Adam Silver 'State of the NBA Address' and what it means to us...


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NEW YORK -- With the NBA in good economic position, no markets currently in distress and potential labor issues still several years away, commissioner Adam Silver used his annual All-Star address to lay out a series of peacetime tweaks he's hoping to make over the next year.
Silver hopes to make adjustments in the schedule to allow players more rest, reduce preseason games and readdress reform to the lottery system. He also said he's looking at potential changes to the playoff system that would blur the conferences, but clearly stopped short of any promises on that front.
[+] Enlarge<cite style="margin: 0px 0px 4px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; color: rgb(171, 171, 171); background: transparent;">AP Photo/Frank Franklin II</cite>Adam Silver touched on a number of topics in his All-Star address, including a healthier schedule, playoff tweaks, and anti-tanking measures.

In the big picture, the league and the players are spending their time these days haggling over the coming increase in television money and how they will manage a tripling of that revenue starting in 2016.
With that complex fight over money slowing waging, there has been little talk of any issues that would have a direct impact on the game, such as the installation of long-promised human growth hormone testing or a re-examination of the current 19-year-old age limit. Despite the age limit issue being contractually open for renegotiation since 2011, Silver essentially admitted Saturday that it won't likely be dealt with until 2017, when the next labor talks likely will begin.
What Silver discussed that is germane to how players and fans will see next season is a move to alter the league's scheduling practices to greatly reduce the number of situations where teams must play four games in five nights. There was a surge in those situations this season, mostly because Silver responded to players' requests to extend this All-Star break to a full week.
"We'll come as close as we can to eliminating the 4-in-5 formula, we think we can make a dramatic reduction," Silver said. "We hear everyone loud and clearly. It's a function of number of days in the schedule."
To make it possible, Silver hinted at a possible reduction in the number of preseason games and a possible extension to the regular season. He said the league had also been in talks with television partners TNT and ESPN about allowing more games to take place on Thursdays and Sundays, when the schedule is pared back for national television purposes.
Other issues Silver addressed included:
I am a believer in the conference and division system. I think there may be some tweaks. ... There's certain Eastern Conference owners who want the status quo and Western Conference owners who say change is due. We're going to take a very hard look at it.
<cite style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px 10px 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 11px; vertical-align: baseline; display: block; clear: right; text-align: right; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background: transparent;">- Adam Silver,
on potential conference realignment</cite>​
• With what has been a decade-long imbalance of power between the Western Conference and the Eastern Conference, Silver has responded to some pleas to change the current system in which eight teams from each conference qualify. But he was realistic in noting there is very little incentive for any East team to vote for any change.
"If there was a simple solution we would've made it long ago," Silver said. "I am a believer in the conference and division system. I think there may be some tweaks. ... There's certain Eastern Conference owners who want the status quo and Western Conference owners who say change is due. We're going to take a very hard look at it."
• In October, a majority of the league's owners voted to make changes to the lottery system that would reduce the incentive for teams to finish at the bottom. However, the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority that is required to make such a change. Silver said the owners will re-examine the issue at their next meeting in April, hinting that an adjustment to the rules for 2016 could be in order.
Though he avoided putting it this way, this is essentially an anti-tanking measure.
"I personally believe we need changes," Silver said. "It's largely a perception issue so fans see that our teams do not benefit from losing games."
• Silver did not have a reaction to the players union vetoing the league's proposal Friday on the so-called "cap smoothing" issue that involves management on the rise of the salary cap with the new TV deal. It's complicated -- there are numerous forensic accountants involved -- and the players have no incentive to make any concessions because the current CBA allows them to just let the money flood in all in one year.
It may eventually be of interest to teams who have big salary cap space coming in 2016 such as the New York Knicks, Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat, but it could be a year or more before this is settled.
"It's like a lot of things in business, you deal with the situation as it's presented to you," Silver said. "I don't want to act like this is a terrible problem to have. We will live with our deal."
• Silver said the process of the sale of the Atlanta Hawks is progressing but that no sale is imminent. With as well as the team is doing, there is a chance the current ownership will wait until the end of the playoffs to actually give up control of the team.
• On Friday, union executive director Michele Roberts made her position on raising the age limit to 20 very clear when she said: "Be happy with one-and-done; it's not going to be two-and-done."
Silver has long advocated for an age limit of 20.
"I think it would be much better for the game if the minimum age was 20 instead of 19," Silver said. "I understand the other side of the issue. We haven't had the opportunity to present our side of the issue."
For capping, you have to look at the scheduling aspect. They are trying to get less 4/5 situations. I totally get that and I am sure that would also relate to other situations. They say less pre-season? Absolutely. Teams only need 4-5 games max and you can play your starters more. They can use the rest of camp work to work on end of the roster players. Now, they say maybe make it a longer season. Well guess what, go back to how the playoffs used to be instead of these 14 day 7-round series. It is ridiculous. So, I see some good and some bad wrt capping for us.

What say you?
isnt that pre-season thing a Tony Parker or Spurs idea? I remember hearing them talk about it

to me it's obvious, 20 years ago guys were showing up needing to get in shape, not the case anymore outside a few cases, this year it was something like 23 days

cut it down by 2 weeks easy
Longer season lol. NBA needs a 50 game season or less playoff teams to make the regular season relevant like NFL/MLB
Longer season lol. NBA needs a 50 game season or less playoff teams to make the regular season relevant like NFL/MLB

Christ they could cut the season in half and lengthen the playoffs to generate interest

This league, best of 7 is a's just too predictable

America loves upsets and the NBA isn't set up for that at all
Go back to letting 18 year olds in if the company is willing to invest in them
For capping, you have to look at the scheduling aspect. They are trying to get less 4/5 situations. I totally get that and I am sure that would also relate to other situations. They say less pre-season? Absolutely. Teams only need 4-5 games max and you can play your starters more. They can use the rest of camp work to work on end of the roster players. Now, they say maybe make it a longer season. Well guess what, go back to how the playoffs used to be instead of these 14 day 7-round series. It is ridiculous. So, I see some good and some bad wrt capping for us.

What say you?

the 4 in 5 and similar isnt as much of a big deal anymore, unless it is b2b in denver (if they were a better team)... lines are tighter on these situations, travel is easier for these guys.... i would like to see the stats for the 4 in 5 over the last 3 years both ATS and W/L

NBA needed the fresh start with the commish.. Stern did a great job but he got stale the last 5-10 years working on his legacy -
i agree on less -pre-season..
I would like them to do more with the D-league...think there is some opportunity there for them to do something with this
Longer season lol. NBA needs a 50 game season or less playoff teams to make the regular season relevant like NFL/MLB
How would shortening the regular season improve the product? Kids coming in with no basketball fundamentals other than the ability to dunk is what makes watching games intolerable at times.
For capping, you have to look at the scheduling aspect. They are trying to get less 4/5 situations. I totally get that and I am sure that would also relate to other situations. They say less pre-season? Absolutely. Teams only need 4-5 games max and you can play your starters more. They can use the rest of camp work to work on end of the roster players. Now, they say maybe make it a longer season. Well guess what, go back to how the playoffs used to be instead of these 14 day 7-round series. It is ridiculous. So, I see some good and some bad wrt capping for us.
MLB and NBA both are ridiculous with the days off. MLB even bothers more because it significantly changes the game imo. TV runs the shit though, so probably ain't changing.
From a gambling perspective and not a fan's, 4 in 5's, B2B's and 7-game playoff series are great. Would be a shame if they eliminated the 'situational' side, imo.
For capping, you have to look at the scheduling aspect. They are trying to get less 4/5 situations. I totally get that and I am sure that would also relate to other situations. They say less pre-season? Absolutely. Teams only need 4-5 games max and you can play your starters more. They can use the rest of camp work to work on end of the roster players. Now, they say maybe make it a longer season. Well guess what, go back to how the playoffs used to be instead of these 14 day 7-round series. It is ridiculous. So, I see some good and some bad wrt capping for us.
MLB and NBA both are ridiculous with the days off. MLB even bothers more because it significantly changes the game imo. TV runs the shit though, so probably ain't changing.

Could not be more correct there. I'm surprised by it to an extent. Baseball's season is dictated on playing six days a week for six months. Then in the playoffs you sometimes see two days off between off games (ALCS last year). That's beyond ridiculous.

Basketball is bad but at least sometimes teams do have multiple days off between games. Allowing people to shorten their rotation in the playoffs I believe waters down the product a bit. If I were a baseball GM and I knew i was good enough to make the playoffs I would REALLY focus on getting three studs to start and one monster that could relieve them for multiple innings at a time on any day. That's all you need anymore these days; a fourth and fifth starter is just window dressing.
No doubt. Game is ruined and you hit the nail on the head. Turned a great team sport into a 4 man sport. Can't go back either.
If any sport has been 'ruined', it is the NFL. NBA is pretty big worldwide, much bigger than the NFL. Overseas market with less gambling restrictions laps it up.

Player attitude is what affects the NBA as a product, not the game itself.