7/16 plays


Freelance Gynecologist
will most likely keep posting in this thread for about a week.

before the honeymoon I was at 54-54 +2.965. Ready to get right back into it and try to hit that 7 unit goal.

all lines from matchbook.

stl ov 9.5 -107
col -109
hou -106
tor +148
tx +140

good luck all
2-3 -.73 yesterday

56-57 +2.235

all these from 5 dimes reduced.

stl -104
col -107
sfg +126
lad -132
sea -1 (.60 to win .39 @ -155, .40 to win .57 @ rl +143)

couple more are looking good, but will wait and see where the line settles.
9-3 +7.10
65-69 +9.335

7 unit goal has been met. time to figure out something else to strive for.
next goal is an even 10 units.

pit -108 (half )
Pit un8 -104 (half)
Wash un9 -117
sf +158
sf un 8.5 +110 (half)
Cincy +149

all from MB, that's a start
morning starts not looking good. pushed with the pit total in the bottom of the ninth, and cincy just got 2 in the extra frames to maybe salvage something.

stl ov 9.5 -111
nym -103
kc +172 (half)
tb ov 9 -114
det +191
det ov 8 ev

And matchbook has cabrera listed as the pitcher now, did balt scratch bedard?
3-7-2 -2.11 yesterday

not the way I wanted to start, but them's the breaks.

split the morning, hopefully the evening slate is better.

philly +115
tx +143
wash +100

lines from MB
3-4 -1.12
6-11 -3.31 towards the new goal.

Pit +106 5d Snell couldn't stop the bleeding, can Gorzo do it. Luckily Oswalt is not the same guy as in years past. I hate that Pitt has been kinda terrible lately, but Houston hasn't been setting the world on fire either.

Sea +102 5d Toronto getting back home after a bit of a trip. Seattle first game of the trip. gutsy performance for the Jays to get the cash against Wang today, but they are running into a team that is lighting it on fire, again. I can back them, and a decent enough road pitcher as a small pup.

Kc +164 5d Probably one of the pitchers I have bet on the most this year, and who is usually in the dog role is Meche. I really like his attitude. He's catching a team returning home off a sweep of the twins and winners of their last 4, and I hate to use the word, but possibly in a letdown situation. Detroit did use their Pen a bunch, so if the gambler isn't sharp, and he has been pretty good thus far in his shortened season, KC will have that going for them. Maybe detroit can squeak out a win, but only if Meche isn't sharp and his recent performance of 19er in his last 5 says maybe not. I think it will be a close ugly one, which is why I am considering a RL play for insurance, and an under for the trifecta. but those are still on the possible list.

Others of interest, but I am trying to limit stuff now since I got add happy during the midweek:

ariz -113
kc RL -125
kc u9 -110
oak -108
min +121
cle -135
bos RL -103
lad +106
philly +124

Considerable movement in any of these could put me over the top with them. CLe and Bos are about the last ones I would add.
2-1 +1.66 yesterday
8-12 -1.65

all lines from mb

tb un11.5 -102 gm2
kc +226 (half)
min even
wash +110
nym u8.5 -104
cincy +137
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sf +102
det even
kc +1.5 +104
tx -115

lines from MB

2-4 -1.46 on sat
no plays sunday
10-16 -3.11
tor -113
pit ov 8 +107 5d
cubs -129
milw -125

all lines from MB unless specified. kinda of a chalky day, but that's the way it is I guess sometimes
3-0 yesterday +3
21-25 -1.35

col -107
tx +120
oak +156
az -120
cws -112
min +129
det +133

all lines from MB
2-4 -2 yesterday
22-29 -3.35

could have been worse. would like to play stl tomorrow, they are pretty good after a whuppin, but sometimes dh's cause funny lineup shifts. if line goes down, maybe I will bite small. Yankee under looks good at first glance. One I am already down on.

Cincy u9 -115 5dimes

I'm like marshall, and his unders have done me well from time to time. Reds are not as prone to hitting lefties, and harang should keep the cubs hitters off balance. In this park, it is sometimes hard to take unders, but one must hit to score runs, and these 2 pitchers can cause a lack of that if they are on their game.
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3-2 +1.21
25-31 -2.14

harang getting injured really sucked, but marshall held up his end, and at least I got a push, with bases loaded, no out in the bottom of the ninth. At least I think that is how it went.

min +175 MB
Balt +167 MB
TB +137 MB

first two seem to be moving away from where I first saw them, and I like Tampa where its at. After going thru the card, there are 16 plays I feel comfortable with, I think I need to narrow it down. Det will be a play, unless the line shoots up huge. Oak reminds me of a play I made against the angles in game 1 of the det series, which lost, so I like Oak.

BTW, if anyone sees this, the new Miller "Chill" sucks. Waste your money on something else, like Milwaukee's best, before you buy this garbage. You can't be a critic unless you try it.
1-2 -1.14
28-40 -7.72

worst losing streak I can remember for the year. Probably will call it quits after today, win or lose. Won't rule out an occasional play here or there.

stl -121
atl -1 +104 (ml-139, rl +147)
sf -102
mn -126
tx +181

all from MB
well, my baseball season has basically come to an end. I had fun and learned a ton. Thanks to all the guys on here who take the time to write stuff everyday. That info was/is gold.

I may do a play here or there as the football lines are out, and it is getting to be that time. My final record should serve notice to those that like the fav's, it will make you go broker faster.

265-266 +26.335 units

that includes being down 8 +units over my last 73 plays. I'm still paying attention to the bases, and I hope to contribute some to the overnight discussion, when applicable.

Good luck going forward folks, it's been great.