7- TU


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
Perfect situation imo

NYG -2.5, TU WIN
Vikes -3, 4U
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Would like to hear your thoughts as well This is a game I scratched off the card early. Giants with O-Line issues against a solid D-Line of the Rams,and Quinn is a go. Giants 3rd road game in 4 weeks. The only thing situationally I see is the fact the Rams went over early in the week on Tuesday and could be treating it as a vacation.

Whatcha got Tee?
Yeah like it a lot. Best player on the field on either side has had this one circled very early in the year. Janoris Jenkins. Has the ability to take away half the field and though case Keenum play nearly perfectly last week sheep still lose that . That kind of performance will be nearly impossible to repeat. Sheep are paper thin in the secondary with Tremaine Johnson still out. Giants will score, sheep can't keep up. Travel situation as interesting as Rams have done the leave early thing in the past. That shit never works out