After 9 weeks what have we learned in the Niffel?


highest SNF ratings for NBC ever

Pats are for sure still flawed defensively but always good to beat Discount Double check boy
I don’t know how the story became “still the GOAT” last night. They played similar games. One guy has a genius for a head coach and OC and the other tried to be cute way too much last night. Even Brady himself has stated Rodgers has more talent. And BB nearly wet himself while talking about Rodgers postgame. (When talking about TB he never spoke of talent once. All about hard work)

With that said, Pats schedule moving forward is a joke. They will most likely get the 1 seed as KC will lose to one LA team. The AFC is suddenly looking top heavy. NE, KC , Pitt and LAC are going to make for a fun playoff if they keep this up.

Rams defense has major issues and no clue what happened to Marcus Peters nor do I care.

Saints got torched by Bucs, should have lost to Browns and gone to OT with Ravens. But they are damn good.

Fire Bowles. Sit Sam.

Miami is somehow in the hunt still

Have the Vikings turned a corner or is Detroit that bad.

Ran out of time. Be back soon
The Nfl is going through a transition from static boring schemes to a more college based wide open multiple sets multiple receivers pre snap motion.

Teams are employing 3-4 speedster playmakers now—.kc saints pats rams etc.

So what’s the angle?

The angle is the league has passed by the old school coaches such as Hue Jackson Jason garret marvjn Jones Sean mcdernot Todd Bowles Jeff Fisher John harnaugh mike tomlin.

The league now is all about creativity and offensive schemes. Look at Rams before mcvay and after mcvay.

When a team led by a new school young offensive new school open minded coach plays against a dinosaur the gane is a blowout

Mcvay Sean Peyton josh McDaniels Kc offrbsuve coordinator. Matt Nagy etc. Kyle Shanahan Doug Peterson.

These are the guys that are running the nfl. The other guys are just there and are out of touch.

Fade guys like Todd Bowles McDermott and you will be rich.
Look at Carolina how they have drafted players to fit the new nfl.

They first drafted mcaffrey who is another kamara. Dangerous as a receiver runner —.
Then they drafted speedsters Curtis Samuel and Sj Moore.
Signed Torrey smith. Now all of a sudden they have speedsters surrounding the huge Devin funchess and Greg Olson.

This is how you win in the new nfl.
Compare Kc to rams to saints to pats.

What’s the common denominator????

All teams have a lethal running back who can beat linebackers or safeties in man coverage.

Kc has Hunt.
Saints has kamara
Rams have gurley
Pats have James white

Kc has Tyreek Hill. Dominant #1 receiver
Saints have Michael Thomas
Pats have josh Gordon
Rams have woods or kupp

The team must have 3-4 options on every pass play.
Defensive coaches are pure fade material unless they have an offensive coordinator that is creative.

Half these coaches really are incompetent-

Down 28-0. Bills kick a fgoal. 28-3 ??

Jets coach has kicked fgoals instead of going on fourth down.

Let’s wsit for these matchups. Because the game is already over before they hit the field. It’s over in the Film room and in the play sheets.
Pats running trick plays like it’s gojnv out of style. They always seen to work.

If odds are so good at truck plays why not run them more?

I say run 4-5 trick plays a game.

The old school nfl coach is conservative and risk adverse. Jason garret perfect example. A little chicken coaching. Goes by his values and the hukkshit he was taught growing up.

Denver coach Vance Joseph classic risk adverse losing mentality.

1 time-out left at the Houston 35 yard line he doesent try to advance the ball jnto a short Fgoal. Instead he predictably runs up the middle to force mcmanus into a 51 yard fgoal which missed.

Yiu see these guys are finished. They talk good. Sound good. But they are touch with the nfl and the millennial behaviour of players
Baker mayfield was coached by Lincoln Riley. Hot coaching commodity. Creative smart.

Then he ends up with Hue Jackson. Jackson was going to ruin mayfield career. Browns were wide to fire him.
He has no business coaching anywhere. He just doesent know anything. He’s old school and overall not that bright of a football mind
There is no "Jacksonville" this year. The Bears are a year away. Realistically... 4 teams can win it all this year. SD and Minny are the wildcards to unseat one of those four. Six teams... Maybe seven if you include Scamolina.
Well when you get rules like tuck rule invented so that you can move on then you deserve to hear it

That was 18 years ago, get over it. Don't forget about the new sack rule that's confused the shit out of every defensive player in the league because of the hit Rodgers took last year. Nobody bitches about GB though because Rodgers has one SB.
The ESPN Monday night broadcast has become unwatchable....from the stupid little cartoonish things (last night, Mariota on a surf board being eaten by sharks) to the way overly busy score ribbon that tries to tell you everything but how long to bake a potato to Booger's weird on-field riser and him trying to blend in with Tessitore and Witten and then to the latter's useless analysis and equally useless toupee, and on and on.
The ESPN Monday night broadcast has become unwatchable....from the stupid little cartoonish things (last night, Mariota on a surf board being eaten by sharks) to the way overly busy score ribbon that tries to tell you everything but how long to bake a potato to Booger's weird on-field riser and him trying to blend in with Tessitore and Witten and then to the latter's useless analysis and equally useless toupee, and on and on.

I haven't watched one full broadcast if you combine weeks 2 through 10.

Week 1, I got to miss it to see it live in person :rolleyes:
I'll retract my 'The Lions could be sneaky' in the 2nd half of season forecast. That Seattle gameplan/loss did damage for more than one week.

All good though, future is quite bright.
The ESPN Monday night broadcast has become unwatchable....from the stupid little cartoonish things (last night, Mariota on a surf board being eaten by sharks) to the way overly busy score ribbon that tries to tell you everything but how long to bake a potato to Booger's weird on-field riser and him trying to blend in with Tessitore and Witten and then to the latter's useless analysis and equally useless toupee, and on and on.

They‘re trying to appeal to kids
Garrett has some photos of Jerry, farm animals and molly cuz theres NO WAY this guy should still be coaching

Don't forget, Ret...Jerruh is the pseudo-GM in Dallas...I think it's pretty obvious he wants to control every aspect of that organization from owner, GM and head coach...since he's not able to actually coach (although he sure does love to go down to the sidelines and make his presence known) ... what better way to have control than to put in a puppet coach who will do anything you want?

That's why Jimmie and Parcells both could only take so much of JJ. It's the Al Davis complex...makes the current fans almost forgot how historic and well run both of these franchises were at one point.
Don't forget, Ret...Jerruh is the pseudo-GM in Dallas...I think it's pretty obvious he wants to control every aspect of that organization from owner, GM and head coach...since he's not able to actually coach (although he sure does love to go down to the sidelines and make his presence known) ... what better way to have control than to put in a puppet coach who will do anything you want?

That's why Jimmie and Parcells both could only take so much of JJ. It's the Al Davis complex...makes the current fans almost forgot how historic and well run both of these franchises were at one point.

very true....and until the good ole arky boy gives up the control, Dallas will flounder and be a joke.

bring back the Irvin Dallas white house....where coke, hoes and winning was the norm.

for the record, LOVE seeing Dallas suck
The ESPN Monday night broadcast has become unwatchable....from the stupid little cartoonish things (last night, Mariota on a surf board being eaten by sharks) to the way overly busy score ribbon that tries to tell you everything but how long to bake a potato to Booger's weird on-field riser and him trying to blend in with Tessitore and Witten and then to the latter's useless analysis and equally useless toupee, and on and on.
I've started watching it online with the sound off. Let's me be in the same room as the Mrs. while she watches Magnum PI and Bull. Happy wife, happy life.
Cowboys have had the same philosophy since the Jimmy days.....that talent matters more than scheme. Get the best talent, install some simple repeatable plays, throw the ball out on the field and go after it.

But Jimmy started winning in the pre-cap era, when you could hoard backups with starter level talent. Can't do that anymore today. Now every team is weak somewhere. Sammy is right.....scheme is more important than ever. And with the league continually siding with offense and scoring you need great coaching on that side of the ball.

Jerruh has never bought into a scheme approach. Jimmy came in and was all about the talent. When Jerruh got cocky and booted Jimmy out, the talent eventually ran out. So Jerruh brought in another talent acquiring guy in Parcells. And this time Jerruh and his kid paid a little more attention about the kind of talent he would acquire. So after Tuna got tired of the circus and left, the Jones boys have been able to hit on some draft talent at times. They actually draft OK most years. But they still don't believe in scheme. So what they're left with is a team that has have just enough talent to tread water, maybe be actually good if everything breaks right. And they splash around enough to stay relevant. They still get their max number of national broadcast games most years.

And in the end maybe that's Jerruh's real goal. Rings are nice, but eyeballs are what makes you rich and powerful.
We learned that the baby boomers time is up.

Profile of a Baby Boomer Institutionalized mentality Nfl coach.

-Values order and very conservative mindset
-Not open minded - will only run what they know
- playing chess while the creative smart up to date coaches are playing chess.
- Is in the position not for football knowledge but because they are subservient to the owner. That’s you Jason Garrett.
-playing to lose mentality. Rarely goes on fourth down- when trailing in games in second half will kick useless fgoals and punt when other coaches would go for it and try to win.
- puts their ego above the teams success.
- Stands on the sidelines with a lost look on face. No play sheet in hands. No confidence. Just standing around looking like a scared raccoon. Hello Garret Marvin Jones Jeff Fisher
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Profile of a Creative Chess style New Coach.

- Mcvay Peterson Payton McDaniels Kc offense

- Encourages creativity in play calling-
- wins the games by scheming and finding mismatches

- Teaches players and utilizes players to their abilities. Brings the best out of a players skills.

- Makes average players into great players. They bring the greatness out of players. Goff Mahomes eagkes last year. Etc. Bree’s kanara etc.
Jeff Fisher on other hand ruins careers.

- stands on sidelines like a GENERAL. They hold the play sheet like a commander. They hold that play sheet like a weapon. Waving it all over the place. They look very interested in what’s going on. They are planning observing watching the defense.

- takes accountability. Doesent throw players under the bus like the baby boomers do.

Bottom line.

Baby boomers were better at sucking up and great at taking credit while the mcvay style coach is actually good at football and let’s their prodigious talent lead the way.

I believe a new betting system.

Play on any team led by a new school creative prodigious coach against an institutionalized puppet like Marvin Jones Jason Garrett pat shurmur Vance Joseph Todd Bowles.

This is the best strategy I think going.

The games are won in the film room and in the play calling sheets!!!!!
loved MIN coming into the season, but felt their schedule was ridiculously tough. Not sure i like them because losing games like BUF just can't happen when you have a tough schedule. Love Zimmer, but the D hasn't been the same. Maybe Griffen's return matters, we'll see
DVOA has KC significantly ahead of everyone. 9th best DVOA through 9 games in history. (Difference between Chiefs and Rams is same as Pats and Colts) .Not sure I agree there no matter how much of a homer I am.

DVOA also has the Saints as the 4th best team in the NFC and not even the best team in the division (CAR)

Wash and Cincy considered overrated
Denver, Seattle and Baltimore considered underrated

loved MIN coming into the season, but felt their schedule was ridiculously tough. Not sure i like them because losing games like BUF just can't happen when you have a tough schedule. Love Zimmer, but the D hasn't been the same. Maybe Griffen's return matters, we'll see
The offensive line has been a problem too. It’s a mediocre line to begin with but they also don’t have depth. I’m with you though, very surprised to see how poor the defense has been
^^^ Oh jeez, here we go with the calls BS again.

Seems to be a theme whenever pats beat someone’s team, always the refs fault!! Lol.

Strangely to me is nobody ever says that about the saints and I feel that team gets handed more key 1st downs than anyone and has been the case for years (not commenting on last week just overall). Everyone loves brees so it ok refs cheat for him. Everyone hates pats (cause they winners) so always some bs narrative for why they win, as if being the best isn’t the reason!!!
I don’t know how the story became “still the GOAT” last night. They played similar games. One guy has a genius for a head coach and OC and the other tried to be cute way too much last night. Even Brady himself has stated Rodgers has more talent. And BB nearly wet himself while talking about Rodgers postgame. (When talking about TB he never spoke of talent once. All about hard work)

With that said, Pats schedule moving forward is a joke. They will most likely get the 1 seed as KC will lose to one LA team. The AFC is suddenly looking top heavy. NE, KC , Pitt and LAC are going to make for a fun playoff if they keep this up.

Rams defense has major issues and no clue what happened to Marcus Peters nor do I care.

Saints got torched by Bucs, should have lost to Browns and gone to OT with Ravens. But they are damn good.

Fire Bowles. Sit Sam.

Miami is somehow in the hunt still

Have the Vikings turned a corner or is Detroit that bad.

Ran out of time. Be back soon

If pure talent was what made guys champions/successful/winners then Jamarcus Russell wouldn’t be a fat drug addict!!!

Just cause Rodgers has more talent when it comes to throwing a football it doesn’t mean he can hold Brady’s jock! Damn sure isn’t strictly coach and team why Brady the goat and he isn’t.. Rodgers a grade A fuckwad who rather look good and lose than look bad and win. Brady the opposite.
Sorry I couldn't get past the scared racoon and playsheet waiving remarks, very well analyzed
Look at Carolina how they have drafted players to fit the new nfl.

They first drafted mcaffrey who is another kamara. Dangerous as a receiver runner —.
Then they drafted speedsters Curtis Samuel and Sj Moore.
Signed Torrey smith. Now all of a sudden they have speedsters surrounding the huge Devin funchess and Greg Olson.

This is how you win in the new nfl.

And yet panthers pretty much same record they have most years. Garbage rule changes are what is changing. In not innovative drafting small speed burners, it because they not allowed to be hit anymore. Sounds as if you can’t wait till the qb has a yellow jersey and they just do away with offensive and defensive lines. Every game be 40-40, whoever has ball last wins, and ya’ll can gush about “what a exciting game it is”, I just swallowed some vomit.
That was 18 years ago, get over it. Don't forget about the new sack rule that's confused the shit out of every defensive player in the league because of the hit Rodgers took last year. Nobody bitches about GB though because Rodgers has one SB.

No point trying to talk reason w anyone who's team been blasted by pats. In their fan goggled mind it will always be refs fault and not their team was outplayed when it counted!!! Fandom turns most reasonable ppl into anything but!!
loved MIN coming into the season, but felt their schedule was ridiculously tough. Not sure i like them because losing games like BUF just can't happen when you have a tough schedule. Love Zimmer, but the D hasn't been the same. Maybe Griffen's return matters, we'll see

Felt same as you coming into year. Kinda think they have fell in love w their new 30 mil a year toy and have gotten away from playing Zimmer football. Maybe that is some cause of cook being hurt but Murry capable. Far too many games they throwing 40+ times which putting more strain on a banged up d. Need to get back to playing Zimmer ball and pounding the rock. I get it easy to wanna chuck it all over the field with some the dimes cousins drops and those 2 stud wrs but think they be much better served if cousins was throwing 30x a game opposed to 40+!!
No point trying to talk reason w anyone who's team been blasted by pats. In their fan goggled mind it will always be refs fault and not their team was outplayed when it counted!!! Fandom turns most reasonable ppl into anything but!!
I'll play ball

The Cardinals have been outplayed by everyone except the Niners this season. Didn't need to take the red shades off for that one!
I'll play ball

The Cardinals have been outplayed by everyone except the Niners this season. Didn't need to take the red shades off for that one!

I was on niners in zona so feel refs def cheated!! (Not that I watched 1 play, lol).. I did take zona in San Fran and while won that one felt lucky cause niners def outplayed them in 1st meeting! Lol.
I watched every second of that shit fest for reasons unknown, but when Kirk caught that final TD pass we might as well have won the super bowl
Rules do favour offense.

The league needs high scoring to attract fans.

Young millennial need scoring. They don’t have the attention span to appreciate solid defense.

They are in the era of the haves vs the have nots.

Meaning young fans love ballers and guys that produce.

So they are going to love offense all day long.

It’s like any guy who fancies a hot chick because of her body. Same thing. All looks.

But if the league is favouring offense I’ll gkadly make money off the good teams.
Rules do favour offense.

The league needs high scoring to attract fans.

Young millennial need scoring. They don’t have the attention span to appreciate solid defense.

They are in the era of the haves vs the have nots.

Meaning young fans love ballers and guys that produce.

So they are going to love offense all day long.

It’s like any guy who fancies a hot chick because of her body. Same thing. All looks.

But if the league is favouring offense I’ll gkadly make money off the good teams.

I blame fantasy footballl, saw it coming over a decade ago. Don’t get me wrong I’m a fantasy football dork too but I don’t need every player scoring 20 points to enjoy it!!

I’m just not sure I’m sold on your narrative about the haves and have nots cause way game being played outside of a few absolutely dreadful teams (hello raiders, bills, and cardinals) for the most part any team is capable of lighting up/beating one the so called “haves”.

Maybe it cause I play more totals than sides I might not have noticed but other than last week has it really been the “obvious” “square” favs cashing all the time this year?

I thought last week was a teasers wet dream, turns out teasing was a waste as the 4 I turned into a 6 point 2-3-4 team teaser round robin all cashed without damn teaser points!! I have hit a insanely high amount of my “lotto” teasers this year (6-7-8 teamers), I generally do well playing 2 team 6 point but years past pretty rare I cash those ones I play for fun but this year shoot I seem to be hitting one every other week!! Lol..

I focus way more on totals and what I’ve been noticing is one week I’ll like 3-4 overs then the next week I will find multiple unders as I think books jacking numbers cause they scared to death of overs cashing at too high a clip!!! Been really interesting to me. Can’t recall a season quite like this where one week I can’t find a under I like then the next can’t find a over!! Obviously some of both hit every week it just where I’m finding value to make plays has been incredibly lopsided from week to week!!!

Far as sides we gonna start seeing redic spreads when rams play cards, kc plays Oakland, etc etc etc.. I cant stand dd spread games! Imo they practically impossible to cap, of course the fav can cover the number but how much incentive is there? Are you gonna be laying these big numbers? Think they will cash at high clip? I just don’t know??? There 4 dd spreads this week for Christ sakes!! Several more that would be if home/road was reversed!! Guess I’m asking if you really feel there value to be had with the “haves” at these prices?
The offensive line has been a problem too. It’s a mediocre line to begin with but they also don’t have depth. I’m with you though, very surprised to see how poor the defense has been
It's been getting progressively better, though I think last week's effort was atypical. Zimmer has talked about how they've had to adjust a lot because there are about 10-12 teams running a similar system as their base package, so they've been working on new disguises and packages and that has taken time to adjust. Some of the things that got them early (like Barr covering RB's in the LAR game) have been corrected. They have incredible depth on the DL and back end is holding it down. They will be at full strength against the Bears.

Agree on OL. Thin and just not talented, but they have younger guys getting reps (including their 2nd rounder) and they are getting a little better. Reiff has been a disappointment and that's where they need to spend money next year.

Schedule lightens up a lot and 4 division games out of the remaining schedule. Bears 2x and GB at home in there. DET game is away but that looks less threatening now that they seem to have given up on the season.