jake Coker to beat them. The big advantage Clemson has here is that they have a far better secondary than Michigan State, so it’ll be interesting to see how Jake Coker versus man coverage will play out. I do know one thing. Lane Kiffin will take what the defense gives him, and I suspect he will attack and shaky Clemson linebacking corps in the passing game with guys like O.J. Howard and Richard Mullaney.

My take on this game is that Alabama’s defensive line, linebackers and secondary will be vastly superior to anything Clemson has faced all season, and they will do what they have done all season – shut down the run, push the pocket up the middle, and smoother receivers. They will shut down Clemson’s running attack, contain Deshaun Watson, and force him to become something he’s not – a pocket passer. Watson is a one read and run quarterback. When Alabama shuts down Watson’s running lanes and locks down his receivers like they did to Michigan State, I think we will see him – like Connor Cook - get frustrated and start to force things, and that will be the beginning of the end for Clemson.

The real problem for Clemson’s offense and defense is that, unless they’ve been practicing against the Carolina Panthers on their off week, there is simply no way for them to prepare for the physicality and ferocity of what they will encounter Monday night. Like I said, Clemson will probably hang tough for the first 30 minutes or so , but will simply not be able to withstand the onslaught in the trenches on either side of the ball for 60 minutes.

The final score of this game will be directly related to Deshaun’s frustration level. If it is high, and he makes a bunch of mistakes, this one could get ugly. I do, however, think Clemson is too good offensively not to make some plays and score some points, although I don’t think it will be many. I look for a final score of something along the lines of 34-13 with 17 being Clemson’s absolute high-water mark offensively.

My Plays:

Alabama -6.5 vs. Clemson
Alabama (2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Half) vs. Clemson
Clemson Team Total UNDER 21.5
Alabama Team Total OVER 28.5
Alabama -21.5 @ +500
vs. Clemson

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The substitution strategy has been something to behold all season. Resembles shift changes in hockey. Think it was the LSU game where coming out of a timeout with lsu in an and goal situation, Alabama had 22 players on the field waiting to see the offensive personnel. Offense came out, 11 defenders sprinted back to the sideline
What a wonderful post. I applaud the effort you put into that writeup, Freak and want you to know I read every word.

My fear with Alabama this game is actually on the scoring side rather than the stop side.

Clemson did extremely well against the pro-set teams (and semi-pro-set teams) this year defensively.

They haven't given up big yards to anyone. They gave up 432 to Notre Dame (weather too) .... that was the most they yielded all year and they played 5 offenses superior to Alabama using the same total yards per game benchmark (unadjusted for schedule). Crimson Tide averaged 423 yards per game and face a pretty good clemson defense. The comparable rush defenses faced by Bama this year were probably Michigan State, Arkansas, LSU, Ole Miss, Florida and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin 238/6.4
Ole Miss 215/5.1
Arkansas 134/2.9
LSU 250/4.6
Florida 233/4.0
MSU 154/4.4

On top of that, Alabama will be the slowest paced non-option team that Clemson has faced all year long. So while I think you are spot on about how Bama matches up against the Clemson offense, I still think Clemson has playmakers that will find first downs here and there. 465 was the most yards Bama generated after September in any game this year. 440 vs. Michigan State despite holding Sparty to 239 yards. I could go on about the defense completely dominating the opposition and how that should really play into Alabama scoring more and gaining more yards than they do as they wear down the opponent (One of the best time of possession teams in the nation). If Clemson finds 300 yards in this game I think it becomes very difficult for Alabama to find 30 points. The wildcard is the Clemson pace. If they go "hurry up and punt", then they could just completely exhaust their defense for the fourth quarter which would increase the chances of a front door cover. It will be interesting to see how Clemson approaches pace in this game with that lingering in the background and with being a significant sized underdog where shortening the game is usually the best option for a coach in a big game like this. So Bama will need big plays in the passing game or turnovers to reach that number and I suppose both of those are at least doable on some level.

Anyway, I mainly just wanted to thank you for the info and taking the time to share it. Sucks donkeyballs to put in a lot of work to trying to help other people and taking the time to type it all up (you write well and clearly by the way) and then not know if anyone is reading or appreciating what they have read. It is probably the best cfb post so far in 2016 (hehe).

Sorry for playing a little Devil's Advocate on your Bama team total.
great post

interesting game for sure

I have been on record as saying I think Clem is fugazi, but said if they beat OK they seem to be a team of destiny and will likely win it all

I know this. I will be watching Mon night.

GL jimmy
I don't follow Clemson closely enough to know if they are generally a mouthy team but I've been a bit surprised at some of the comments they've made in the past week. I suppose there is a lot of truth to teams mirroring their coaches in the way they relate to the media so it prob shouldn't come as a surprise considering Dabo is such an emotional and vocal guy. It almost feels a little like Jose Aldo trash talk where they are saying some stuff and wanting their belief to attach to the words they are saying versus a guy like McGregor who speaks from a place of absolute belief. Not sure if I articulated that very well and I'm pretty accustomed to other teams talking more trash and Bama not really doing much of that, much in the mold of Saban. Anyway, I think the 1Q is going to be crucial for Clemson cause if they get punched in the mouth I don't think they will respond favorably. I would agree with CC also about Bama scoring. Getting to 30 without a NOT and/or a couple real short field would be a surprise to me.
Biggest concern for me from the Clemson side is Watson throwing from the pocket. From what I had seen of Clemson during the regular season, I thought Watson looked pretty good in this regard. Against some opponents, it felt like Clemson could score literally any time they wanted by having their wr run by the secondary and Watson would hit em in stride. That was decidedly not the case last week. I paid specific attention to Watson in the pocket and let's just say I came away unimpressed. Tenative, missed some easier throws, and looked to run way too early for my liking. Luckily for Clemson, they manhandled the ou front 7, something that is pretty rare and was totally unexpected to me. I was initially planning on playing Clemson if we got this matchup because I generally think Bama doesn't quite know what to do when facing similar talent [rarely occurs] that actually has a qb [sorry lsu ]. Not sure that Watson can fulfill the cardale/kelly role of making plays from the pocket for four qtrs.
Biggest concern for me from the Clemson side is Watson throwing from the pocket. From what I had seen of Clemson during the regular season, I thought Watson looked pretty good in this regard. Against some opponents, it felt like Clemson could score literally any time they wanted by having their wr run by the secondary and Watson would hit em in stride. That was decidedly not the case last week. I paid specific attention to Watson in the pocket and let's just say I came away unimpressed. Tenative, missed some easier throws, and looked to run way too early for my liking. Luckily for Clemson, they manhandled the ou front 7, something that is pretty rare and was totally unexpected to me. I was initially planning on playing Clemson if we got this matchup because I generally think Bama doesn't quite know what to do when facing similar talent [rarely occurs] that actually has a qb [sorry lsu ]. Not sure that Watson can fulfill the cardale/kelly role of making plays from the pocket for four qtrs.

sad isn't it? I just don't get. Odell, Jarvis and the list goes on. Is it the pro offense and the blocking required? The class coming in at WR is sick. One day a QB will walk through the door. MAybe this year, maybe next. But it is happening.
What a wonderful post. I applaud the effort you put into that writeup, Freak and want you to know I read every word.

My fear with Alabama this game is actually on the scoring side rather than the stop side.

Clemson did extremely well against the pro-set teams (and semi-pro-set teams) this year defensively.

They haven't given up big yards to anyone. They gave up 432 to Notre Dame (weather too) .... that was the most they yielded all year and they played 5 offenses superior to Alabama using the same total yards per game benchmark (unadjusted for schedule). Crimson Tide averaged 423 yards per game and face a pretty good clemson defense. The comparable rush defenses faced by Bama this year were probably Michigan State, Arkansas, LSU, Ole Miss, Florida and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin 238/6.4
Ole Miss 215/5.1
Arkansas 134/2.9
LSU 250/4.6
Florida 233/4.0
MSU 154/4.4

On top of that, Alabama will be the slowest paced non-option team that Clemson has faced all year long. So while I think you are spot on about how Bama matches up against the Clemson offense, I still think Clemson has playmakers that will find first downs here and there. 465 was the most yards Bama generated after September in any game this year. 440 vs. Michigan State despite holding Sparty to 239 yards. I could go on about the defense completely dominating the opposition and how that should really play into Alabama scoring more and gaining more yards than they do as they wear down the opponent (One of the best time of possession teams in the nation). If Clemson finds 300 yards in this game I think it becomes very difficult for Alabama to find 30 points. The wildcard is the Clemson pace. If they go "hurry up and punt", then they could just completely exhaust their defense for the fourth quarter which would increase the chances of a front door cover. It will be interesting to see how Clemson approaches pace in this game with that lingering in the background and with being a significant sized underdog where shortening the game is usually the best option for a coach in a big game like this. So Bama will need big plays in the passing game or turnovers to reach that number and I suppose both of those are at least doable on some level.

Anyway, I mainly just wanted to thank you for the info and taking the time to share it. Sucks donkeyballs to put in a lot of work to trying to help other people and taking the time to type it all up (you write well and clearly by the way) and then not know if anyone is reading or appreciating what they have read. It is probably the best cfb post so far in 2016 (hehe).

Sorry for playing a little Devil's Advocate on your Bama team total.

I very much appreciate your response, and playing devil's advocate is what this forum should be all about. I constantly read about different angles or different opinions that I had not previously considered. That's why I find forums like this to be a huge asset.

That said, I don't think anyone spends as much time as you do putting thoughts on games into writing, and I consider your words to be an absolute MUST READ. I know how time consuming it is, which is why I have largely gotten away from it. I'm just too time poor.

Honestly, I think you are I are thinking a lot alike on this game. I think both of us have a pretty good idea of what each team needs to do in this game to be successful. But as gamblers, we actually have to take it one step further and accurately predict what is "actually" going to happen based upon what we know about each team, and how we feel they will matchup with one another. So more than anything, my write-up is a prediction on how I believe the game will play out.

Both offenses in this game are similar in that they like to run to set up the pass. I know it sounds cliché, but the team the runs the ball the best in this game will win in my opinion. So the trick is figuring out which team that will be. I think we can even break this down a bit further, and focus on what I believe is the primary unknown in this game, and what the college football world is waiting to see, myself included - Clemson's offense versus Alabama's defense.

Clemson's offense is solid from top to bottom. And while Alabama has faced an offensive line on par with Clemson's, running backs on par with Clemson's, wide receivers on par with Clemson's, but probably not a QB on par with Clemson, Alabama has probably not faced an offense unit as a whole as complete as Clemson's. So I'm not so crimson blind to think these guys aren't going to make some plays and score some points. I definitely think they will. The question is, how much? I tend to believe it will be 17 or less because I do think that Alabama's defense will have quite a bit of success taking away Clemson's running game. I believe that because I don't think Clemson's offensive line will be able to handle Alabama's front 7. That, in my mind, is the biggest mismatch of the game. If that is so, then we must consider what a one-dimensional Clemson offense will look like. Can Watson sit back in the pocket and consistently make throws into tight windows without turning the ball over? Because Watson has never been put in that position before, it's hard to say how he will perform under those conditions. As for me personally, I like Alabama's defense both from a pass rush standpoint and coverage standpoint against a one-dimensional Clemson offense. On the other hand, if Clemson is able to effectively mix the run and pass, Alabama will be in for a dogfight.

You point about time of possession is right on the money. Alabama's game is obviously ball control, and how much Alabama controls the ball is inversely proportional to how effective the defense is at getting stops. I think sufficient scoring opportunities for Alabama's offense to eclipse the 29-point mark will be there. The big question for me is will they score touchdowns when those opportunities present themselves, or will they be forced to attempt a bunch of field goals like they did in the Auburn game?

Clemson's defense reminds me a lot of that Texas defense in the '09 championship game - on the small side, but very fast. I feel pretty confident that Alabama will take control of the line of scrimmage, primarily in the 2nd half IF Alabama can jump out to a first half lead. I think for Clemson to have a shot in this game, it is imperative they get out to an early lead, and keep Alabama in chase mode. If that happens, it plays right into Clemson's defensive strength - secondary and pass rush.

Another often overlooked aspect of the game is depth. Alabama is a ridiculously deep team, and why they are so successful in smothering teams in the second half. Alabama is always fresh because they can rotate so many guys in and out without sacrificing performance. I think this is yet another game where Alabama will take control in the second half.
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The substitution strategy has been something to behold all season. Resembles shift changes in hockey. Think it was the LSU game where coming out of a timeout with lsu in an and goal situation, Alabama had 22 players on the field waiting to see the offensive personnel. Offense came out, 11 defenders sprinted back to the sideline

Yeah, Saban and Smart have revolutionized substitution packages in the age of HUNH. I was at the LSU (physically anyhow - had the UNDER big), and it's something you can appreciate a lot more when you're at the game.

I really get a kick out of the people who still believe that Alabama can't defend a HUNH team with an athletic QB like Clemson. Not only are they excellent at defending the HUNH, they are the best at the nation at it.
great post

interesting game for sure

I have been on record as saying I think Clem is fugazi, but said if they beat OK they seem to be a team of destiny and will likely win it all

I know this. I will be watching Mon night.

GL jimmy

Drink one for me!

I don't follow Clemson closely enough to know if they are generally a mouthy team but I've been a bit surprised at some of the comments they've made in the past week. I suppose there is a lot of truth to teams mirroring their coaches in the way they relate to the media so it prob shouldn't come as a surprise considering Dabo is such an emotional and vocal guy. It almost feels a little like Jose Aldo trash talk where they are saying some stuff and wanting their belief to attach to the words they are saying versus a guy like McGregor who speaks from a place of absolute belief. Not sure if I articulated that very well and I'm pretty accustomed to other teams talking more trash and Bama not really doing much of that, much in the mold of Saban. Anyway, I think the 1Q is going to be crucial for Clemson cause if they get punched in the mouth I don't think they will respond favorably. I would agree with CC also about Bama scoring. Getting to 30 without a NOT and/or a couple real short field would be a surprise to me.

The two teams in the ACC that I like are Clemson and Virginia Tech. With my son having recently graduated from UVA, but it's funny, neither my son or I can really get into UVA sports for some reason. Anyhow, I too am shocked by how mouthy Clemson has been leading up to the title game.

I agree with you. I think Clemson will get rattled in this game, and said as much in my write-up. It's one of the reasons I don't think the game will be close. On the other hand, if Clemson can get some early confidence, that could change the landscape of the game.

What I actually think will happen is that they will get frustrated after Alabama's defense takes control of the LOS and stuffs their run game. Watch for Clemson personal foul penalties. If you see that, you'll know they are losing it.

Being a huge MMA fan, I did understand your Aldo/McGregor analogy.
Biggest concern for me from the Clemson side is Watson throwing from the pocket. From what I had seen of Clemson during the regular season, I thought Watson looked pretty good in this regard. Against some opponents, it felt like Clemson could score literally any time they wanted by having their wr run by the secondary and Watson would hit em in stride. That was decidedly not the case last week. I paid specific attention to Watson in the pocket and let's just say I came away unimpressed. Tenative, missed some easier throws, and looked to run way too early for my liking. Luckily for Clemson, they manhandled the ou front 7, something that is pretty rare and was totally unexpected to me. I was initially planning on playing Clemson if we got this matchup because I generally think Bama doesn't quite know what to do when facing similar talent [rarely occurs] that actually has a qb [sorry lsu ]. Not sure that Watson can fulfill the cardale/kelly role of making plays from the pocket for four qtrs.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I touched on this in the write-up. So what happens if Alabama gets a lead, takes away Clemson's running game, confines Watson to the pocket and forces him to throw into tight windows? Do you like Clemson under those conditions? I sure don't. That is exactly what Alabama will try to do defensively, and I think they will be largely success in their endeavor.
sad isn't it? I just don't get. Odell, Jarvis and the list goes on. Is it the pro offense and the blocking required? The class coming in at WR is sick. One day a QB will walk through the door. MAybe this year, maybe next. But it is happening.

You don't think that Harris will develop into a good QB?
Thank you very insightful Jimmy. One of the best analysis I've seen in years on a game (anywhere). You clearly broke it down and so easily to read and understand.
I will say everything I have to say about this game in one sentence since everything else has been said. As much as I detest Saban, for other reasons, he is the smartest coach in the NCAA. This guy hates to lose and spends countless hours scheming a game against an opponent. He can't sleep until he has it figured out. He will outcoach Dabo and has the players to do it with. I don't think this game will be close.
Good luck my friends :cheers3:
You took the words right out of my mouth. I touched on this in the write-up. So what happens if Alabama gets a lead, takes away Clemson's running game, confines Watson to the pocket and forces him to throw into tight windows? Do you like Clemson under those conditions?

I do. He excels at that.
What a wonderful post. I applaud the effort you put into that writeup, Freak and want you to know I read every word.

My fear with Alabama this game is actually on the scoring side rather than the stop side.

Clemson did extremely well against the pro-set teams (and semi-pro-set teams) this year defensively.

They haven't given up big yards to anyone. They gave up 432 to Notre Dame (weather too) .... that was the most they yielded all year and they played 5 offenses superior to Alabama using the same total yards per game benchmark (unadjusted for schedule). Crimson Tide averaged 423 yards per game and face a pretty good clemson defense. The comparable rush defenses faced by Bama this year were probably Michigan State, Arkansas, LSU, Ole Miss, Florida and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin 238/6.4
Ole Miss 215/5.1
Arkansas 134/2.9
LSU 250/4.6
Florida 233/4.0
MSU 154/4.4

On top of that, Alabama will be the slowest paced non-option team that Clemson has faced all year long. So while I think you are spot on about how Bama matches up against the Clemson offense, I still think Clemson has playmakers that will find first downs here and there. 465 was the most yards Bama generated after September in any game this year. 440 vs. Michigan State despite holding Sparty to 239 yards. I could go on about the defense completely dominating the opposition and how that should really play into Alabama scoring more and gaining more yards than they do as they wear down the opponent (One of the best time of possession teams in the nation). If Clemson finds 300 yards in this game I think it becomes very difficult for Alabama to find 30 points. The wildcard is the Clemson pace. If they go "hurry up and punt", then they could just completely exhaust their defense for the fourth quarter which would increase the chances of a front door cover. It will be interesting to see how Clemson approaches pace in this game with that lingering in the background and with being a significant sized underdog where shortening the game is usually the best option for a coach in a big game like this. So Bama will need big plays in the passing game or turnovers to reach that number and I suppose both of those are at least doable on some level.

Anyway, I mainly just wanted to thank you for the info and taking the time to share it. Sucks donkeyballs to put in a lot of work to trying to help other people and taking the time to type it all up (you write well and clearly by the way) and then not know if anyone is reading or appreciating what they have read. It is probably the best cfb post so far in 2016 (hehe).

Sorry for playing a little Devil's Advocate on your Bama team total.

Wow, good stuff
I do. He excels at that.

man, he sure didn't against oklahoma. 16/31 for 187 and it felt even worse. 10/21 for 84 yds vs Notre Dame. 21/30 for 199 vs ville. Two good ones vs BC and FSU with 27/41 for 420 & 28/42 for 297. He's going to have to be that guy and not the guy we saw 9 days ago for clemson to win.
I will say everything I have to say about this game in one sentence since everything else has been said. As much as I detest Saban, for other reasons, he is the smartest coach in the NCAA. This guy hates to lose and spends countless hours scheming a game against an opponent. He can't sleep until he has it figured out. He will outcoach Dabo and has the players to do it with. I don't think this game will be close.

Good luck my friends :cheers3:

This is better than my write-up, and you don't even have to block out time on your schedule to read it!!!

I will say everything I have to say about this game in one sentence since everything else has been said. As much as I detest Saban, for other reasons, he is the smartest coach in the NCAA. This guy hates to lose and spends countless hours scheming a game against an opponent. He can't sleep until he has it figured out. He will outcoach Dabo and has the players to do it with. I don't think this game will be close.

Good luck my friends :cheers3:

shark that can be said about every coach at that level
Great read Jimmy. Thank you for the time.

Just noticed on Bovada the Bama line -7 is up to +105 from -105 yet alt -14.5 dropped from +200 to +185. Hmmm...
Post Game Thoughts:

First of all, congratulations to Clemson and OVER backers! Both calls were spot on! Even had Alabama not surrendered the backdoor cover with 12 seconds remaining in the game, Clemson was clearly the correct side here.

Last night, on college football’s biggest stage, Clemson proved they belonged. I am a huge Clemson and Dabo Swinney fan, so I’m very happy for Dabo and the program as a whole. They will certainly be a forced to be reckoned with in the future, and with all they have coming back next season, they get my early vote as the #1 team in the nation.

I knew coming into this game that Deshaun Watson is a transcendent talent capable of beating a lot of teams almost entirely on his own. I knew that for Clemson to win, or even cover for that matter, he would probably have to just that - have a Vince Young type of performance. That was something I really did not think he would be able pull off against Alabama’s defense. I was very confident that Alabama would be able to take away Clemson’s running game – which they did for the most part save for a big run by Wayne Gallman and quarterback scrambles. My contention was that if that happened and Watson was forced to win the game strictly with his arm, something that he had not had to do all season, that he would struggle against Alabama’s secondary, and that would likely lead to him making some mistakes. What actually happened was that Watson carved up Alabama’s secondary with precision passing just as King Rex predicted. And while I think Alabama’s defensive front won the battle of the trenches, Watson won the war by nullifying that advantage with his playmaking ability.

Alabama’s point output did not surprise me as I expected them to score in the mid 30s to mid 40s range. What did surprise me was how Alabama did it. I thought Alabama would be able to control of the point of attack and, by extension, the time of possession in the 2nd half with their running game. That didn’t happen. In fact if anything, Clemson’s defensive front got stronger as the game wore on. They completely shut down Alabama’s running attack in the 4th quarter forcing Alabama to rely on big plays in the final stanza. The problem for Alabama is that did not translate into them into dominating the time of possession, which resulted not in Clemson’s defense wearing down, but Alabama’s defense gassing out in the 4th quarter – something that Clemson’s offense specifically tries to do.

I was not surprised by Clemson’s pass rush. Dobbs was the star of the defensive line last night, but that’s largely because the right side of Alabama’s offensive line has struggled with quick, athletic pass rushers all season. Shaq Lawson, while overshadowed somewhat by Dobbs in the game, is an absolute beast! He has unbelievable speed and quickness for a guy his size. He will make an elite pass rusher for a NFL team one day. Most of the sacks were coverage sacks. The only thing that surprised me was that Coker took sacks when he didn’t really have to which stalled numerous drives.

The biggest surprise to me in the game was not Deshaun Watson’s performance. My biggest surprise was how well Clemson competed in the trenches on both sides of the ball. I felt very confident going in they would not be able to hold up for 4 quarters but they absolutely did and, that, as much as Watson kept them in the game.

As for me, hitting the Alabama OVER and my Alabama -3.5 2nd half kept my losses on the game to a minimum.

Again, congrats to those who cashed Clemson and OVER tickets last night!
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Appreciate the thoughts. I was pleasantly surprised by Clemson in the trenches as well. Congrats on the title
Thanks for the thoughts and grats on another natty. Bama's defense really screwed total backers but greatly helped their team total over backers. Save the final knee, they never had a possession where they were not under pressure to score. The Bama DL pass rush was what disappointed me the most in the game (from a perspective of my personal action).

Anyway .. see ya next year
Appreciate the thoughts. I was pleasantly surprised by Clemson in the trenches as well. Congrats on the title

For me, my perception that Alabama had the edge in the trenches was the basis of confidence in Alabama. Many if not most of my bets are largely based on that. But as CC and I were discussing previously, we both thought time of possession would play a big factor in which defense would wear down in the 4th quarter. Because I thought Alabama had the edge in the trenches, was confident it would be Clemson's defense that would wear down. That didn't happen. It was the other way around. Because Alabama's offense lost the battle in the trenches, they weren't able to dominate TOP. And because they weren't able to dominate TOP, it was Alabama's defense that was gassed in the 4th quarter. Had the game gone to OT, I think Clemson would have won.
Thanks for the thoughts and grats on another natty. Bama's defense really screwed total backers but greatly helped their team total over backers. Save the final knee, they never had a possession where they were not under pressure to score. The Bama DL pass rush was what disappointed me the most in the game (from a perspective of my personal action).

Anyway .. see ya next year

No doubt about it. And yes, I will be back next season.
