50,000 Unit Kiwi Basketball League Play Coming Up!

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
OMG lyke, I've been waiting for this matchup for soooooo0o0o0oo0o0o0 long

On Thursday, April 26th...the Auckland Stars play the ____ Jets (I'm not sure their first name)

Let me tell you, I follow BOTH team religiously...the Jets r just bad...I mean, they're like the Jets of the NFL!

It's lyke...who would you take, the Dallas Stars or the Jets

THE STARS DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Madano is a beast!

Stars will win by 30+

We should have some sort of in-game party for the release of it
OMG ITS OUT ACTUALLY!!!!1!1!1!!11!

Auckland Stars -7

Risking 55,000 units to win 50,000 Units

I deeply apologize to anyone that tailed me :(

Undermanned Stars Defeat Jets in Double Overtime
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Youthtown Auckland Stars overcame the sudden loss of both imports to outlast Inspire Net Manawatu Jets 121-118 in a double overtime Dominion Finance NBL encounter in Palmerston North.

While point guard Lindsay Tait led all scorers with 39 points, a new franchise record, the Stars should credit the win to NZ Tall Black Dillon Boucher and rookie Charlie Piho, who both stepped up their contributions to fill the void.

The game was close throughout and became a battle to the death between the undermanned Stars and a Jets team reeling from their overtime loss to Easy LPG Bay Hawks in Napier less than 24 hours earlier. In fact, this was Manawatu's third straight extra-time outing.

Boucher, better known for his defensive prowess, had perhaps the best offensive performance of his career with 28 points (12/15 FG, 4/5 FT), adding nine rebounds, four assists, three steals and a block.

Piho, promoted to the starting line-up with the departure of Americans Tashaan Forehan-Kelly and Daniel Lambert, responded with 16 points (7/11 FG, 1/2 3pt, 1/3 FT) before fouling out.

Tait provided one of his eight assists for Josh Clark to hit the winning three pointer inside the final minute of the second added period, then converted a pair of free throws to seal the result with seven seconds remaining.

Forward Casey Frank recorded a "double double" of 19 points/13 rebounds before he also left the game early.

American Brandon Payton had 36 points and 10 assists for Manawatu, ably supported by former Stars utility Reece Cassidy (30 points, seven assists and five rebounds).

Auckland (8-2) now have a week to replace their imports before traveling to Century City Wellington Saints next Friday, while Manawatu (2-6) host the Hawks next Wednesday.


Technicallllly we didn't lose because those 2 teams didn't actually play...it was a mistake on TheGreeks part

Therefore, I still proclaim myself god of Kiwi Hoops

Rod.................................I have nothing to say to you :an_roll_laugh:
I must add..

This post makes us look like true ballers over here at CTG

some unsuspecting guest is gonna think we throw 50,000 unit bets around like nothin