64 Million Dollar Swing on the PITT TD taken away

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Bookies Win Millions, Bettors Lose on Bad Steelers Call

by RJ_Bell on 11/16/2008 7:56 PM
An Estimated $64 Million Swing in Favor of Bookies

Las Vegas (November 16, 2008) - The Pittsburgh Steelers were 5 point favorites over the San Diego Chargers on Sunday. As time expired, the Steelers scored a touchdown to put them up by 7, with the extra point pending. Then came a video review. The official initially announced the ruling on the field was upheld and the touchdown counted. But the officiating crew huddled again and changed the call - taking the points off the board without explanation. The game was ended with Pittsburgh the 11 to 10 winner. Pittsburgh bettors lost. After the game, the official admitted that a mistake was made, and the touchdown should have counted.

An estimated 100 million dollars was wagered worldwide on the Pittsburgh/San Diego game, according to RJ Bell of Pregame.com. Approximately 66% of that money was on the Steelers; with only 34% on the Chargers.

"If the touchdown was properly upheld, Steelers bettors would have won about 32 million dollars instead of losing big. This admittedly incorrect call resulted in a 64 million dollar swing in favor of the bookies," said RJ Bell of Pregame.com.

MEDIA NOTE: Print, radio, TV, and Internet media should feel free to quote any information above. Please attribute: RJ Bell of Pregame.com. For follow-up questions, or media appearances, email: rjbell@pregame.com
Common sense, when its a matter of millions they make sure that the Fix is in, trap everyone in it, then take the money blatantly, then get Collinsworth to do PR work and then get the REF to take the blame so the NFL is absolved of any wrong doing---

NFL is a joke-- scammers and crooks are running that league, they stole from everyone in broad daylight because they can, they are powerfull and we are degenerates and they know that.
Have we heard of Pregame.com ? or ....


All Games are FIXED ! Prayed to GAMBLING GOD - You wagered on the RIGHT SIDE !
I was listening to Mike & Mike on ESPN radio on my morning commute, and they were getting hate mail by the truck load because they were saying the NFL is not fixed.
It's interesting how the result benefitted the books. But I still think it's more "dumb ref" vs. fix. Now if there was a fix, do you really think they would have called a holding on the running play that would have been a TD? Then hope for a miracle TD on a defensive play? But I agree, there was nothing in the replay that should have changed the ruling on the field, which was a TD. Just a strange game and ending.

But up until Donahue, I didn't believe in fixes in the NBA.
The SB between Seattle and Pittsburgh long ago showed the world where the NFL refs are at. This latest fiasco is simply something to be added to the footnotes.
well, to make it not so bad for pitts bettors, san diego was covering the entire 59 minutes and 59 seconds, it was pretty much a loss for pitts bettors
i'm ohh so glad i didn't take the steelers -5 for the game and only pushed my 2H -3 bet.... still feels like a loss though...
The SB between Seattle and Pittsburgh long ago showed the world where the NFL refs are at. This latest fiasco is simply something to be added to the footnotes.

don't even start with that SB fix crap! Pittsburgh won that fair and square!

don't even start with that SB fix crap! Pittsburgh won that fair and square!


I won money on that game, but c'mon man...that was some ridiculous shit in that game, so many blatant calls favoring Pitt - it was astonishing
don't even start with that SB fix crap! Pittsburgh won that fair and square!

Agreed. And I'm nowhere close to a Steeler fan. Yes, the NFL wanted Pittsburgh to win that game, but they were the better team and the calls in question, the vast majority of them were the right call.
tito - they were blatant calls that were made correctly... isn't that what's suppose to happen? i just hate hearing people complain about that game when clearly the Seattle penalties were made and got called by the officials....

the nature of the game is that one team may get penalized more than another, but that isn't always caused by the officials favoring one team over another...
The 'Hawks have nobody to blame but Jeromy Stephens...that alley raper was the issue, not the zebras.


that chump talked the talked, but failed to walk the walk in the big game... we haven't heard from him since .... not a surprise really...
Bad calls based on subjective judgment are going to happen, it is part of the game. We can all bitch about games where we were shafted because of a bad judgment calls.

This game was different because it was based on an official misinterpreting a rule. Rule misinterpretation should not happen at the NFL level--it is simply inexcusable.
Bad calls based on subjective judgment are going to happen, it is part of the game. We can all bitch about games where we were shafted because of a bad judgment calls.

This game was different because it was based on an official misinterpreting a rule. Rule misinterpretation should not happen at the NFL level--it is simply inexcusable.
don't even start with that SB fix crap! Pittsburgh won that fair and square!

Since I know who you support it makes sense you hold such a view. At the time I posted a link at blankets to a blog which highlighted, with text and pics, all the bullshit calls beautifully - a number of rabid Pitt defenders either shut up quick or even, in a couple of instances, actually changed their tune after giving said link the time of day. Unfortuntely it's long since been lost to the ethers (the blatant hold in front of a ref on Pitts game deciding long rushing TD was especially well highlighted).
I won the Pitt TT Under that day so I've no betting axe to grind re; that game at all, and neither do I love or hate either team involved. But I know what I saw without any bias, and that game stunk as much as any sports game I've ever paid attention to.
tuna - i agree.... they got the call right (they said the TD stood) initially, then huddled up again and changed it... they then confirmed in the post game that they fucked up and their initial call was right....

it's really unfortunate that even after admiting the mistake the NFL wont change the score....
Bad calls based on subjective judgment are going to happen, it is part of the game. We can all bitch about games where we were shafted because of a bad judgment calls.

This game was different because it was based on an official misinterpreting a rule. Rule misinterpretation should not happen at the NFL level--it is simply inexcusable.

very well spoken :shake:
BC - find me the link or GTFO! i will not tolerate Steelers SB win bashing!

I agree with you BC, the Seahawks got shafted in that game. That first touchdown to believe Darrel Jackson where they said he pushed off should have been a no call. After that, it was a barrage of more calls favoring the Steelers. Congrats Pitt fans you won, and nothing will change that, but to think the game was officiated fairly is absurd.
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well it's even more absurd to think every game that is played in the big leagues (nfl, nba, nhl, mlb) is officiated fairly....

you guys say the refs were on Pittsburgh's side in the SB win, but what about a few years later the playoff loss to JAX.??? remember that obvious holding on JAX, right in the middle of the field, at the end that was not called and allowed Garrard to run right up the middle to kill the clock.... why wasn't that hold called huh? i'll find you pictures if you want....
I've lived in Pittsburgh for 25 years and I've never once heard a Steeler fan admit that a bad call went in their favor. But boy do we hear about the ones that go against. It has sustained sports talk radio here for over a quarter century.
Since I know who you support it makes sense you hold such a view. At the time I posted a link at blankets to a blog which highlighted, with text and pics, all the bullshit calls beautifully - a number of rabid Pitt defenders either shut up quick or even, in a couple of instances, actually changed their tune after giving said link the time of day. Unfortuntely it's long since been lost to the ethers (the blatant hold in front of a ref on Pitts game deciding long rushing TD was especially well highlighted).
I won the Pitt TT Under that day so I've no betting axe to grind re; that game at all, and neither do I love or hate either team involved. But I know what I saw without any bias, and that game stunk as much as any sports game I've ever paid attention to.

The same postseason where the officials CLEARLY tried to give the Steelers/Colts game to the Colts, but couldn't pull it off.
Lost in the whole arguement is you have actually human beings officiating these games . People with flaws , questionable intelligence and trusted to make important decisions in the eyes of the sports gambler . Forget fixes and all that for a moment . How about incompetence ?

Would assume most of you guys have played sports and in alot cases like me a ton of sports . How many times have you been frustrated by officiating ? I play about 200 or so organized basketball games a year . That are officiated by HS and college refs . Let me tell you I have seen some of the most absurd shit . Now these guys are doing are the local HS and college games. Okay not Big East games and there isnt that much solid D1 basketball in this area at the college level (more in NJ then NY probably) . These guys are fucking terrible !!!! I cant tell you how many Ts I have received and how many times I boiled over to the point where I wanted to or asked one of these guys to step outside . Not so much for their officiating but for the terrible attitude they have when challenged on a call . I know guys who have done ACC and Big East games and they just regular joe smoes . Alot of these guys do some many games it just repetitive for them so any bad habits they form carry over . Which I know alot of these guys for years and I mean years . Some of these guys were my age now (34) doing my baseball games 20 years ago. The guys I respect I get along with great and talk about this shit with them all the time and they laugh at some of these refs . They admit refing what amounts to rec games gets them in bad habits in hoops . They also talk about how certain guys have good reputations and I laugh because I just go through all the missed calls they have each game ...

Anyway point is these guys are just regular people and the NFL has higher standards but the other sports really dont . Why cant these guys be that incompetent ?? Why does it have to be fix. Just like I posted my experiences with officials and refs think to yours . Think where alot of these guys are doing games besides where you see them? 75% of these guys have no clue ... Who grows up and says I want to be a ref they do it for the extra cash which is pretty good these days....

I got Double T'd and kicked out of a game leading by 20 pts when I argued a foul call on a made basket . It was just so ridiculous I couldnt bite my tongue . We are up 20 or so team misses I dont even jump for the rebound literally allow the guy to catch it and put it back without moving except to give him a step MORE space (as in I movd out of the way ). Ref said I have to let him land which is a joke since I actually backed off him and didnt challenge his basket at all . Didnt even lift my arms . The other team was pissed at the officiating as well . Guy goes to the FT line and REFUSES to shoot the FT cause he said the call was that bad that he was never touched. Just chucks it at the basket takes a violation. DOnt even know what happened but the ref started mouthing off and I just couldnt resist telling him how much of a joke he was for making calls like that . Didnt even curse and get Double Td and booted from the game .

Simply saying that most of the officials are just terrible and while you make think no one can be that bad if you a play a TON and I mean a TON of sports like I do then you might have encountered some foolish officials in your days .

The Pitt game these guys didnt know what the rule was and were caught guessing . They actually didnt try and cover up the mistake but rather admit it . If you fixed a game why admit you fucked up ? If you think vegas had a stake in it well then ask yourself this ...Would you ever RISK 64 million dollars on a game and NEED a fluke play inside 15 seconds to be the deciding factor ?? Thats commonsense you would like your money riding on something a little safer . The MAC has a rep for shady shit and thats the perfect type conference IMO for things to happen. Most gusy wont be pros but the conference is well known and gets a decent handle . So fixes will happen in small doses .

there may have been a lot of OFF things in that game but officials can be that bad and not be corrupt . Dont ya think its going to be alot harder to fix a game after the NBA scandal coupled with the internet age where nothing is secret .

Sports should really put more effort in getting quality officials , refs and umps doing their respective sports then alot of the clowns doing games today . In alot ways we may be suprised how stupid people are . I dont want to call McNabb stupid but seriously how the fuck do you not know that games end in a tie ?? Maybe a young guy a year or two in the league with little experience I could see but a vet like him in 3 or 4 championship games and a SB doesnt know.

Thinking Vegas had a hand in a fix is a joke . Vegas would risk its business for a 64 million swing which I dont know what world most of these writers are in but the money had to be very close to even on that game . No way do I believe 2/3 of the money was on Pitt -4.5 and -5 . It would have only changed the ATS endings not teasers , parlays or totals....I think the refs just said fuck it lets just not allow to count because the game ends 11-10 if Troy doesnt take it to the end zone. meaning if he is tackled or just falls on it or SD completes a pass......

Human error is how Airline companies sell off a plane crash, they blame the pilots---

Nfl sells off fixes as human error blaming the refs---

Any big organization detaches itself from the incident by using human error, its the oldes trick in the book--

Blame one to take the fall and keep the company in good standing
Just not a conspiracy theorist. If you can explain rationally why this game was fixed then fine I am open to listening . Its just kinda sad listening to alot of these arguements when it boils down to this if the game was fixed how does it come down to a fluke play with 15 seconds left . So if that didnt happen the same result would have occurred .

To many people looking to be rats or make a name for themselves for anything to be keep quiet these days .
Just not a conspiracy theorist. If you can explain rationally why this game was fixed then fine I am open to listening . Its just kinda sad listening to alot of these arguements when it boils down to this if the game was fixed how does it come down to a fluke play with 15 seconds left . So if that didnt happen the same result would have occurred .

To many people looking to be rats or make a name for themselves for anything to be keep quiet these days .
Agreed 100% in this case and most others...

Shavin is a diff story...I'd like anyone to explain to me the second foul in the Zona game the other night...first one, ok, frosh, freaked out.

But the 2nd one?

Find me a razor.
Shaving a couple points I agree does happen especially in college but unaware of the Zona game to be honest . Again still its college kids who get locked in and make silly mistakes . Like the college kid who fouled with a second left in a tie game causing them to lose .

I think what we probably think is obvious are the most unlikely cases . Not saying anything specific to the Zona game as I didnt see it so why would I comment on that particular one . If I was going to ask someone to shave points I certainly wouldnt do it on a national televised game or any televised game .

I am not bringing this to argue with anyone but I just hate conspiracy theories . It's like we think everthing is trick nowadays just because we are trying to outsmart everyone. Big peeve with 9/11 conspiracies for obvious reasons but this to is along the same lines . Rather then just it was a crazy ending that was fucked up its a fix comes out . I guess Rivers throwing red one INTs twice and Kaeding missing the FG were all apart of it . ALong with all the penalties called on Pitt . When the road team gets called for a ton of penalties its BS when its the home team its BS . Its always BS I guess ....

Thanks for joining me Jump ...
Just not a conspiracy theorist. If you can explain rationally why this game was fixed then fine I am open to listening . Its just kinda sad listening to alot of these arguements when it boils down to this if the game was fixed how does it come down to a fluke play with 15 seconds left . So if that didnt happen the same result would have occurred .

To many people looking to be rats or make a name for themselves for anything to be keep quiet these days .

Nut I like your post it makes some good points...

However in my eyes which one is the CONSPIRACY THEORY?

Ex- An event occurs, like a Fix in a game, the NFL immediately takes no responsibility and says it was human error. So this is assumed to be the truth right from the start. So now any other theories are deemed to be consipiracy theories or theories from some deranged people trying to create controversy.

So the question Sportsnut is that is the first publically stated truth the real TRUTH? How can we determine it is the truth?

So what we have is people questioning the NFl story that the Ref made a human error. So if this is assumed truth like no one would ever lie to anyone, that means by deduction that anyone questioning any publically broadcasted statement is a Conspiracy theorist right.

What if the NFl LIED? What if the Media lied about an event? What if a Politician Lied about an event? The question I must ask you do you think these people tell the truth all the time?

THey tell the truth, but they also lie-- Who the hell is the NFL really, who made that statement- THE REF said he fucked up? Who told him to say that? Did the NFL tell him to say that? If he knew he fucked it up, he cuold have made the correction on the field, unless he realized it after the game. he was so confused he almost gave himself an anneurism.

If he was making a mistake on the field, the booth was aware it was a TD that should have stood, someone would have caught the error while the players were still on the field bro--

My point to you is that there is no such as a Conspiracy theory, because in reality they are ALL CONSPIRACY THEORIES-- I will tell you why my friend--
Because we will never know what really happened in that game- It is unknown--
Only certain people know the truth and the public like us believes in different theories, some believe the NFL, some beleive it was fixed-
Both are conspiracies because we have no way to verify the truth-

So in reality bro you said you dont believe in conspiracy theories--

Me persoanlly I dont believe in the publicly stated theory, ie everythign your Gov't tells you is the truth and so forth, I believe that there is lies being thrown around and the truth is hard to find out--
What we know about major events is the distorted truth, we can only imagine what has really happened-

I look forward to your response as I am sure you will have some good points to add to this.

Seeing is Believing! But that one was not fixed, IMO. Bad call yes, but not fixed. The fixes are the phantom calls that turn around games that are invisible. Or all the pass interference/illegal contact calls that they ignore or call when they want to.