A Field Goal Question....


In transit, arriving late.
I ask this seriously. We can eliminate a target from space.

we should have some laser type shit to really see if it’s through. The refs are underneath, but man.
seems easy for a big business.
I’m empathetic too. It could be hard to see. Just a thought.

On the field I like where we are. They get it wrong often, I know.

but this one seems kinda easy yea?

I’m obviously going off the one kicked tonight that goes really high and above the posts
I ask this seriously. We can eliminate a target from space.

we should have some laser type shit to really see if it’s through. The refs are underneath, but man.
seems easy for a big business.
I’m empathetic too. It could be hard to see. Just a thought.

On the field I like where we are. They get it wrong often, I know.

but this one seems kinda easy yea?

I’m obviously going off the one kicked tonight that goes really high and above the posts
Posts should be minimum 20 feet higher
I ask this seriously. We can eliminate a target from space.

we should have some laser type shit to really see if it’s through. The refs are underneath, but man.
seems easy for a big business.
I’m empathetic too. It could be hard to see. Just a thought.

On the field I like where we are. They get it wrong often, I know.

but this one seems kinda easy yea?

I’m obviously going off the one kicked tonight that goes really high and above the posts
You would think it be pretty simple to have lasers extend the post up. I do recall seeing one on Saturday or Sunday that absolutely looked good to me and the called it a miss.
These will be my last comments on this subject. The elite legal team of Giuliani, Ellis, DiGenova & until recently Sidney Powell are 0-58 & counting on lawsuits that have been decided by a total of 86 judges, 38 of which were named by Republicans, including several by Trump himself. 0-2 in the Supreme Court, in which 6 of 9 judges are conservative, including 3 placed on the bench by Trump. Secretaries of State and/or top election commissioners in 49 of 50 states revealed no systemic fraud within a week after the election (Texas didn't respond to inquiries). The five states in question (PA, WI, MI, GA & AZ) have state senates & legislatures controlled by Republicans & two (Arizona & Georgia) have Republican Governors, all of whom have shot down fraud allegations with a few exceptions in the the various state legislatures. Trump apologist Bill Barr said the Justice Dept. found no evidence of fraud & is now stepping down. There's never been widespread fraud in 240 years of presidential elections, but now since Trump claims there was without any proof at all, we're supposed to buy into this? He started claiming fraud 6 months ago, so we knew this was his plan, but he also claimed the election was fixed 4 years ago because he thought he lose & while he did lose the popular vote by 3 million+, the electoral college went his way. This time it was 7 million. Not a single U.S. Senator has signed his name onto a fraud claim, although Rand Paul, Ron Johnson & Lindsey Graham still may. 106 Congressmen have because they obviously care more about being reelected than they do about facts, truth or the country they claim to serve. Today, delegates to the Electoral College followed the law & certified the election results. One thing I want to know is why, if the Dems somehow manipulated the election for Biden, why didn't they also throw a few close Senate races their way too? After all, if you're going to have thousands of people in on a scam & spend what I can only assume would be billions of dollars, why not make sure your choice for President actually has the power to do something once he's in office? I'm done & won't respond to any other posts because I know it's a waste of time. Feel free to delete or move this post as I realize it has nothing to do with sports. I just wanted to express my concern for this seditious, un-American thought process.
These will be my last comments on this subject. The elite legal team of Giuliani, Ellis, DiGenova & until recently Sidney Powell are 0-58 & counting on lawsuits that have been decided by a total of 86 judges, 38 of which were named by Republicans, including several by Trump himself. 0-2 in the Supreme Court, in which 6 of 9 judges are conservative, including 3 placed on the bench by Trump. Secretaries of State and/or top election commissioners in 49 of 50 states revealed no systemic fraud within a week after the election (Texas didn't respond to inquiries). The five states in question (PA, WI, MI, GA & AZ) have state senates & legislatures controlled by Republicans & two (Arizona & Georgia) have Republican Governors, all of whom have shot down fraud allegations with a few exceptions in the the various state legislatures. Trump apologist Bill Barr said the Justice Dept. found no evidence of fraud & is now stepping down. There's never been widespread fraud in 240 years of presidential elections, but now since Trump claims there was without any proof at all, we're supposed to buy into this? He started claiming fraud 6 months ago, so we knew this was his plan, but he also claimed the election was fixed 4 years ago because he thought he lose & while he did lose the popular vote by 3 million+, the electoral college went his way. This time it was 7 million. Not a single U.S. Senator has signed his name onto a fraud claim, although Rand Paul, Ron Johnson & Lindsey Graham still may. 106 Congressmen have because they obviously care more about being reelected than they do about facts, truth or the country they claim to serve. Today, delegates to the Electoral College followed the law & certified the election results. One thing I want to know is why, if the Dems somehow manipulated the election for Biden, why didn't they also throw a few close Senate races their way too? After all, if you're going to have thousands of people in on a scam & spend what I can only assume would be billions of dollars, why not make sure your choice for President actually has the power to do something once he's in office? I'm done & won't respond to any other posts because I know it's a waste of time. Feel free to delete or move this post as I realize it has nothing to do with sports. I just wanted to express my concern for this seditious, un-American thought process.
so you think we need freakin laser beams too?