A rant.....


Pretty much a regular
Let me preface this as saying I could not care less about this Winston kid at Florida State. Not that I have anything against him or for him I just don't give a shit one way or another. But what I do care about is this new horseshit tendency for some forgotten alumni to crawl out of the woodwork and bring up some dirt to fuck with these kids if they happen to be performing very well on the football field and the alumni's home school is ranked behind them. You know that's why these assholes keep coming up with these bullshit accusations to try and throw the QB off with all the questions and "spectacular" media speculations. Now these kids have to be distracted and answer all kinds of questions that shouldn't even be raised.

I actually blame most of this on the NCAA who should get their head out of their ass and protect their players. As a former coach it infuriates me that this bullshit continues. You will remember they did the same thing with Cam Newton and badgered Manziel as well. Was Manziel an asshole? Sure. But there is no law against being an asshole or I would be in jail for life.

The solution is very easy. Unless the kid just killed someone last night or committed a felony last week no media or "investigations" can take place during the season after week 4 especially if the supposed "crime" happened last year or earlier. They trot out this bullshit from something that happened in 2012? The NCAA should say immediately "This happened last year and it can wait another 5 weeks before we investigate." If the media had to wait until after the season there would be no fucking story because there would be no impact on the players during the season or the bowls. And it would keep these "leakers" from throwing this shit out there to try and upset the players.

Sorry. Had to be said. GL
In the Winston thing, if it was covered up by the police, then I think the victim's parents might be a little frustrated that the guy who sexually assaulted their daughter is getting tons of media attention and accolades for being such a great person and front runner for the most prestigious individual award in college sport while their daughter is basically told that she should have to just move on because she picked the wrong guy to get raped by. Not saying that Winston is innocent or guilty, but there's no way to legislate when the media is going to release a story, unless you want to live in North Korea
Thanks Wizard. GL

I understand your point gps. I am not expecting a victim to have to ignore his actions. I am saying if this happened last year, as it was reported, why does it not come out until the kid is on the threshold of a national championship. That is bullshit in it's purest form. If he committed a crime last year then he should have been charged and tried last year. Smells something awful to bring this up right now is my point. GL
Thanks Wizard. GL

I understand your point gps. I am not expecting a victim to have to ignore his actions. I am saying if this happened last year, as it was reported, why does it not come out until the kid is on the threshold of a national championship. That is bullshit in it's purest form. If he committed a crime last year then he should have been charged and tried last year. Smells something awful to bring this up right now is my point. GL

I agree with your premise, but like I said, the Winston case is different because of the seriousness of the crime and the fact that there are allegedly a true victim. Cam got kicked out of school for stealing and bad grades, while Manziel just liked to drink and park where he wasn't supposed to. None of that as serious as a rape allegation,.

The media will always use timing to make their stories more sensational, there's nothing that can be done about it. The bigger story in the Winston case is why didn't the police tell the district attorney's office until this week?
The media had to let the Incongnito story get old and tired first and bring this one up. This is one of the slower times of the year for the media, the lure of the new nba season already gone, nfl in the dog days, etc. They need stories to waken people up. If you remember over the last two years the Sandusky story they blew up to Paterno was same time as well as Teo. Now Incognito to Winston. Its what they do, enjoy the ride/false narratives.
Thanks Wizard. GL

I understand your point gps. I am not expecting a victim to have to ignore his actions. I am saying if this happened last year, as it was reported, why does it not come out until the kid is on the threshold of a national championship. That is bullshit in it's purest form. If he committed a crime last year then he should have been charged and tried last year. Smells something awful to bring this up right now is my point. GL

I know nothing of the matter and am picking up pieces, however new evidence might have surfaced so that may why they are bringing it up again. who knows
It came out yesterday bc it officially got turned over to the State of Florida yesterday. The Tally police did all it could to hide the "investigation" and they obviously did a wonderful job of it. This IS NOT one of those times where it is coming out bc where FSU is. If that were the case it would have come out the week of Clemson or at the very least the week of Miami, Fla.
agreed, carolina guy. don't think this is a conspiracy with the timing. also don't think it's safe to assume the tally police tried to "cover it up". it's possible that there wasn't enough to bring it to the DA quite yet. or they coulda brought it to some assistant DA and he told them it's not enough, and the actual district attorney didn't even see it. it seems to me that the woman, or her attorney leaked the info because they didn't feel like the wheels of justice were moving in their favor.