After the game I


Not all those who wander are lost
went over to a casino where I go to gamble. Now normally I play poker or blackjack but for some reason I sat down and played a computer heads up.playing some game I never play at first nothing but after a while the mahine started blinking very hard. About this time I started hitting rather well. Blinking lights and I have started hitting almost every hand. After a few minutes I stop briefly and look at the machine closely. Then I look some more and say. Astro Fan? A few seconds pass and its Lights explode, While thinking about this I win 3 hands in a row. I pat it in a friendly fashion winning 2 more hands. I had a female companion who was watching our exchange. She remarked Machines do not talk. Of course I agreed. I ALWAYS agree with women. She now wants to leave. I point out I have won at least 7 hands in a row and she looks at me in a very unfriendly way and I say OF COURSE we can leave. I frequently win 7 hands in a row. Me friendly machine's light dim. I said I will be back tomorrow and the lights come back. AS we left I could swear I heard it say GO ASTROS. I regard this as a good sign for the last SERIES. Hope so anyway