
reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
C - Bengie Molina
1B - Jason Giambi
2B - Brian Roberts
3B - Alex Rodriguez
SS - Miguel Tejada
OF - Josh Hamilton
OF - BJ Upton
OF - Vernon Wells
UTIL - Jim Thome
BN - Corey Hart
DL - David Ortiz

SP - Josh Beckett
SP - Scott Kazmir
RP - Kerry Wood
RP - Ryan Franklin
P - Saloman Torres
P - Octavio Dotel
P - Felix Hernandez
BN - Clayton Kershaw
BN - John Maine
BN - Eric Gagne (DL)
BN - Mike Gonzalez (DL)

I had offered Brain Roberts and Miguel Tejada for Rafael Furcal and Ichiro Suzuki but then Hairston got hurt and it was announced that Furcal would miss the rest of June.

Do I drop Gagne and grab Joel Zumaya now? Some rumors out there that Torres will hold on to the closer role for the Brew Crew and Zumaya's return is coming up within the next couple of weeks. I could also pick up another SP for sure.
I think I'd drop Gonzalez. I keep hearing that he'll either return to the set-up role or at best, share save with Soriano and Acosta. If that's true, I don't think I'd be too interested in keeping him unless you think he we'll take the closer role after the All-Star break.
reason I have him is that Soriano still has issues with his elbow. I am considering dropping one of the two but can Gagne seriously be considered again as the closer with the way Torres and Shouse(sp?) are pitching?
I will be surprised if Furcal plays another game this season.

Sad because I need a SS just like him and he's on my DL, but theres just been so many setbacks...
I dropped Dotel for Zumaya. Someone jumped the gun on me and took Liriano. I desperatley need these closer situations to clear up so I can get another SP or make a trade.

With Soriano back on the DL and Gonzalez returning today, I can only hope that Gonzalez's minor league rehab will be some what indicative of how he'll pitch and hopefully not get hammered like the rest of the Bravos pen.

Holding on to Gagne but damn, he's still out for atleast another couple of weeks. How can they just give it back to Gagne if Torres keeps this up?

Sorry about you losing Furcal Seabass, he had such a great start and keeps having setbacks.
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Do I trade Giambi while he's hot or try to trade Thome? Either one will most likely fill the UTIL position the majority of the time when Big Papi returns
didnt see this thread yesterday... wish i wouda

renew did you really drop OD for zumaya?

not sure if thats gonna end up in your favor, especially if joel is still playing the guitar hero lol.
but seriously.... we know zumaya is injury prone and OD has been effective as of late, and putting up good numbers in may/june (barring a bad april, but hes got better and better as the season has progressed), and has started to show consistency and i think you can count on him to continue to rack up points for you on a regular basis

on the other hand if joel does comes back strong from this injury and is back to hurlin those 100 mph fastballs...then it may work out well for you.

we will see, should be interesting.
if the tigs can get rodney to pitch well and zumaya throwing like he did 2 years ago back when he was healthy, then we may see the tigs to be that championship caliper team a lot of us thought they would be before the season, because the hitting is sure as hell starting to click and the sp has been effective.

either way, BOL man. team looks pretty good, hell, even torres didnt blow a save tonight..... = pointsss for you
yea i did Cap, there are plenty of solid RPs sitting around, I'm just looking for closer potential. Basically i am hoping Todd Jones implodes.

Once the whole closer scenarios clear up in MIL and STL I can figure out what to do. It's really hampering my options with Izzy coming back and Gagne a couple of weeks away. I just want to see Gagne taken out of complete consideration for the closer role in MIL. But I'll have some tough decisions to make when Big Papi returns.
i would say theres a damn good chance of at least 1 of the 2 imploding--- (whether it be todd jones in the near future or gagne when he returns).... and of the two probably would lean towards jones

jones is always hittable.... just does a g good job of getting himself out of jams/leadoff singles alot. we've seen his gas can outings and wouldnt put it past him to revert back to them any given appearance.

if gagne can get his command back and stop walking so many damn batters, maybe he could actually be effective.
or maybe he was just good when he was juicing, and aint shit iwthout it... who knows.

rotator cuff is a tough injury to come back from too, easy to tear it again at any moment and could even end his career.

not sure what to expect from izzy, hes start to get old already, maybe hes wearing down.
he did do well on tuesday in his first game back, but i think he beamed one guy.
i remember him fucking me a couple times in the 9th just before he went on the DL though, that sob!
Jones always looks like he's ready to implode, but then he strings together a couple of good months and ends up with 35 saves....I think Leyland likes the experience he provides at the back end after the 2 flame throwers come in....If Zumaya is back to his old form, he's still an asset to have even if he doesn't take over the closers job....