

Freelance Gynecologist
2-4 -2,51 yesterday

One day good, one day bad. Of course, the oakland bats woke up just enough at precisely the wrong moment. Eh, it's part of the game. Matchbook cancelled my Brewers bet, so I didn't include it. I frankly don't know what they do in those situations as I can never recall having an mlb bet that ended that way. If they finish it up orsomething tomorow, I will add/subtract from my posted record.

Anyway, on to Wednesday.

LAA +121 5d
NYY -137 5d
Bos u8.5 -105 5d (I normally don't look much at totals, so reading stuff from some other quality posters sold me on this. Moved 2 cents in the time I said I was going to take it, and actually taking it)

Still mulling over a couple and /or waiting for more movement to get a better price.

Think the ATL runline is out of my price range for tomorrow, altho it has a pretty good chance of hitting again.

I cann't stop wanting to bet on Tampa. They are like crack to me. I know their pitching outside of Kazmir and Shields is suspect, their bullpen stinks, but they can score. However it seems to not be enough to hold a lead. Giving up a touchdown in the 3rd as a case in point. However I will prolly be on the 5 inning line one it's out tomorrow at Bookmaker.

Don't think the cards or cubs should be as big of favorites. Not really interested in Pit or Houston tho. Outside of Capuano and Sheets, I won't get involved with many Brewers bets. Read someone today say their bats are a bit suspect. Either Vanden Bosch, or whatever his name is had a great first start, or the Brewers has suspect hitting.

Phillies gotta win one sometime, don't they. THey got 4 against the Nats coming up in a week and a half. WIll bet them then.

Seems like there is some Owings love on the board. I may join after the "reds won't get swept" money comes in. I think they do.

think the giants got winning out of their system. Will look at Maddux stats tomorrow. Should go back under too.

White sox look good. Thought they had it last night. Looks like I missed the even money play. Will see where this sits in the morning.

Looking at Baltimore, although I hate to go against Zoolander.

See me comments in Huntdogs thread regarding Boston/Sea. Cliff Notes version, if it keeps goin up, I'm on the M's.

Every time I see de la Rosa going for the royals, I think of the lead singer for Rage against the Machine, Zach del la ROca. Good singer he was, but I don't think he can pitch, pass.
btw, tampa's lineup is like crack...maybe try looking into the 5 inning lines on them?
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Good luck today Slim!
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
thankx guys. didn't mean to stir up the Philly emotions. I am a card fan so I know how you feel. Sort of, we have won a couple :) Kidding!

I actually did play the 5inning line yesterday. Tampa got 5 in the third to go up, but Seo gave it all back, and 2 more in the bottom. Anyway, yeah the 1h lines are the way to go with Tampa
thought I might have misspelled Zach's name. Thanks for the correction. Didn't they get back together or something.

GL to you also sparky. Saw it was a big play for you, let's hope it hits.

TB 1st 5 innings +145 5dimes
Balt +118 MB
Sea +163 MB

Considered a tb ov4 2half bet. Decided to roll with the first half side only.