5 Pack of props to brighten the day


Voice of Reason
Clifford ov 233.5 passing yards.. psu has no run game, clifford gonna have to chuck it 45x for them to have a chance, i think this a close game and only way that possible is if he gets way over this fairly low number.

Tyler VanDyke ov 1.5 passing tds.. this could be my favorite prop ive run into so far!! i mean seriously just 2 tds? i suspect this game gonna be a shootout as canes hit explosive plays thru the air and noles get them on the ground., i dunno what they were thinking with this line? long as he stays healthy this cashes, prob before halftime!!

O'Connell ov 1.5 passing tds... i dunno if Purdue can hang with osu but i do think to have any chance this kid gonna have to pick up where he left off last week and punch in red zone trips, much like psu they dont have much a running game so he gonna have to throw prob 3 or 4 to have a real chance, ill be happy with 2 whether they come early or when they down a bunch it doesnt matter to me.,.

Spiller ov 81.5 rushing yards.. he gets 15-20 carries a game, the rebs opponents tend to run a lot of plays, he gets his normal volume vs these guys he should smash this number as pretty much every lead back has done vs rebs, liberty had 2 guys do it last week!!

Davis-price ov 70.5 rush yards.. small leap of faith since ya never really know what ya gonna get from lsu, they have been pretty consistent with handing this kid the ball the last month, at home, at night, against a ark defense that best to attack on the ground i think he goes well over a 100 if the kids come to play!!

well there ya have it,, been doing really well with these so thought id share them all so everyone could do what they wanted with them, tail, fade, ignore, up to you, just trying to help while the getting been good. obviously past performance doesnt equal future success so dont go betting your house payment on them or anything, unless you want 2 house payments!! lmao.. gl everyone
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holy shit im a retard, i just made a pot of coffee, went to pour a cup and realized it was freaking steaming water, forgot to put the coffee in!! lol.. thank god i have all my plays wrote down before i wake and bake!!
then after i actually made coffee i realized was down to like a tiny shot of bailys and no wiscy, had to run to store, taking forever to get this day going!! lol
Meh, I was hoping for a lot better than 3-2 but guess when that a disappointing day things are going alright! Lol.

Dunno wtf was wrong with Clifford? We got the volume of passes we expected, the run game was actually a lot better than I’ve seen it, he was just off all day, never hitting guys in stride on short shit and sometimes missing them by 4-5 yards! I suppose credit Michigan for beating the shit out of him all game but I really expected a better performance! I was preying Um scored that td, gave us a shot then I dunno what the flying fuck that play call was on 4th and 2? Throw some 20 yard fade 5 yards out of bounds? Awesome job Franklin, I can see why you such a hot name! Any school be so lucky to have you!!

Far as losing spiller rush yards I dunno what to say, for whatever reason when he got the ball there was nowhere to run, when the other kid got the carries there were massive holes you could drive a Fucking truck thru!! What ya gonna do with that?

I did notice both running back number and vanDyke passing tds went way up before kick so think we did a pretty good job identifying value. Sure would have liked to sweep the board, or go 4-1 at least as I felt that card could have. Anyways maybe we sweep next week!!!