A play bubbling under the surface #4


CTG Big Brother
OK, the 3 previous installments of this thread have resulted in a 1-2 ATS mark, but because the desired lead-in events for said plays failed to materialize, no play has been made (slash advocated).

The target for consideration for this installment is the April 9th fixture in Toronto, where Milwaukee will be taking on the home team (yes, a clash of the Craptors vs Milshitty - whose game will go into the toilet first?)


Toronto is revelling in an 0-3 SU & ATS streak (and, an extended 4-10 SU & 3-11 ATS streak, which admittedly includes 4 SU & ATS losses sans Bosh). This very recent mini-slump capped off a 5th game in 7 days spell, which wasn't that far removed from a 5 game Western road trip. So missing Bosh and then having to get him up to speed off injury combined with scheduling has had it's obvious impact on this team's recent results. Noticably their "best" spell of results during this period came with a string of home games spaced out w/consistent rest (ok, 3-2 SU & 2-3 ATS isn't great, but compared to what bookends these results, they're fantastic, lol). Anyway, the importance of this last fact is the Toronto now gets 3 days break before they face Milwaukee on home turf.

- when they play a game with their season record at exactly .500 or 1 game below .500 (their record sits at 38-39 currently), they are...
10-2-1 ATS in all subsequent games
_5-1-1 ATS when subsequently playing at home
_4-1-1 ATS when subsequently playing a non-playoff team*
*yes, their only SU & ATS losses in this spot came in their very lastest game vs Jersey.

- is 4-1 ATS when a Favourite & playing off 2+ days rest this season


Milwaukee is away to Indiana on Sunday and after that fixture, they get a day's rest then are at home vs the Celts (who'll likely be w/out 1 to all 3 of their "Big 3") before travelling to Canada for their B2B (3rd in 4 nights) date with the Raptors.

- Now, befitting their pathetic record, the Bucks have a couple of striking negative trends running through their season's collection of stats. They presently sit on a 4 game stretch without having recorded a loss by 11+ points, or by 16+ points.
11+ point losses
Their longest previous stretches this season without a loss by 11 pts or more have been by 5 games (twice) and then by 4 games (twice). So their present streak sits almost at the precipice for the indicator that a Bucks DD loss is on the cards. Their average losing margin for when such stretches end, is 18.7 pts.
16+ point losses
Their longest previous stretches this season without a loss by 16 pts or more have been by 7 games (twice) and then by 6 games (once) - the next longest stretch is 4 games, which of course their present streak sits at. If the Bucks manage to avoid such a loss in their next 2 games, Toronto would be the tying fixture to match their previous season highs for avoiding such a fate. Their average losing margin for when such stretches end, is 21.1 pts.

- they are 2-13 ATS off their last 15 ATS wins.

- they are 4-11 ATS in their last 15 road games.

- they have already lost 75-106 in Toronto this season (w/no significant absences).

If you haven't already guessed the prospective play here is Toronto ATS, then I'll postulate that you don't wear shoes with laces. Toronto will be rested and no doubt gunning for a scalp to put aside recent woes, while Milwaukee will be in a spot thats extremely likely to = flatness (especially if they've competed well in their previous 2 games, see below).

The key for this play, as has been for all the other bubbling unders, is the lead-in results. Since Toronto doesn't play again before this game, the only way they can screw this up is if someone significant gets injured in practice (or robs a bank - dont underesrimate the stupidity and/or greed of these players). Which leaves the question of, what do we need/not need from the Fucks....

(1) Ideally we'd like the Fucks not to lose either of their next 2 games by 11+ pts. Heaven would be one narrow SU win & one narrow SU loss (& 2-0 ATS), a liveable purgatory would be one 9-12 pt loss & one narrow SU win/loss, hell (a play killer) would be 2 DD losses (incl. one by 16+ pts).

(2) Ideally we'd like the Fucks to at least win ATS vs Boston the night before this fixture (SU as well, even better). Their record for sometime off an ATS win has been horrendous, so to have them bring such a reality to bare the next night would suit this play down to the ground.

While the ATS win reality would be icing, of most importance is the losing margin aspect. These guys, as the above stats show, routinely (to the point of like clockwork) this season have put in stinkers and now its been 4 games since they lost by a 17 pt margin. Boston w/out their big 3 playing I'd expect get a decent effort from the Fucks (Charlotte this past night were B2B off a SU road win, w/out Wallace, and surely the Boston lineup w/out the Big 3 for the first time were out to prove they're not simply there to merely make up the numbers. Now they've proven that w/a comprehensive win, their desire to waste a ton of energy on meaningless fixtures should wane the more they play). Which means tomorrow's fixture against Indy is the hurdle this potential play has to cross.
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AMazing work bro--

FOr the record I am very big vs the RAPS in the playoffs and the Suns as I think these teams style will get exposed in the post season-

Both teams really suck on Defense--

Both teams have overrated offenses that cannot score vs the ELITE teams-

Both teams have really bad 4th qtr offences also and they really choke away leads in the 4th qtr.

Both of these teams can beat the avg teams, and are a bit better than average- but that is it, they are not elite at all-

My dream is for the Cavs to play RAPS and the Suns to play JAZZ, this may happen
Sammy, agree with you about the Craptors, but they are well capable of dealing to miserable heaps of shit, such as Milwaukee is (witness the scoreline of their last meeting in Toronto).

I could say thanks to Redd's late heroics this past night for keeping the Fucks losing margin to single digits, but even if Indy had ended up winning by 10-12 it wouldn't have mattered - the Fucks didnt put in a mailed-it effort, competing for over 75% of that game. Now they just need to replicate that effort in their next game, hopefully coming away with a SU win (at the least an ATS one), and it'll be all systems go.
Yeah Raps are the KINGS of beating the avg teams, they almost always do thats why they make the playoffs
I agree BC, but more from the Raptors factor. As it has been discussed on the forum, Raptors want to play Orlando, but not Cleveland or Detroit. Right now, they are heading to a first round sweep exit against the Pistons and in order to avoid that, they must start winning and the sooner, the better. Right now they are one game behind the Sixers, with tie breaker on their side and have two home games against Eastern conference lottery teams. After that, they got Detroit on a road, who actually may get some of the starters back to get going in to a playoff form, than Miami, who maybe desperate to win and Chicago on a road and Chicago will try to end the season with a home W. No question that the Raptors have a piece of cake schedule, but they will be wrong to build on the last three games and ignoring the two easy home games.
Toronto should win both games by DD to build up some confidence and only than start comparing themselves to Sixers, Wizards and what not...
-13.5? whose fucking leg are they trying to pull?

Can TOR cover that? yes. Am I going to back a sub .500 team laying that shit? No.
lol, this is crap. But then again, the books are screaming mercy for action on toronto.. 14 is still too much though, ugh
Its frustrating, but my threshold point was around the number 11, since MIL are now at their season high mark of consecutive games without an 11+ point loss (given each of these teams recent ATS numbers, 10.5/11 was an entirely reasonable expectation imo. TOR is just 5-16 ATS their last 21, MIL 9-12). However, they do play Boston away next up so by default given I'm no longer interested in this, I'm for MIL covering and even winning if possible. The Celts should be moved enough to polish off their asses given that shit they pulled yesterday.
Toronto showing no ability to defend (or hit) the 3-ball - they could lose SU

Big FT disparity only reason they're in it
well well I get up this morn and see Tor did it. Still best that it was a no play. (if that makes sense) -13 was just too many to lay:smiley_acbe:
Toronto showing no ability to defend (or hit) the 3-ball - they could lose SU

Big FT disparity only reason they're in it

I've been making a killing this year in these bad spots for teams where the oddmakers inflate the line against them to scare people off. Exactly what happened here.
the oddmakers inflate the line against them to scare people off. Exactly what happened here.

This spread was a 1 possession affair - 1 x 3 goes to MIL instead of TOR, its a win by 12 instead of 18.
You said it - this line was inflated (just as MIL's line at Indiana was inflated, only there the 1 possession went MIL's way instead of Indys, so the Dog covered). You dont make money in the long haul betting into inflated (total or side) lines. It's a bad habit.<!-- / message -->
I had Tor as well and tend to agree with HR here. The line is inflated to draw MILW money IMO as well. They were off OT and playing 3rd in 4 days. The game @ INDY they led for 3 quarters and absolutely shit the bed but thanks to Redd scoring the last 5 points of the game they managed to cover anyway. So then they get Bost on Tuesday and have to rally in the 4th quarter and play OT. Another late season game that is draining and then they have to fly out to TO afterward . Now you can look this up teams playing in MILW and DET then @ TOR the next night tend to struggle badly. Factor in TOR had a couple days off , desperate need of a win , notorious for blowing out teams at home and had MILW already and MILW notorious for getting smoked and embarrassed on the road. Not to mention so typical of MILW to cover the 1st H which they tend to do away and get smoked in the 2nd H..

I was huge on TOR and if at home would have backed it up for the 2nd H cause that game played out like it always does IMO...

This time of year spreads are almost meaningless. Very few wins and non covers. Even all the big dogs ae winning SU because they are adjusting the lines based more on situation then anything else...Knicks +11 in DET another easy one to read or Port +8.5 vs LAL...alot of these type games keep popping up....

So no matter what the final score was MILW actually played better then expected and still lost by 18...everything can be twisted to mean something . Did anyone expect Villanueva to have 27 pts 16 minutes into the game?

at least IMO...
The game @ INDY they led for 3 quarters and absolutely shit the bed but thanks to Redd scoring the last 5 points of the game they managed to cover anyway.

The game at Indy was another inflated spread.

If the line for this game had been -17.5, I'd have passed just the same. And it'd still have been a winner, so I'd still be in the same boat - passed on an inflated line that won, even when I knew plenty of situational angles suited the home team. Plenty of situational angles suited the home team when Milwaukee went to Indiana as well, and I passed there too. Only that inflated line burnt those laying the points. You win some inflated lines, you lose a lot more in the long run, is my observation.
Actually it wasnt BC and I dont mean to argue with you. They were playing Home and Home and I think Indy was -3 @ MILW and won by 4 or 5 cant recall just know I had Indy that nite . So the fact they were less then -10 actually to me signaled the line was SHORT...home court worth a good 8 points IMO if your switching venues -3 should be -11 at least ...so that and the fact tough to win and cover the H and H matchups made MILW a play for me...

So I just have a different slant on it . Thought the line was really short around -9.5 when Indy hosted MILW cause I even remember the Pacers winning and covering -5.5 vs NJN a few times and even the NETS are worth a good 5 points or so then MILW...

I gotta run BC...so maybe we chat later or maybe we just disagree its no big deal...I would have made the play alot of times in my life but I truly feel the situation was perfect for a Raps convincing win. BOL tonight ..
Indiana opened -1 at MIL, by your 8 point swing theory thats a home opener of -9, not (actual opening line) -10. It was inflated.
Sub .500 teams laying inflated lines = death in the long run.