9:30 PM EST Saturday: Hawaii at UNLV....


Big Kahuna
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Notes:

Crappy way to start my 5<SUP>th</SUP> year posting with the La Tech game…..
- Bizarre start to the La Tech game was an ominous sign of things to come. A 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct before the kickoff? Hawaii performs their Haka War dance 75 yards OFF the field and OUTSIDE the stadium and gets flagged? Hawaii has never been penalized for the Haka before, and now they do for doing it far away and before the game starts? La Tech gets the ball at the 50 to start the game….
- Nick Saban disciple Dooley definitely has La Tech going in the right direction…La Tech has a bright future…La Tech and their fans treated this game like the Super Bowl and played like it, my respect goes out to their program.
- Hawaii played terrible and La Tech played perfect. Three Hawaii turnovers (to zero) led to 17 La Tech points, more penalties, two missed field goals, several dropped passes, and blown defensive assignments. Southern heat and humidity put Brennan and several other players on IV fluids…..and <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
<st1:place>Hawaii</ST1:place></st1:State> still won…..

- </O:p
- Brennan was awesome as usual……<st1:State><ST1:pHawaii</st1:State> should not be Top 25…..and again, even if <st1:State>Hawaii</st1:State> runs the table they should NOT be allowed into the BCS.

I went to the last UNLV game and will be headed to Vegas tomorrow for this game as well. Like before, more than half of UNLV’s stadium will be Green with <st1:State><ST1:pHawaii</ST1:p</st1:State> fans….Las Vegas is called the 8<SUP>th</SUP> Island for a reason. 50,000 Hawaiians call Vegas their home and an estimated 20,000 more are expected to make this trip. Everyone comes to <st1:State>Hawaii</st1:State> for vacation; everyone in H<st1:State>awaii</st1:State> goes to <st1:City>Las Vegas</st1:City> for vacation.
This game, if it is like the last game, will be the most exciting sporting event you can EVER go to. You take 20,000 drunk, gambling Hawaiians and throw them with 15,000 or so UNLV fans from the trailer parks and you get mayhem….UFC has got nothing on this event. Last game I witnessed at least 7 absolute brawls in the stands including one guy getting stabbed next to me and literally falling about 10 feet into a tunnel. Security and LVPD were stretched so thin people were leaving the game early in hoards to get out of the mayhem…..
My Picks and Reasons Why:
<st1:State><ST1:pHawaii</st1:State> is going to be such an unpopular pick this week with the way they played last week. Great……someone posted the record of betting against the line movement of Hawaii games last year, and it was like 75%+…..My largest bets last year were against Alabama and Boise when everyone pounded the line up against Hawaii…..
So <st1:State>Hawaii</st1:State> played a terrible ass game against an inspired team… So UNLV played perfect chip away offense versus <st1:State>Wisconsin</st1:State>……
<st1:State><ST1:pHawaii</st1:State> got their scare (honestly, they should have lost) and will definitely adjust….
You saw Brennan and company at La Tech, nothing is wrong with the offense…..600 yards ain't too shabby despite looking horrid…..a quick hitter offense is exactly what UNLV does not need to see…..
It’s gonna be hot in Vegas, but it will dry heat…..much better than <st1:City>Ruston</st1:City>, <st1:State>La.</st1:State> Also, this game has an evening start time and should be a little cooler.
No bet yet, but I can only see value in <st1:State>Hawai</st1:State>, especially if the line goes under 17 like I expect…..
Will place 550 to win 500 at Golden Nugget at -17 or better…..
1100 to win 1000 on OVER 6 Fights in stands…..(I expect more security, but this will be a large and hostile H<st1:State>awaii</st1:State> crowd on vacation)
1100 to win 1000 on UNLV -2 in Brawls Won (Most fights I saw last time were started by drunk Hawaiians, and UNLV fans tend to carry weapons and defend their home turf well).
GL in whatever you play……:seeya:

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Thanks for the insight into last week's game, HG! That's shitty about the pre-game penalty...shouldn't have happened.

I'm staying away from the Rainbow Warriors this week...but GL! :cheers:
Nice write-up as usual. The Rainbows burned me last week for my only loss but I agree with ya on this game. I'm leaning there way again this week if I can get the number I'm looking for.
Does the team fly back to the island and then back to again to Vegas?

that has to take its toll? I would think.
Crappy way to start my 5<SUP>th</SUP> year posting with the La Tech game…..
- Bizarre start to the La Tech game was an ominous sign of things to come. A 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct before the kickoff? Hawaii performs their Haka War dance 75 yards OFF the field and OUTSIDE the stadium and gets flagged? Hawaii has never been penalized for the Haka before, and now they do for doing it far away and before the game starts? La Tech gets the ball at the 50 to start the game….


wow! Thats ridiculous

Does the team fly back to the island and then back to again to Vegas?

that has to take its toll? I would think

wondering that myself

I do think last weeks results give UH some value here
wow! Thats ridiculous

wondering that myself

I do think last weeks results give UH some value here

No, Hawaii was based in Houston at Rice Universitry before the La Tech game and have been there ever since.

The Houston Texans offered Hawaii their facilities but the NCAA won't allow it. I am still interested myself why Rice would be so gracious to host Hawaii for so long. Very generous of Rice.
Bizarre start to the La Tech game was an ominous sign of things to come. A 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct before the kickoff? Hawaii performs their Haka War dance 75 yards OFF the field and OUTSIDE the stadium and gets flagged? Hawaii has never been penalized for the Haka before, and now they do for doing it far away and before the game starts? La Tech gets the ball at the 50 to start the game….

June Jones stated today on the radio that they will do it again and take the 15 yard penalty again. He feels that it's important enough to the team that he'll take the penalty every game.
good for him.

Hawaii team stayed in Texas. I bet them last week, and i'll probly do it again.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Notes:

<o =""><o ="">
<o ="">:p</o>:p
1100 to win 1000 on UNLV -2 in Brawls Won (Most fights I saw last time were started by drunk Hawaiians, and UNLV fans tend to carry weapons and defend their home turf well).
<o ="">:p</o>:p


I had to side with hawaii here. I think with heighted security Hawaii fans can win in hand to hand combat.
HG - Great writeup as always. Hawaii was one of my early leans this week as I am just waiting/hoping for the line to hit 16.5 and then I will jump on it, as I like anything under 17 in this one. Best of luck the rest of the way, as you are the definition of consistency year in and year out.
That's bullshit that Hawaii got penalized in the first place. If it happens again, I will be thoroughly disgusted. There's no disrespect involved when Hawaii players do the dance. Somebody with power/authority in the NCAA needs to do something to prevent another bullshit penalty like that.
No, Hawaii was based in Houston at Rice Universitry before the La Tech game and have been there ever since.

The Houston Texans offered Hawaii their facilities but the NCAA won't allow it. I am still interested myself why Rice would be so gracious to host Hawaii for so long. Very generous of Rice.

Don't get the NCAA involved , they will probably say that the hawaii nickname is offensive to Warriors and that war in itself is a bad thing and they must change their nickname to Hawaii Nice Folks or some other politically correct crap. They won't stop with banning the dance. This is so stupid ...... let the kids have some fun ... it's not to embarrass the other team.

Great info as always HG ... I think you are right ... but as a local I will be cheering for the mighty rebels.
Thanks for the info. The PR director from Rice must get a free vacation to Hawaii.
do they honestly have those props? lol, i'd throw 50k on it and bring buddies to the game and start at least 10 hahaha
Yo HG.........I'm coming to Vegas to see my boy and we didnt want to miss out on Colt and crew.

We'll be in section 114, laying the 17.........Go Bows!
HG - What a great writeup. I can't wait. Wife & I are flying out Fri afternoon, we will be at the game as well.
I too am waiting for the "anything below 17".
As well as the fireworks in the stands, I am looking forward to what I hope will be a 600+ yds type of game. June Jones will have them ready and as you've already stated, there'll be plenty of 'family' in the stands and these guys will be playing
some smashmouth fo' sho'.

Also playing:
Mizzou -20....their Home Opener.....It's Hammer Time
Tx Tech -28.....did I say Hammer Time......ewwee, more offense!!!!
Houston -14......this line is disrespectful, Hammer em now.
Hawaii -16.5 (waiting).....did I say Hammer Time'an_horse'

All 4 very promising offensive minded teams.

:cheers:Best Of Luck in Vegas:cheers:
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Good health Hawaii bro. I honestly could give a shit about UNLV but since I live here and they are the only team I can actually watch live I feel like I'm sort of a fan but not really. Does that make sense? If not then I guess you just gotta live here lol
HG - Hope you enjoy the game. I didn't get the package this year, so watching each game can't happen till 2130 on Saturday nights. Anyways, I got back from the south on Sept 5 with a stopover in Vegas for 4 days. The humidity in Arkansas or down south was brutal and people from Hawaii definately take more than a week to get adjusted to.

As for Vegas, it was hot but as you stated it is a DRY heat and I believe that Hawaii will find it a bit more bareable than that of last week at LA Tech. There were somethings that I noted that were disturbing, we had "NO" outside containment on D and definately miss Alama-Francis. The reason I bring that up is because last week against Wisconsin the UNLV QB got outside the ends quite a few times with his quick feet.

Still I think Hawaii will win by at least 28 here. My only question is which line will I hit as I love quarter bets, just can't get a quarter line as I am typing here. I am guessing if I can get it, that it will be 1st Qtr -5 and I will take it if I get a chance.

GL - Hope to be next to you in the Winnaz circle! Auright!