A Rod buying the timberwolves

IDGAF who buys the team as long as Taylor is out of here. Worst owner in sports IMO. Zero accountability.

Now let's bring KG back to MN in some capacity and make that shit right.
Now I know you aren't an average Joe because every one of them in Minny couldn't stand KG all the way down to the stiffed delivery drivers
Now I know you aren't an average Joe because every one of them in Minny couldn't stand KG all the way down to the stiffed delivery drivers
true, but fans still like him and he would bring interest to the team again.
Lots of writers on twitter saying this may lead to them moving team?
Where would they move though? Can't see A-Rod as the type to take them to Seattle or KC which seem to be the two traditional hot spots for relocation talks although A-Rod in Minny is a stretch as it is

First pro team in Havana?
I do think vegas makes a ton of sense and I'm guessing that's the next move for whatever nba team moves or expansion comes

NHL has been a huge fucking success, the arena is already there

Gambling is mainstream now

It becomes a huge destination for all star game type events
I really believe Seattle will get the next team if it's expansion

Obv a team moving can pick whatever they want, could see Vegas or Nashville for that...gotta think there is no pricier season ticket than NBA and Vegas has now taken on NHL and NFL in a matter of years, that's asking a lot for people to suddenly pony up for all of that in no time