Against the Odds.. Against Predictions...


Friend of CTG
Against Perfection!


it is everyday at work amongst all the Cowboy fans...

I have to keep em' in line when I hear all the talk about next year...

I went into a sporting goods store the other day and looked at the clearence rack. They had the 16-0 Pa(Chea)triots shirts. I asked the clerk if they had any 18-1 shirts. He said they didn't but he'd buy one.

So I'm thinking of turning this into a small profit. A prophetic quote from or about the 2007 Cheatriots, with a huge 18-1* on the back. I think they'd sell like crazy.

Here's a sample(Front of shirt)

"We play all four quarters that way we'll be able to finish in a key spot."
Back of shirt

Of course Marsha Brady's classic "17 points" quote will be included.

God bless the New York Giants. They saved the NFL.
Im average at madden.

Id light you up with JR Smith and the Nuggets in NBA2k8.
Bill Bellichek is crazy. It was 90+ today all up and down the eastern coast, this mother fucker was wearing a hoody