A short rant.....


Pretty much a regular
Many things in MLB annoy me these days but some of them are more dumb than others. Take for example the Gomez/Braves HR thing last night. Gomez hits a HR and stands to admire it. The Braves fielders are barking at him as he rounds the bases and McCann blocks home plate. Benches clear. The media calls it one of those "unwritten rules" of baseball. I call it stupid because the players have become more like whiny babies and less like men.

Things were less showy in my day. The guy hits a HR and stands to admire it. Take as long as you like. No problem. He rounds the bases too slow, who cares because no one says anything to him. No problem. He comes to bat again and the pitcher puts it in his ear. No problem.

The message was easier to understand back then and much more clear. "Now do that shit again motherfucker and see what happens." GL
There was history there from the game in June though...he was jawing before he stood in the box...it was a lot more than just admiring..the Gomez case, I disagree...I woulda been hot and stood up to him too..

In general though, I completely agree. Panties are way too much in a bunch...this shit always took care of itself, on the field...now they think you can't even pitch inside...it's ridiculous...the Reds/Pirates issues this year a perfect example..going back last year every time they were hit it was huge issue no matter the context...it's little person syndrome and very annoying..
I don't mind that unwritten rule. I hate a couple others. One I hate is you're not supposed to bunt for a hit on a guy throwing a no-hitter. Why not? I hate bunting in general, but the no-hitter's his problem. If bunting is my deal, I'm just trying to get on base. Fuck your flirtation with history.
Many things in MLB annoy me these days but some of them are more dumb than others. Take for example the Gomez/Braves HR thing last night. Gomez hits a HR and stands to admire it. The Braves fielders are barking at him as he rounds the bases and McCann blocks home plate. Benches clear. The media calls it one of those "unwritten rules" of baseball. I call it stupid because the players have become more like whiny babies and less like men.

Things were less showy in my day. The guy hits a HR and stands to admire it. Take as long as you like. No problem. He rounds the bases too slow, who cares because no one says anything to him. No problem. He comes to bat again and the pitcher puts it in his ear. No problem.

The message was easier to understand back then and much more clear. "Now do that shit again motherfucker and see what happens." GL

Gomez/Braves HR thing last night. Gomez hits a HR and stands to admire it. The Braves fielders are barking at him as he rounds the bases and McCann blocks home plate.

I agree with ur premise on the babies of todays game!! But U evidently didnt see the whole thing here.
1st, Gomez did stand to admire his HR...nothing wrong there
But the sonfafuckingbitch mouthed off all the way around the bases staring the pitcher down, THAT PART U LEFT OUT.......that im my book calls for an ass whippen. It didnt happen but should have to straighten Gomez out. And on the way to 3rd base he points to his fucking leg where he was hit in a previous game. NO FUCKING CLASS AT ALL
well maholm had beaned gomez earlier in the year which made him miss the next series, so it goes both ways
I have no problem with pay back, in fact I believe in it. But at least do like a man with some class and not a fucking child which Gomez acted like last nite....or is that what we have all turned into in sports, a bunch of children that will never grow up. Maybe so
oh it was classless, but my point was that maholm's actions certainly played a role

beaning someone is one thing, but when it results in an injury it takes it to a completely different level. the whole thing was corny last night, both sides
This is about the most ornery I've ever seen bloodhound.
This is about the most ornery I've ever seen bloodhound.
Tip, I tend to watch baseball because I love the game. I expect MLB players to act like men, Not like children as players do in the NFL...That why I dont watch it...they have no respect for the history of the game. I think the Brewers management will straighten Gomez out and sorta surprised not to have seen an official apology from him already. Brewers management has much more class than to let Gomez get away with crap like what he showed last nite.
So if a pitcher clenches his fist and punches in the air is not the same thing??

So basically if I'm up to bat for the 2nd time and I was stuck out the last time and didnt like the pitchers reaction when I struck out, I'm gonna throw my bat at him? Seems fair to me.

Admire that shit GOMEZ!
He did tweet an apology for his actions last night.

I'm not putting this all on Gomez either. Yes, he stood and stared a little long, which like said above, shouldn't be a big issue. But what all the replays on tv don't show, but you could hear it live, is once Gomez starts to leave the box, Maholm yelled something along the lines of "fucking run the bases god damnit" Pretty sure that helped escalate it and start the staredowns. Also didn't help that Freeman started yelling and basically chasing him around first. So I'd say each team has similar fault here.
While we are ranting, can anyone give me a good concrete reason why there's no left handed catchers? Seems like a baseball-ism with no good reason behind it.
I loved the intensity and spontaneity. Gomez clearly lost his mind in his rage, like a rabid dog. McCann and Johnson werent taking it at their home. Third base coach didnt even slap his hand, even he knew it was on. Pretty much opposite of corny. But I understand Gomez, sometimes you just get to a place where you dont give a fuck. He was there. Ive been there too.
Couple of things.......

I'm not blaming Gomez for this I'm just saying this shit didn't happen back when. You beaned a guy and kept beaning until it was settled.

Tip, I have been sitting with Blood in Las Vegas when he has had a belly full of bourbon and he's watching the Braves lose because of bad ump calls. Now that was ornery!

There are also no left handed second basemen. I understood that because of a turn needed to throw often to first and it will cost you in close plays. I played minor league ball with a left handed catcher and they always turned them into first basemen. Maybe because most batters were right handed and it might hinder the throw to second? You step to the batter and they can block you longer on second base throws? I'm just guessing though because I'm honestly not sure why. GL
I've been so focused and excited about the peace talks in the Middle East which has 0% chance of happening that I missed last nights Braves game.
While we are ranting, can anyone give me a good concrete reason why there's no left handed catchers? Seems like a baseball-ism with no good reason behind it.

Not sure, but Benny DiStefano used to be a LH catcher for the Bisons, when they were the Pirates farm team, back in the late 80s/early 90s.
That's quite a few off the top of your head. Seems like teams are on a constant search for LH starters, are content to play match-ups in the 7th and 8th, but must have a RHP for the 9th.
Now that i have gone for my three mile walk and have settled down ...
I would like to apologize for getting irritated and Thank everyone for their comments.
Wire, I always enjoy ur rants and 99.99% of the time agree completely. IMO, many have forgotten how act on the field of play and that is something us old timers must live with.

For those that didnt see what happened last nite,
Gomez, the best measure of revenge after getting hit by a pitch is hitting a long homer and staring at it. Gomez was ejected Wednesday night after he launched a home run ball off Braves pitcher Paul Maholm and admired it, inciting the benches to clear and a couple of punches to be thrown as he jawed at members of the Atlanta Braves while rounding the bases.

Gomez was hit in the knee by a fastball from Maholm during a June 23 game between the two clubs at Miller Park, and after going deep off of him during the rubber match between the two squads at Turner Field in the first inning, he appeared to believe his best course of revenge was to stare at the ball as it left the yard.

Braves catcher Brian McCann was the first to take exception, screaming at Gomez to, "Run!" and Gomez began to yell back as he slowly rounded the bases and even got into it with first baseman Freddie Freeman. As he rounded third, McCann blocked his path to the plate and started to scream some more at him while the benches began to clear and a few punches were thrown.

"I've never seen anything like it in my baseball career, whether it be the big leagues, minor Leagues or little leagues," Braves manager Fredi Gonzalez said of the incident.

The home run trot turned into a bit of a brawl as the benches cleared and the Braves' Reed Johnson connected with a punch to Gomez's head while Freeman nailed Brewers third baseman Aramis Ramirez in the face with a forearm shot. Ramirez left the game in the third with a leg injury.

While Gomez's temper flared during the game and he had to be pulled away from teammates as the dust-up extended all the way to the backstop at Turner Field, he admitted after the game that he may have taken it a little too far.

"I did a little bit more [than I should have], and I apologize for this," Gomez told MLB.com. "But if you see the replay [from June], they hit me for no reason, and I tried to get it back today. It's the only opportunity that I have, and that's what I did."

Gomez even took to Twitter to further apologize for his conduct:

The way I carried myself on the field is unacceptable, I should have done better to control myself and set a good example.

— Carlos Gomez (@C_Gomez27) September 26, 2013

Again my apologies to everyone that I may have offended I truly regret it. Thank you and have a good night God Bless. #CG27 — Carlos Gomez (@C_Gomez27) September 26, 2013

"It's nothing against the organization, for the Braves," Gomez told MLB.com. "I respect everyone. I would do the same thing if I'm on the other side if a guy did like I did today. Defend my teammate. But they are not in my head and on my side -- they hit me for no reason."

Gomez, Freeman and Braves backup catcher Gerald Laird were all ejected following the fracas while Brewers pitcher Kyle Lohse led the Brewers to a 4-0 victory with a two-hit shutout.

Gomez told MLB.com after the game that he stared at the homer as a reaction to Maholm having hit him with pitches twice previously, including the one in June that caused Gomez to limp for two weeks which he indicated was "not fun."

Maholm stated:

"Obviously, he held on to it. I guess every guy that hits him, he's going to decide to act like that," he said per MLB.com. "I've hit plenty of guys, I've given up plenty of homers. He's not the first, he's not the last, but I'm probably going to say he's the last guy who's going to act like that when he hits a homer."

Brewers manager Ron Roenicke said that "both ends of it were excessive," when discussing the situation after the incident while also adding that he spoke to Gomez after the game.

"[We discussed] just the whole thing," the manager told MLB.com. "Great, he hit a home run off him, but get down the line. But it's not all Gomey's fault. Somebody starts yelling at you, and he's hot-tempered, and then you get everybody yelling at him the whole way, a guy standing in front of home plate. So he's not the only one that's to blame."

As far as the 'jawing' between home and 1st base, Freeman takes all of the credit..or blame... for that. I did hear the jawing but according to reports, Malcohm was just 'blowing bubbles with his gum :) He didn’t say a word until Gomez passed 3rd base. By that point, Gomez was nearly finished with his tantrum. So I don’t know what you mean by Maholm talking, as if that instigated anything to start anything.

It over with, I have college football to watch tonite and I am going to pour me a Big bourbon :) :)

Congrats to the Milwaukee Brewers management and the team for winning 2 out of 3 against a Braves team that can not hit and will go out in the 1st round of playoffs.

Colin cowherd compared what gomez did to the lambo.leap celebration..ummmm what???????????
I was watching the game....1st pitch Gomez takes a vicous swing (close to dislocating his shoulder) and misses. He then steps out of the box and stares down Maholm with a wild-eyed crazy look.
If I were pitching that fucking punk would've been holding his ribs on his way to first right there. End of Story.
I hate anytime someone says respect the history of ...
baseball - great history there, racism, fixing games, oh ya don't like a guy, lets throw a rock 80 mph at a guy and hope it doesn't kill or ruin his career...

everytime i see a player get hit on purpose, i want to see the batter throw the bat in the direction of the pitcher or walk to the mound with the bat in his hand and maybe then the pussy pitcher will think twice before intentionally hitting someone...
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Couple of things.......

I'm not blaming Gomez for this I'm just saying this shit didn't happen back when. You beaned a guy and kept beaning until it was settled.

Tip, I have been sitting with Blood in Las Vegas when he has had a belly full of bourbon and he's watching the Braves lose because of bad ump calls. Now that was ornery!

There are also no left handed second basemen. I understood that because of a turn needed to throw often to first and it will cost you in close plays. I played minor league ball with a left handed catcher and they always turned them into first basemen. Maybe because most batters were right handed and it might hinder the throw to second? You step to the batter and they can block you longer on second base throws? I'm just guessing though because I'm honestly not sure why. GL
I believe this is the correct answer as to why we don't see left handed catchers :shake:
I hate anytime someone says respect the history of ...
baseball - great history there, racism, fixing games, oh ya don't like a guy, lets throw a rock 80 mph at a guy and hope it doesn't kill or ruin his career...

everytime i see a player get hit on purpose, i want to see the batter throw the bat in the direction of the pitcher or walk to the mound with the bat in his hand and maybe then the pussy pitcher will think twice before intentionally hitting someone...

I like this post
Ray Chapman. Our of tens of thousands of major league baseball players, thousands of them having been hit in the head, poor Ray is the only player to ever die.

And I am all for hitters carrying their bat to the mound after they've been hit but I wonder why they don't? Because they understand why they were hit. And if they chased the mound with their bat they would be hit again or a buddy of theirs would be hit. So they just have their pitcher hit one of the guys from the pitchers team and it will end there.

That is the game of baseball. Like it or not that is how it is played and has been played for over 100 years in the majors. Both majors and minors that is. GL

P.S. I realize it takes all the drama out of it but a baseball does not have the density of a rock so getting hit in the head with one (and yes I have been hit in the head by an 88 mph fastball in "A" ball) hurts like hell and pisses you off but rarely kills you or ends your career.
Ray Chapman. Our of tens of thousands of major league baseball players, thousands of them having been hit in the head, poor Ray is the only player to ever die.

And I am all for hitters carrying their bat to the mound after they've been hit but I wonder why they don't? Because they understand why they were hit. And if they chased the mound with their bat they would be hit again or a buddy of theirs would be hit. So they just have their pitcher hit one of the guys from the pitchers team and it will end there.

That is the game of baseball. Like it or not that is how it is played and has been played for over 100 years in the majors. Both majors and minors that is. GL

P.S. I realize it takes all the drama out of it but a baseball does not have the density of a rock so getting hit in the head with one (and yes I have been hit in the head by an 88 mph fastball in "A" ball) hurts like hell and pisses you off but rarely kills you or ends your career.

Google - tony conigliaro

Herbie Score was too gracious to moan about it, but he was never the same after getting hit in the head by a batted ball. By a fucking Yankee, of course.
I know Conigliaro had to quit the game but he didn't die. That's still just two players, one died and one retired, out of thousands hit in the head. We'll just have to agree to disagree. GL