5 run chase for friday


Master of the San Diego home-under chase
Ytd 29-0 +3196
Actual 29-18

gm 1) 20
gm 2) 6
gm 3) 2
gm 4) 1

Yesterday 2-0
White Sox lost. I win +100
Houston lost. I win +100

Play Against: Mets gm 1
Bet on: Phillies

Play Against: St Louis gm 2
Bet on: San Francisco

Play Against: Toronto gm 1
Bet on: Detroit

San Diego series cancelled (sched problem)

4/19 ari @ sd gm 2
4/19 det @ tor
4/19 cubs vs pit
4/19 nyy @ bal
4/19 col @ hou gm 2
4/20 lad @ atl gm 2
4/20 phi vs mets
4/20 atl vs lad
4/20 cin vs mil
4/20 cle @ min
4/20 sea @ laa

n/p = no play
My Home Fav system has a Toronto game 3 today. I'm going with that and hopefully, get on game 2 here tomorrow.
Hey Cisco, what happened with the Padres series? I had them set for game 1 today off beating the Rockies 6-0 on 4/15. Thanks in advance.:tiphat:

I see a debate in another forum and was wondering your take on it because it is being mentioned that you are changing the rules posted.

The question being bashed back and forth is why Houston is not a play today.

One is stating that according to the rules posted if the team wins by 5 during the "skip" games it doesn't count - according to the rules posted.

The other of course states that even the "skip" games count.

Ex Colorado
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
W13-5 off L 0-6 W 10 -2 W 2-1 @Hou

The debate is why Houston(fade Col) isn't a play today G2.
The other says Houston on Sat is G1 fading Col.

Just looking to clear it up because namecalling has started and its getting silly.

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Joined: Jan 2008
Posts: 986
Location: North Carolina

Posted: 4/18/2008 1:19:40 PM
Here are the rules that cisco posted:

Rules for the 5 run chase
This is a 4-game chase
Wait for a team to win a game by 5 runs or more.
Skip that teams next 2 games.
Bet against that team for up to the next 4 games.
If the team wins by 5 runs or more during the next 4 games, skip another 2 games.
The chase ends with a win or four losses.
Progressive bet to win one unit.
After jumping all around and using the 2 gm,3 gm & 4 game combinations. I found that using the 4 gm system turned out to be the best after all.
The biggest problem I had, other than stressful gms 3&4, was sometimes chasing a lot of games at the same time which is tough on the pocketbook.

From this I do not see where you would skip 2 more games if they win by 5+ during one of the 2 skip games.

So he didn't spell it out perfectly for you. If you would have followed his individual day threads, you would have learned it fully.
Colorado Rockies
4/9 ATL 12-6 skip next 2 games
4/10 ATL PPD
4/11 @ARI skip
4/12 @ARI skip
4/13 @ARI game #1 won 13-5 skip next 2 games
4/14 off
4/15 @SD skip
4/16 @SD skip but won 10-2 skip next 2 games
4/17 @SD skip
4/18 @HOU skip
4/19 @HOU game #2

Maybe this will help?
"From this I do not see where you would skip 2 more games if they win by 5+ during one of the 2 skip games."

Skip 2 games ANY time the team wins by 5 or more runs, even during the 2 day waiting period. Sorry to confuse anyone. I'll revise the rules next year.

Easy way to follow is:

Whenever a team wins by 5 runs or more, just fade them after the next 2 games they play. If they keep winning by 5 runs within that period, just wait 2 more games to fade.....:shake:

(But, I think Houston might be a good play today...considering that 6 hour, 22 innings last night!!)
"namecalling has started and its getting silly.'

Of course, it's covers for crisssakes!
Fuck typical @ Covers.

People love to tail and when that person loses, the name calling and silliness starts.

Covers=Sherdog (for MMA)
They're playing my system. (I refuse to post plays there) and they have different views as to the interpertation of the rules.

That thread over there is hilarious. It's like watching a bunch of dogs chase their own tails. Amazing how much more sense it makes over here than there.