A few rants..................


Pretty much a regular
Thanks Tim all is good. Back where I belong. A little rythym problem but nothing major. I appreciate it. GL

First, Eagles fans I feel your pain but you need to stop this bullshit. Wentz had some magic. The defense worked better with him and the offense surely did. But he is gone and no amount of wishing or hoping is brininging him back. The season is over for Philly. It happens. Deal with it. But this insessant horseshit that Noles "can be just as good as Wentz" is fantasy. No, he can't and this team isn't strong enough to make up for him. There's always next year but this year is done. I know, I was rooting for them too. But it is just stupid to keep saying Philly can do this without him.

Mel Kuiper you are a moron. Kid named Riosen QB for UCLA is still your #1 to be drafted QB for the upcoming draft. This is why people, escpescially the NFL people, hate your ass but put your self in their shoes. You own an NFL franchise and some clown named Kuiper has secret stats that say Rosen is the best QB out there. "Take HIM you won't be sorry!!!!!!!" Great except he is damaged goods. Two consussions had him out for a year. Thess are CONCUSSIONS you fucking moron. They are cummulative. They linger and never go away. Now genius what do you think the chances are that this kid gets another concussion, when he has alreasy had 2 in college in the FUCKING NFL??????? Where the players are light years faster, stronger, and tougher? But because you have openeed your big mouth you can't say anything now or the kids agent screams you hurt his draft number even though every idiot knows this situtaion should drop him severely in the draft. Jesus Mel, just stop talking sometimes.

Seriously folks step back and look at what's being said by the so called TV, radio, and sports experts. It doens't make any sense at all. "Why was Fla St so down this year?" because they lost their starting QB. "Why was W Va down this year?" because they lost both their QB"s. You don't just have 3 spares sitting around of equal talent. "Philly lost their QB the new guy will do just as well." I wonder if they would say that shit if it was Brady that went down? Probably. And don't start with me I am not quite ready to call Wentz Tom Brady but this year to his team he was. You know my point.

The people in CTG are thoughtful knowledgeable sports people. You discussions are on a much higher plain that the casual or even the avid sports fan. But because of that it is incumbant on you to enlgithen people. You undertsand that there is more to sports than "Wow that player is really good! This team will win today." So when you hear these people, any people, talking nonsense whether considered "expert" or not call them on it. Thank you. GL
I love reading your rants, you are the best!! You have known me long enough to know I am not kidding!! Once again your rant is spot on. Happy New Year W2W, 3 more months & it's .... "Lets play ball"
Rant it up!

Rosen is the best QB in the draft IF you think he can withstand the beating and not end up being a Sam Bradford (Balsa wood bones). As I read somewhere else, most bad teams that would be drafting high tend to have bad offensive lines which increases the likelihood of the guy getting concussed again, too.
Unless I missed a recent Mel Kiper segment, I thought he said the other night around the UCLA game that he's holding off on who's #1. He was forced to give us his #1 overall and replied, We don't even have the measurements to the Juniors coming out. In this particular interview he was reluctant to give it out. I do see his rankings on the ticker so who knows. Personally, I like Josh Allen. I just don't know his IQ. GL!
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I always have to say this when I say one QB will be better than another at the pro level. I liked Leaf more than Manning. Whoops
What is an Expert?

An expert is nothing more than a person employed by a network. Nothing more nothing less.

They are just employees of networks whose jobs are to Yap their gums and bullshit mixed in with some truths.

Experts have been proven to know the same as any regular person.

The term experts are used because ppl feel inferior and lack confidence in their judgement.
To be an expert in my line of work, every time I get a subpoena to testify in court I have to state my education, my continuing education, my experience, etc. All these guys have to do is talk more and louder than the others, get on TV, develop a contact or two, and they're an "expert" at something. That the public continues to buy it and tune in is beyond me. Couldn't agree more with Sammy and Wire,