Accenture Match-Play Thoughts


CTG Player
I love this tourney like none-other in golf. Anything anyone can add to this is great. Nothing is too insignificant, well almost.

So to those that are unfamiliar with this tourney it is a match-play, single elimination tourney. Players are ranked and then placed in a 64 man bracket, and then it becomes like March Madness in the course of one week. These guys have to win 6 matches, with some of them being 36 hole formats, in order to win the tourney.

Match play is a style that is only used in very few tourneys, and it is a style where only two players can play. You basically go hole by hole. If one person wins a hole they get 1 point. If a hole is pushed no score is recorded and players move on to the next hole.

I know people who don't even watch golf, yet become Accenture Madness freaks when this thing comes on each year. It is awesome to bet on, and creates one of the only venues in golf where you have an actual tourney format, rather then just a free for all.

Like I said this tourney can be awesome for betting. Plenty of oppertunities to bet, and more money then normal is placed on specifically the player vs. player match ups, then in free-for all tourneys. Ways I see people finding an edge are as follows:

- Players are seeded according to how they have done previous. What is probably one of the bigger factors when someone who does not know a lot about golf bets, who is ranked higher. This is something people naturally do, and with more wagers placed on this then normal, real sharp % of money decreases into the entire pool. Thus if you can seed the guys better, and find places where realistically someone should not be seeded higher, you can find value like in any other sport.

-Inside info. Golf is crazy, if you know a couple guys who play or talk to your course pros, you learn that golfers are some of the most laid back guys off the course. They don't really worry about injury reporting because it does not matter as it is a personal competition. Thus, probably more relevant info is actually found out by checking sources or news sites, then you might find in some of the more "mainstream" sports.

-players who are good match-play players. something that is debated, but I believe to be true is that a player must completely get into a different mind set when in a match. You need to be smarter and mentally stronger to win again and again in matchplay. You are constantly weighing what you need to do to advance. Players think about "what they must do" much more in a matchplay then a regular tourney. thus imo if you can intimidate your opponent or get them rattled you can beat them much easier. And the players that know this imo do much better.

Thats about all for now, but would love to get some talk going about this tourney as it starts in about a week, and imo it is the best tourney to watch in golf.
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from another forum......

Match Play Explained:

Match Play: Match Play is the game played by holes.

<!--startclickprintexclude--><!--endclickprintexclude-->Opponent: In match play it is never a competitor, always an opponent or player.

Reckoning of Hole (status of match): Reckoning of holes is kept by the terms: so many "holes up," or "all square" and so many "holes to play."

Halved Hole: A hole is halved when each side holes out in the same number of strokes.

All Square: A match is all square when each side has won the same number of holes as the other side, or when each hole has been halved.

Dormie: A match is dormie when a side is as many holes up as there are holes remaining to be played.

Concession of next stroke, hole or match (Rule 2-4): When the opponent's ball is at rest or is deemed to be at rest under Rule 16-2, the player may concede the opponent to have holed out with his next stroke and the ball may be removed by either side with a club or otherwise. A player may concede a hole or a match at any time prior to the conclusion of the hole or the match. Concession of a stroke, hole or match may not be declined or withdrawn.

Scoring: Match play is scored by holes and each hole is scored by strokes. A player will try to win more holes than his opponent in the course of a match, there are no holes awarded for a half and no holes are carried over. Players will try to win as many holes as possible until they cannot be mathmatically caught.

An example: Player A leads Player B by three holes with three holes to go. Player A now has Player B dormie. If Player A were to win the next hole, they will be up four holes with two to play. The match is now over, with player A winning 4 & 2. Even a half on the next hole would mean Player A is up three holes with two remaining, thus the match ends 3 &2.
let me know if anyone sees any matchups on this event posted early. Everything should be set in stone on Sunday at the latest though with all the players locked in.
bump this up as it is getting closer. I got more to come. anyone with any ideas yet, the field is basically set.
I do like scott, may take him in some form or another. Still have not really capped this thing, that is for tonight.
bump this up, need some opinions.

I'll be posting my bets later tonight and before the round tomorrow AM. tough night of homework for this tonight. But it gets easier as we narrow it down. the way I see it, more bets equals lots more bets to find value in. Already got some I am really liking!
alright, so got a couple I laid now.

Goosen 80-1
Stricker 35-1

Appleby over Clark -150
Ogilvy over Leonard +100
Sterne over Mahn +105
Doughtery over Donald +150

I also liked these but decided to lay off:

Oberholser over Weir
Toru over Austin
Rose over Pampling
Stricker over Chopra
Kelly over Harrington

goodluck.... have some more after tomorrows round.
May take a couple more but here is what I got right now:

Weekely +125
Leonard +100
Fasth +120

also taking outright: choi 28-1

also sitting on: Stricker 35-1
2nd Round Plays.

O'Hern over Pampling

Byrd over Romero

Harrington over Cink

All for 3 Units. I feel strong about all of them.

BOL everyone.
Alright so far down -.75 units in sides. Lost one outright already.

Have still:

Stricker 35-1
Choi 28-1

Plays for tomorrow:

Byrd +125
Austin +100
Appleby -120
Pampling +125
Monte +115
