A few mental notes that we can't forget


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Hey fellas, Had a bit of a brutal week after great starts in NFL and NCAA but this comment is more catered to the college crowd so I'll post it here.

Looking back over some of my losses this week I've noticed a bad habit I picked up somewhere along the line. Betting on bad coaches:

WVU - looking back this was a bad bet that really emphasizes the above point. Big talent advantage to WVU. A line of -3 (should have been more if WVU really was the play, but I'll leave that topic for another day). What really stood out in this game was the advantage a coach like Hawkins brings going against Stewart. Coaching covered this game and got the outright win for the Buffs. Backing a bad coach as a road fave. DUMB.

TENN - We all know how valuable points are in the SEC, especially for home dogs. Fulmer is flat out terrible. I watched this game and Tenn really had their chances, and maybe not all of the blame goes on Fulmer here, but there were certainly situations early in the game where Fulmer deflated his own squad. A score early here and the game could have gone a totally different direction.

there are others - look at Petrino vs. Saban, Neuheisel vs. Fullmer, Richt vs. Erickson. The list goes on and on.

Point is, Talent will only get you so far, especially with the upper eschelon of schools. We (I've) got to really take a hard look at backing a mediocre coach in the NCAA, and better have damn good reasoning (not sure I can think of any at the moment) before making a play on a team with an idiot driving the bus.....
Funny third. I actually liked the Panthers today but stayed off em cause of Wanny. I do have a personal vendetta against him and refuse to play on him unless he's getting double digits. Trust me, this policy will save me money in the long haul :)
I still want your coach to be run over slowly by an eighteen wheeler for the money he's cost me in Chicago, Miami, and God forbid we mention the Ohio Bobcast game a year or two ago.....
I still want your coach to be run over slowly by an eighteen wheeler for the money he's cost me in Chicago, Miami, and God forbid we mention the Ohio Bobcast game a year or two ago.....

I bet him today also. I still think hes an idiot. His play calling was better today. At least we tried but failed for some big plays, but at least we tried. Glad they won, good game and good atmosphere.

I could see us losing to Cuse next week :(

We have a really talented team. If we had a better coach we would run over the Big East, thats not saying a lot. I think if we had a better coach wed have 1 or 2 losses this season.

I also think that Petrino is a good coach. A piece of shit, but a good coach. Erickson also. But thats just me. Richt and Saban are better then them, but I dont think its as clear cut as youre making it seem
I agree, except Erickson is a decent coach. Way above the other you mentioned that you think suck. There was just a huge talent gap in that game. He's no where near Dirk Koetter bad. You can add Ferentz to the bad coach list also.
Yeah, I should have clarified on Erickson. I don't think he's as bad as the other names I was throwing around, but he's not on the same level as Richt.

I'll stand by my comments on Petrino. He inherited a team that John L Smith built and did pretty good with them for a while, but that program had be free falling since Petrino arrived. And his NFL stint is the stuff of legend. His teams are always undisciplined - a sign of poor coaching.
More and more coaches are realizing the benefits to the program for covering the number.

Spots where we ALWAYS used to see teams take a knee , we now see them trying to score when it effects the spread.

happy boosters with more money = less heat for coach and more booster money for program. See urban meyer , harbaugh , patterson amongts a couple of others.
More and more coaches are realizing the benefits to the program for covering the number.

Spots where we ALWAYS used to see teams take a knee , we now see them trying to score when it effects the spread.

happy boosters with more money = less heat for coach and more booster money for program. See urban meyer , harbaugh , patterson amongts a couple of others.

I remember seeing a break down of "covering" coaches, and it was a chart of coaches who consistently covered, some times in Meyer fashion. Mack Brown, Pete Carrol, Urban Meyer... those were a few. Mike Leach has a propensity for it because he is always going to run his offense. He' rather run up the gut for 1 yard than be safe and have the QB take a two yard knee loss.