AFC and NFC Championship game discussion


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I will be on the Colts and Bears. I originally liked the Saints but now I believe that Bears under 3 is a gift.

Fire away your thoughts here.
I've already grabbed the Colts -3/ML. NE are luckly to get their win today and I am not seeing that'll happen again versus much improved Colts.
"I would never react in that way. I was very upset," Tomlinson said. "When you go to the middle of our field and start doing the dance Shawne Merriman is known for, that is disrespectful. They showed no class and maybe that comes from the head coach."
Hunt - I agree on your reasoning with Bears less than 3...seems sharp....but my problem is Grossmanunder pressure can't focus...he just looks and throws...also Hasselbeck pretty much had his way with the Bears secondary...Saints have a lot of weapons, much more than Seattle had...IMO...its tough...dome team in bad will they react to those conditions
LT is a baby.

I love colts -3/ML as well.

Peyton finally gets to the bowl this year.
Peyton vs the Saints would be an advertisers wet dreams so many subplots..
I agree austin, it is a tough tough I will probably flip flop on all week and probably not end up betting, but I think all this horseshit that Saints are a team of destiny because of Katrina and all that jazz is just that..Bullshit.

THe more realistic story is Peyton making it to the SB...Saints feed off home crowd and if you notice they have not played on grass all that much this year, the cold isn't a big deal, but the grass is IMO.

Bears have more veterans, great FG kicker and home crowd. Grossman does force stuff sometimes, but he makes some big plays when he has to, people forget Seattle is no joke, they made the SB last year and are a good team.
there will be good storylines no matter what the SB is, but I really don't want to relive katrina and the NO fans for 2 weeks..sorry. I think they blew their wad this weekend for the nation to see.
Do the bears have more veterans?? I think both teams are pretty similar in age. The question is with the game on the line who would you rather have .. Brees or Grossman
yeah..seattle played much better than I thought they hats off to them and those who bet them today....I would have to lean with the home team less than 3 here...although I'm sure many bettors who got burned laying the chalk with Chicago will be bettign NO to "get it back"
i believe it will be NE and NO in the super bowl....

colts are the worst team left in the playoofs...followed by the bears...
I can't back up the veteran statement austin, I just mean playoff experience mostly.

NO will be a popular play with Katrina and the sexy offense.
paytheline said:
i believe it will be NE and NO in the super bowl....

colts are the worst team left in the playoofs...followed by the bears...

Colts are the worst team:36_11_6:
I have to say this. This is a pathetic excuse for a valid discussion. I didn't read one statement with any truth behind it. Just alot of typing. I won't be tailing any of youz guys! Check out Sportnuts discussion for this weekends games for some guidance on how to cap a game!
Tide High said:
I have to say this. This is a pathetic excuse for a valid discussion. I didn't read one statement with any truth behind it. Just alot of typing. I won't be tailing any of youz guys! Check out Sportnuts discussion for this weekends games for some guidance on how to cap a game!

1. You dun need to tail if u dun want to.

2. Not every one will know how to write the reasoning.
Tide High said:
I have to say this. This is a pathetic excuse for a valid discussion. I didn't read one statement with any truth behind it. Just alot of typing. I won't be tailing any of youz guys! Check out Sportnuts discussion for this weekends games for some guidance on how to cap a game!

i guess goin 6-2 over the last 2 weekends is bad?
Tide High said:
I have to say this. This is a pathetic excuse for a valid discussion. I didn't read one statement with any truth behind it. Just alot of typing. I won't be tailing any of youz guys! Check out Sportnuts discussion for this weekends games for some guidance on how to cap a game!

Nut always has great do many on this board. Let the thread build...let yourself see many different viewpoints..then you can make your decsion bansed upon a nice sized sample.
Austintx_05 said:
i guess goin 6-2 over the last 2 weekends is bad?

Yah..It is bad bcaz u duno how to cap a game :36_19_2: ..Next time write a page of essay about "Why you like the pick" :36_11_6:
Austintx_05 said:
i guess goin 6-2 over the last 2 weekends is bad?

Your a good kid love announced you leave site 2 hours ago..and here you are backing up Hunt's discussion thread..

Good man
I'm not a big regular season football bettor. And when it comes to playoffs, I'm basically a live bettor 1st (getting the Pats at +180 with 5 mins to go & the scores tied this past day, is reason enough why). So pre-game write ups from me featuring a lot of X's & O's arent forthcoming, and anything I was to add to this thread would also be absent such angles.

Concerning the Colts/Pats game, I'll take some shots at what i see floating around about NEG...

The Pats.
- They got 12-1 in playoffs Brady at the helm
- Won 3 of the last 5 SBs w/Belichick
- have the Colts number in recent playoff games
- won the last 2 times these teams have met at the RCA dome (38-34 as 3.5 Dogs in 03-04, 38-17 in 01-02) so home advantage is further dampened.
- Turning down the Pats getting points is a criminal acitivity.

Theres more than a slight hint of whats going around being firmly on the side of the Pats. But whats relevant amongst it all?

The Pats
- Brady's 12-1 record: In playoff games on the road at the other team's venue (while the SB is naturally a road game, thats the case for both teams), Brady is 3-1, with 1 of those games being the game Bledsoe nailed when Brady got injured, so in such playoff games where hes played the full 60 minutes, he's 2-1, with 1 of those wins being gifted by the other team (SD, yesterday). Hmm, thats a far less intimidating number than 12-1.
- Belichick as coach: This guy is a good, if not great, coach. But he doesn't play the game/execute on the field. Thats why he hasn't won every SB for each season he's coached - he goes as far as the players he has can take him. Its just an obvious observation that this incarnation of the Pats isnt to the level of those teams which Brady had around him during their 3 SBs in 4 years run (which again isnt saying something to undersell this team, merely to see them in context). That said, theres no "underweighing" the fact of his presence.
- Pats have Colts playoff number: that is true, with the adjoiner to that fact being we're only talking about 2 games, both played at Foxboro, the nearest one 2 seasons ago - a lot has changed since then, namely Indy being the winner of the last 2 contests between these 2 sides (and while they were both regular season games, they too were both at Foxboro). I give just as much if not more weight to those recent contests, as I do those more distant playoff memories. What have you done for me lately is a cliche not without validity.
- Pats recent success at the RCA dome: As with above, the nearest such result was 3 seasons ago (03-04). Those results are simply far too old to refer too in any meaningful way (the more emphatic win being 5 seasons ago). At best can be used to point to and say Brady knows what it feels like to play and win there (even thou the tools around him now are changed from those former teams). Need I note the Colts are 22-2 in their last 24 home games?
- The Pats getting points: as the Dog (since their last SB win), against teams who made the playoffs, or they met in the playoffs, are 2-3 SU & ATS (which obviously includes yesterdays gift from the Chargers). As the Dog (since their last SB win) against teams who didnt make the playoffs, are 2-1 SU & 3-0 ATS.

Pretty clear delineation between the Pats recent performances as a Dog vs playoff (worthy) teams, vs those not.

As far as the Colts go, try this for a juicy historical post season fact.

Since 1969,

- teams who have won their first 2 post season games
- and in doing so have restricted their opponents to a combined 17 points or less over those 2 games

... are 13-2 in the Super Bowl itself.

Of the 2 teams to lose...

- The 2001 New York Giants faced a team who achieved this exact same post season feat (the Baltimore Ravens), meaning there had to be a loser added to this record, since obviously both teams couldnt win.

- The 1972 Washington Redskins faced that team of destiny in the form of the only ever undefeated team, the Miami Dolphins.

The only 2 teams to have failed to achieve a Super Bowl win in doing what the Colts have managed to do defenisvely to this point, each faced extenuating circumstances.
Here, no other team has achieved what the Colts have done defensively (nor can they, since the only team yet to play their 2nd game - Chicago - has already conceded more than 16 points), which means the Balty-Giants clash scenario isnt possible, and no team left has the undefeated record going, which means the Washington-Miami scenario isnt possible.
Teams outside of said scenarios after achieving what the Colts have done, since 1969, are 12-0 in that season's Super Bowl.
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Good stuff BC; another reason why Indianapolis could indeed be the right side. Their DEFENSE?????

Dungy said before Baltimore. Once is an aberration. Twice is coincidence. If you keep doing it, that's consistency.

That's twice....
Something that has to be accounted for is Peyton's struggles vs the 3-4 scheme coming off a 1/5 TD/INT ratio thus far....
abcs said:
Do the bears have more veterans?? I think both teams are pretty similar in age. The question is with the game on the line who would you rather have .. Brees or Grossman

That sounds like me talking...
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Tide High said:
I have to say this. This is a pathetic excuse for a valid discussion. I didn't read one statement with any truth behind it. Just alot of typing. I won't be tailing any of youz guys! Check out Sportnuts discussion for this weekends games for some guidance on how to cap a game!

Sportsnut is a great analyist - agreed.

BUT, I liked my outcome.

Tide - there are a lot of great cappers here bud.:shake:

We all have our point of view.
The crazy thing is that the main key that has held back the colts the past 3 years is now saving peytons ass..defense and special teams.

Not often has a team played home away home in the playoffs.. I can promise you that was Bradys worst career playoff game and the team still won, thanks to SD's mental mistakes. If peyton cant win this game he will never win one. This is another home game at a shot at the superbowl. Both games the teams are pretty evenly matched. I think ultimately it might come down to a vinateri kick which would be crazy. With the saints and Bears. I think Chicagos defense is vastly overrated and I look for a lot of points. I think they will try to confuse Grossman and make him throw passes in the Middle and take away the deep ball. If Horn can go I think the Saints will have too many weapons and spread the bears out. I also like Payton more as a coach.
Ill go Saints / Colts in the Superbowl.. although Im rootin for Tom Brady.
Sorry if my statement came across as me being a jerk. I shouldnn't have even posted. I just get annoyed when anyone in any argument throws out statements as fact that have no background. Since my post the thread has gotten much more informative and valid. Keep up the discussion, and i will throw out my opinions after i've done more thinking.
It was late and i think everyone has seen enough football to have similar opinions on this game. I think everyone knows what the keys are.

In the Bears Game it will come down to the Bears Defense making stops and Grossman not turning the ball over. In the Pats game it will come down to Peyton Manning and how well he plays.
I mentioned this a few weeks back and up to date the, whatever you want to say I'll be on the Saints this weekend. I have never been convinced of the Bears and they rely too much on Hester and the D to make the big plays. They didnt on Sunday and it nearly cost them the game.


wins have come vs teams with a combined record= 84-124 .403%

They beat 2 teams with win % over .500 (Jets and Seattle)

They have no doubt have been the beneficiary of playing with GB, Minny and Detroit.

New Orleans isnt worlds better than this as they havent had the toughest schedule either

With wins against teams with a cobined record of 68-94 .419%

Myself Id much rather be on the team who knows if their QB is having a bad half or even a series that the same QB will be out leadign my team on teh next possesion / half. Id much rather have the weapons NO has.

GL everyone:cheers:
Leaning With the Saints and Patriots

Right now I am leaning with the Saints and the Patriots.

I just don't see how this Bears team can beat the Saints. I was on the Bears on Sunday, because I believed Seattle was horrible, and I still think they are horrible. Rex Grossman is the most clueless quarterback against pressure, the moment he gets a guy close to him......he immediately goes into a state of confusion and just throws the ball anywhere, or even worse doesn't have any ball security and fumbles the ball. After watching what I did on Sunday, there is no way I can back an overrated defense and an inept quaterback against a team that can put points on the board.

Colts- Patriots I have been on the Colts large the last two games, and they have performed admirably, but can't see them being able to make enough plays to get by the Patriots. The Patriots beat a better team in San Diego by playing smart. Petyon Manning has not looked sharp the last two weeks, and I will take the points with the team that finds ways to win in the postseason.

I will have more to writeup later in the week

was 6-2 the last 2 weeks on sides, but 0-2 on Sunday (that stung)
I'll stick to what i'm most familiar are some of my disjointed thoughts about the NFC game this sunday as I haven't had a lot of time to really think about it:
  • Berrian will have at least one long TD this sunday......Fred Thomas is a goddamned turnstile at the corner.
  • Sean Payton had a mediocre game calling plays on saturday night. Deuce McAllister should have realistically had about 25-30 carries because the Eagles defense was whipped and couldn't stop him.
  • Neither the Saints nor the Bears played what i would call "well" in their games this weekend. Both home teams should have won their games by at least 7.
  • FWIW, it is going to be damned cold in Louisiana this week (starting tomorrow), so the Saints will have an opportunity to get outside and get accustomed to playing in those conditions.
  • Shaun Alexander had a decent day running the ball, I see McAllister having the same amount of success.
  • Cedric Benson will have some success pounding it inside against the saints' defensive line.
I think 2.5 is a pretty good line on this game and, if forced to choose, would take Chicago, but I thought it was ironic that it was New Orleans' defense and Chicago's offense that bailed them out this weekend.
I keep hearing that the Bears have the better kicker in this game.

CARNEY 25 att 23 made 92% long 51

GOULD 36 att 32 made 89% long 50

Looks pretty even to me.I know Carney kick indoors, but he hasn't kicked indoors his whole 17 year career and he is more experienced. Just a thought.
Santacapper said:
I mentioned this a few weeks back and up to date the, whatever you want to say I'll be on the Saints this weekend. I have never been convinced of the Bears and they rely too much on Hester and the D to make the big plays. They didnt on Sunday and it nearly cost them the game.


wins have come vs teams with a combined record= 84-124 .403%

They beat 2 teams with win % over .500 (Jets and Seattle)

They have no doubt have been the beneficiary of playing with GB, Minny and Detroit.

New Orleans isnt worlds better than this as they havent had the toughest schedule either

With wins against teams with a cobined record of 68-94 .419%

Myself Id much rather be on the team who knows if their QB is having a bad half or even a series that the same QB will be out leadign my team on teh next possesion / half. Id much rather have the weapons NO has.

GL everyone:cheers:

i'm with you on this bro. saints have something to play for and that city is gonna be off the hook when they come home with an nfc championship. i think they deserve it, and are definitely the better team. no way in hell i'll be laying my money on REX GROSSMAN and his overrated squad who probably shouldn't have even sqeaked by the eagles. good luck and good health, but im with you

Colts VS Saints in SB :shake: