3 toledo starters suspended


I Tan, Therefore I Am
i just got word from my boy who is a O Linemen for toledo. that 3 players got caught by coaches with weed, and are suspended for 2marows game vs purdue. dont know the players names but its a Right guard, midle linebacker #42, and a Defensive tackle.. i dont know if this got out or if it will before tommaorw but i figured id let yall know- i didnt see it anywhere

Don't jump on this too fast if you're basing your play off this information. #42 is a backup LB. Let's see who the other 2 are first.
Also, great info. I hear what hoopsstar is saying, but I just put $200 on it based on this info alone. Somthing tells me that this may make a difference. :shake:
Cruzer, I really appreciate this. I wasn't exactly dangling over the precipice about to make this play, but I had been giving it some thought the last few days, and this pulls me back a good bit.

A few of us pay a LOT of attention to the MAC, and any additional info you can give us about Toledo would be MUCH appreciated over the course of the season.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=recruitingResultRow onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#EEEEEE'"><TD>89</TD><TD>Skylaar Constant</TD><TD>DE</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>270</TD><TD> </TD><TD>SO</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%"><TBODY><TR onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF'"><TD>42</TD><TD>Archie Donald</TD><TD>LB</TD><TD>6-2</TD><TD>215</TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=recruitingResultRow onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#EEEEEE'"><TD>68</TD><TD>Jared DeWalt</TD><TD>OL</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>318</TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

theres the 3 guys... im told they are all starters...