After The Game Thoughts; Bitching N Moaning Welcomed!


Starting this thread a little early but the thoughts are the same. Whether I say them now or after...

Is it just me or did anyone else notice how quickly that forty second clock started after running plays, out of bounds running plays. et cetera.

Those seconds add up to minutes...O.K. Maybe a minute...
Point is, I have watched enough football in my life. And this is the quickest i've ever seen and makes a difference in the O/U Point Spead IMO!
Look. I'm not a Brady fan by ANY MEANS... (HELLO?! TUCK RULE? F U!)

But at least Brady looked like he cared when he was losing!

Replay this game and look at Patrick. All the fake faces he's making after a bad play. He has a hard time even looking like he's upset in fact!

He Has IDGAF Face!
Well I was with my dad he said tonight, Give me the thirteen and a half over in the fourth quarter.

Yes Dad. You Were Right... I Know, I KNOW!

It has gotten worse with the paparazzi. What a shit show of these cameramen running up to the fifty yard line to get that moment!

The paparazzi are what is wrong with society...
What's the name of that woman interviewing Jalan?!

A lot of you guys are all over her jock. You know the one.
Somebody put a peeping hole in her wall!

She looks like she's on ozampic.
Here we go,,, 40-14, 1:56 left and phil has 4th and 5 around midfield. The cocksucker allowed Pickett to throw a pass instead of punting. I HAD A SQUARE WITH 4-0 FOR 25K...FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!