
Currently intend to split Houston RL and minus 2.5. fairly large. Last 2 years 1 home dog has lived with this ump. Remember the last day game at Oakland and they were facing a really good pitcher who was also right handed and they destroyed him
I may have to think more about the Dodger game. Ump is a fairly strong under who likes road teams
Washington is a fav vs Toronto. I doubt it and will be betting Toronto very likely
Probably Houston. I see people talking up Bundy. 0-5 8.44 ERA on 5
Nola on 4 1.32 ERA 4-0
Stratton on 4 6.15 ERA
Just skipping the Dodger game may be my answer
Got a worse number last night 50 or so
Added 2.5 plus 5 cents a little while ago and took Toronto plus 17 cents which seems crazy if they field their team
I want to take ATL as well, but hate the direction that line has moved and agreed on Teheran. Probably gonna stay off ‘em