3.31 Da "REAL" Opening Day


Breaking it down briefly
Well you guys know I love baseball and love my Yankees. So I'll do my best to try and step back and look at them objectively. Let me start by saying most of you know I respected Joe Torre but couldnt wait for him to get out of NY and couldnt be more pleased with Joe Girardi as the manager. Yestersday went well as did most of the first week.

One comment the greatest ability of anyone capping sports or even trading stocks is the ability to adjust and SEE, HEAR and LISTEN to what the market is telling you. Its why systems dont work in either arena because they can detect market fluctuations but they cant tell you why they are being caused . So basically what I am saying is all the stats , trends , weather , umpire , flyball to groundball ratio is great but the game isnt played into Fantasy Baseball land. Its about what is going today coupled with past tendecies. Especially since there are so many ups and downs for each player over a 162 game season. SO focus MORE on what is going on now whether that was has happened in the past.

How do I come to the conclusion Odalis Perez would pitch well ? Simply if he could 6 strong innings versus two solid lineups his last 2 spring outings chances are it would carry over against a lineup that was struggling all spring. He had the chance to pitch in what I feel is a pitchers park compared to the launching pad at Kaufman Stadium in KC , he wasnt in the AL and he was healthy , plus the numbers looked at indivually werent as bad last year as they appeared. Just because the season starts on Monday doesnt mean these guys are going to be much different then the guy playing the previous Wednesday. Same shit in season. If a pitcher is struggling just dont assume he will straighten himself in one outing , chances are it will linger just like a hot streak will extend itself.

Lastly while I feel like I am knowledgeable and enjoy chatting about the game and capping it by NO means do I feel like I have all the answers. If I ever come off like that I apologize in advance. Its more the misrepresentation of one's thoughts on a message board then anything else.

Some comments from yesterday 's thread??

1PM :

NYY -150 to -160

- A few reasons and some of it is motivation with the last home opener EVER @ Yankee Stadium and part of it is the 1st game with Girardi who seems to be drawing RAVE reviews from his players....not to mention we have WON 9 straight Openers

The REAL keys ...
- Wang at home , vs a RHP heavy lineup . Now he hasnt been sharp to date but this is the first time he left Spring Training HEALTHY as a YANKEE which is why his April numbers kinda stink in his young career . He always missed time in ST and always rushed to start the season without the proper work done in ST.

Wang pitches EXTREMELY well vs Tor at the Stadium in his short career spanning 5 HOME starts.

36.1 innings never going less then 7 which is a task on opening day.

29 hits allowed in that span but never more then 6 in a start.

10runs , 9 earned and never more then 3 in a start.

7 bbs 13 Ks and 1 HR

Bottomline at home vs Tor 2.23 ERA and 0.99 WHIP

- Three new faces in Stewart , Scutaro and Eckstein in the lineup but all RHBs

vs RHB .242 BAA, 1.15 WHIP , 2 Hrs
@ Home .235 BAA, 1.13 WHIP , 6hrs

21-7 Last 2 years in 33 home starts ( won 75% of his decisions).

Rolen is on the DL and Stairs is hurt, So the only LHB Wang should see are Overbay and Zaun plus 7 RHB's. Right into his strength.

Halladay LYR:
Away 4.28 ERA , 1.41 ERA , .287 BAA
LHB and RHB similiar numbers .265 vs LH and .270 vs RHB.

Last year vs solid in two outings vs NYY. 15 + innings just 5 runs which 2 were earned. Long history of pitching well at the Stadium.

Basically whats new?
1- Abreu - Last year he broke camp with an oblique injury and took forever to get going. This year got in good shape and swung well in ST hitting 333.
2-Cano - Had been a slow starter . 273 prebreak last year and 343 after and .325 vs 365 the previous year. Tore it up all ST...whether it counts or not 446 is impressive.
3-Giambi - Healthy , in shape and HAPPY. Torre was the only guy in NY who didnt realize Giambi hated DHing. Okay maybe he did but your paying the guy 120 million bucks and he went on some tears when healthy why not do the best to help him suceed? 2006 .289playing 1st vs 224 at DH , 2005 .319 @ 1b vs .209 at DH....you get the picture and so does Joe Girardi...expect HUGE things if Jason can stay healthy which has been near impossible..near MVP in 2006 till injuries derailed him,.( 36hrs and 107 RBI to start SEPT!)
4-Matsui Started the year on the DL in 07 finished with a 207 avg and 1hr last April. Now healthy and looking like the old Godzilla.

The biggest question mark seems to be Johnny Damon still. Last year when healthy he played well when he battled nagging injuries he looked a step or three to slow. Cabrera continues to make strides but he might be suspended tmrw not sure , jeter , ARod and Posada all have had fast starts in the past.

I guive NYY a huge edge in the pen right now. Most teams cant compete with Mo and Joba. Hawkins has looked solid and has a good track record , Bruney lost weight and was strong all spring. Right there you got some big dudes who can bring it. Still you have Farnsworth without no epxectations , Ohlendorf (big dude)making the transition to reliever and Traber as the situational LH which I like since his days as a MET farmhand.

TOR - Last year only Hill(owns Wang) , Rios and Stairs hit in the 280s vs RHP the rest of the lineup below 260. Stewart did hit 209 in OAK vs RHP but still is a downgrade from Stairs , Eckstein hit 317 for STL which is a nice boost , Scutaro 244 . Overbay dropped nearly 100 pts and is only 10/51 at the Stadium past 2 years...Wells hit about 226 and typical feasts on LHP , Thomas hasnt hita lick this spring and struggled at the Stadium as well also hitting significantyly lower vs RHP.

The pen has alot of question marks at least until Ryan returns.....

SP persay is about even but Wang excels at home , the NYY lineup is all LH and well just better from top to bottom , the NYY pen is much deeper , and we have motivation.....

Others :

Reds -110 and Over 8.5 ( hopefully 8) ,1st 5 INN over as well

- Supposed to be 70 @ Cincy. Nice weather , a small park , and a low total...Webb has been horrible all Spring and basically admits he is not wher ehe needs to be for the start of ST. Which means as a sinkerballer he will probably leave alot of sinkers up in the zone. ARI bullpen a strength last year has lost some quality arms.

"Honestly, I'm not where I want to be, definitely not in midseason form by any means," Webb said. "Pitch-count wise I was good. Arm strength wise and conditioning wise. I didn't feel tired."

So if he struggles not sure we see that same deep Zona pen this year. Real KEY is LHB 272 BAA LYR compared to 199 for RHB. The Reds should start 5 LHB here. The OF of Dunn , Griffey and Patterson , Hatteberg 1st 1st who won the job tearing up ST and Valentin behind the dish. Harrang looks season ready but the only knock I have onhim is he struggles in day starts. Last year 5ERA and 300BAA vs 2.86 ERA and 200BAA...so huge difference...yr before same deal not as exaggerated though..Reds pen has questions as well....Zona lineup hit real well out in ST...

The weather is okay low 60;s , high 50s but rain and wind which should help the batters..

Under 9.5 Philly 0

What the FUCK was MLB thinking?? 3 PM start in Philly after a night game? Myers looks solid so far and we saw how they struggled with Hudson this evening. There pen was rested outside of Rivera who went 2. Now they have to travel as well. Chico was decent last year and at time in ST. He gets to face a Philly team who didnt hit much this ST and better uets is vs LHB orientated...Chico was solid last year at Philly...

maybe some interest in DaCubbies , Under @ Balt 1st 5 with those lineups! , also WSOX +1.5RL possibly ML and again 1st 5 Under?? Also liked the KC under 8.5 but passed...

Plays : 2 PM Edition

Yanks and Cubs ML parlay 1.25units to win 2.1 units
Reds -110 {2units} -120 {1unit}
Over 8.5 -110 Cincy {3units}
Over 4.5 1st 5 Innings {2units}

Note: Using an On-Line bookie I have to pay some terrible prices so please take that into account in that I have no other option. Trust me I know I got raped paying -120 for Cincy and paid 140 or 150 for ChiC....
Webb is downplaying his ability; I would too if I were him. Cincy-native will be amped to shine in front of his family in the stands, I took ARI 1st5.

Regarding the Skankees game, you're a homer. Kidding, sort of...
Your Yanks can win so long as it is over the TOR BP; I got Halladay 1st5

One of my biggest concerns with ME lately is overall sloppiness (pissing away money for no good reason) just not having a sound unit system in place because I dont flat wager. So many times I have ended up with more risk on so-so plays then games that I actually loved. Alot of it is rushingto look at a few sports in a shorty span. Saying that because I think at the moment consider 3 units my top and trying to stay away from anything smaller then 1 unit except for maybe big ML dogs...

I will say that I enjoy using YahooSports for stats but CBS Sportsline is great for realtime info.

Weather @ Cincy 57 degrees , light rain , cool , wind at 8MPH
@ Yankee Stadium 45 degrees , nippy and calm

For all the talk about Halladay why is he better then Wang??

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Player Matchup
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg4 align=middle><TD width="20%">
</TD><TD vAlign=top width="20%">Chien-Ming Wang

New York Yankees</TD><TD vAlign=top width="20%">Roy Halladay

Toronto Blue Jays</TD><TD vAlign=top width="20%">
</TD><TD vAlign=top width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Games</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">30</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">31</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Wins</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">19</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">16</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Losses</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">7</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">7</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>ERA</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">3.70</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">3.71</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Complete Games</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">1</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">7</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Shutouts</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">1</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Saves</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Save Opportunities</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Innings Pitched</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">199.1</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">225.1</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Hits Allowed</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">199</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">232</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Runs Allowed</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">84</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">101</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Earned Runs Allowed</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">82</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">93</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Home Runs Allowed</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">9</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">15</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Base on Balls</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">59</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">48</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Strikeouts</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">104</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">139</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Hits by Pitch</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">8</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">3</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Wild Pitches</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">9</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">4</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=middle bgColor=#d1d1d1>Balks</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">1</TD><TD class=bg2 align=middle width="20%">0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

They seem pretty equal to me. Naturally Halladay has accomplished more but has also dealt with some injuries as well. As I said earlier Wang was hurt and got late start take away his April numbers and he was 19-5 over his last 28 starts and w/o that terrible start @ Toronto he would have had an ERA in the 3.30 range in that span. The main difference bewteen the two is Wang is probably abit tougher at home then Halladay is while Halladay abit tougher on the road so more consistent. The funny thing is what skews there away numbers is Halladays best road starts were @ Yankee( difference bewteen 4.28 and 4.77) while Wang's worse was @ Toronto(difference bewteen 4.91 and 4.22). Halladay wasnt himself for a stretch either last year in May and June but outside f that tiem span was back to old Cy Roy( 2.99 ERA outside of that)! Bottomline is Roy Halladay is great but SP is just part of the equation. Wang is not very far behind and if he progresses like he did from 06 to 07 this year we might see a CY award in his future...Yanks have a much, much better PEN atthis point and well even though the Yankeelineup is better it also matched up better with all the LH then Tor did with all the RH vs Wang...Most of Halldays recent success on OPening Day can be attributed to facing Det(a ton of RHs) , Minny and TB two somehwt lighter hitting teams....not comparable...

There is a reason why the Tor +1.5RL was -230 and thats because it was the best way to lay Toronto... and they were making you pay what 170 bucks for that 1 run?? Thats unheard of ! Anyway.....

Well they canceled the Yankee game !!! Oh well...so guess I have Chi ML at a gross price...
Webb is downplaying his ability; I would too if I were him. Cincy-native will be amped to shine in front of his family in the stands, I took ARI 1st5.

Regarding the Skankees game, you're a homer. Kidding, sort of...
Your Yanks can win so long as it is over the TOR BP; I got Halladay 1st5


I dont believe that . What SP down plays his ability ??? Webb's not an ego guy so why would he decieve. If you listen to the pitchers they tend to speak the truth in terms of how they feel on the mound. When they dont you can see right through them . He is basically saying I dont know what to say or how to explain it. I am healthy , the arm feels good , etc ...blah , blah ,blah but it just aint working right now and I dont know why.....Its April , he is saying right now I am work in progress and trying to get to where I want to be.....he could have offered up a nice excuse and said its just ST I am working on a few things that havent gone so well like others tend to do..instead he choose to tell how he felt...

Its called honesty....

At this point is his career pitching in his hometown is not a big deal...baseball is not a sport where a SP feeds of emotion its quite the opposition as good SP must control there emotions. So pitching at home is nice but not a great motivational tool IMO for a veteran....possibly an inconsistent youngster...

If your watching the DET game you can see the ball jumping. Obviously its not close to Cincy but the same general region so I expect similiar carry on the ball..

Harang has great career numbers vs Zona but terrible day splits...

I fucking HATE my book....I cant tell you how many times I put in a play and submitted my password only to be taken OTB and how many times I submitted my password and the line changed and it asked me to resubmit my password and took the game OTB locking me out....wanted to get down more on that Philly UNDER....and Balt Under 9...

Okay deep breath...deep breath...dont let it get to you...:36_11_6:

Anyway back to Cincy since it hasnt started...better for the Over IMO...but depends do players stiffen up? Shouldnt cause they can hit underground in the cages or do pitchers tense up waiting and waiting... ??

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>Career vs. ARI</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>6</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>6</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>41.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>33</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>10</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>28</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.74</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0.99</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.219</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblthbody1 align=right><TD class=yspdetailttl align=left height=18></TD><TD> </TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>G</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>GS</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>W</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>L</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SV</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>CG</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SHO</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>IP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>H</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>R</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ER</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>HR</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BB</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>K</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ERA</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>WHIP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BAA</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Day</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16> </TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>14</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>14</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>93.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>111</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>53</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>52</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>15</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>17</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>93</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5.01</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.37</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.300</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16> </TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Night</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16> </TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>138.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>102</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>47</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>44</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>35</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>125</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2.86</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0.99</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.200</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

He tends to have a high ERA in April and seems to have given up more runs or at least had more bad starts in the day vs night...

The DBacks not known for the lineup seemed to be hitting well out in ST granted it helps being in Arizona...Drew , Hudson , Jackson , even Synder had great springs...

Webb I feel I have documented his concerns and struggles this ST.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>Career vs. CIN</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>57.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>48</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>18</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>18</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>19</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>54</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2.83</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.17</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.226</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Brandon Webb struggled again Tuesday, allowing seven runs -- five earned -- in 4 1/3 innings versus the Angels.

Webb ends the spring with an 8.50 ERA. Still, we don't see much reason for concern. His K/BB ratio stands at 14/1 in 18 innings. He had a 5.88 spring in 2005 and a 6.35 mark before his Cy Young season in 2006, so the rough March is nothing new for him

One thing I would say is Spring numbers are easily skewed we cant tell if he started slowly had one bad outing and slowly progressed those years .

The key for me is Cincy sending out 5 LHBs. Last 3 years start in 05 ...298BAA, .261 BAA and .272 last year (only 199 vs RHB). So the key to hitting Webb is hoping he is not on and sending out alot of LHs....

Some keys for Cincy were Griffey coming to camp in shape rather then having to work his way into shape . New manager and new expectations with Dusty Baker always provides motivation when a new manager comes aboard especially a vet like Dusty.

Damn internet connection postponed this post......

Anyway Webb looked good in inning 1 and Zona leads 1-0...:shake:

By the way love the way the writing looks. So neat and easy to read...keep it this way !! Watch its probably a computer glitch on my end...anyway sweet !!

Forget to say :

Thanks BAR ! I know , I know...BOL:cheers:

BlueChip - GL bro...:shake:

Tide- Dam weather !! Good Luck to us...:cheers:

Music City - Thanks and BOL today...:cheers:

Satyr- Thanks ...Good Luck :shake:
4 :10 starts-


Penny looks solid this year and always seems to be off to a good start looking at his career numbers in April. The knock I have on him is his Day / Nite splits are terrible and really horrid in the day the past few years.

Zito finally looked sharp his last spring outing and had success in Dodger Stadium last year . His track record on opening days is not that good but I believe last year he had alot of pressure and in the past he may have opened vs NYY.

SF lineup is real thin and asking alot from th 7 an d8 spots. Jose Castillo has been in freefall and couldnt get booted out of Pitt quick enough. They have some nice vet hitters who looked solid in the spring but those guys tend to be either hot or cold..

While the data suggest and UNDER and I like the 1st 5Under the day splist for both are a concern as they struggle they entire career in day starts. With questionable at best Middle relief for both here I expect some late runs to get pushed across...

over 8 EVEN SF {1unit}
Over 8 -115 NYM {2units}
STL -120 {1unit}..only got 1 in taken OTB early..

In Florida they trend over vs LHP and in day games hell its FLA. Hendrickson looked good all spring but expect 5 innings and RHB 300 vs him career....FLA can still hit the ball and has some solid RHs. Santana was good in springbut maybe some jitters here and tends to be a slow starter over his career...

Sorry for the late posting right at 1st pitch. Slow internet connection today making me take twice as long to get things done....and I didnt get started till about 1:30....might be somewhat useless but its also good to know why someone approached a game a certain way...

Will concentrate on the remaining few..:cheers:

Only 4 left :

6:40 Millwood @ Bedard

7:05 Weaver @ Hernandez

7:10 Snell @ Glavine

10:05 Oswalt @ Peavy

One thing is remember these games are priced as if these pitching staffs are are in midseason value . So alot value on big dogs and Overs with low totals because as I said earlier REALITY is today most of these guys are only about 75-80% where they want to be. Few guys are in top notch form out of the gate and that includes stamina. Its great to throw 5 scoreless buts its all for nothing of you tire rapidly in the 6th inning and get rocked for 4 runs.....

So 1st 5 INN unders more attractive IMO with low totals ...because most SP will maintain there quality stiuff for the 1st 5 unless the pitch count is crazy..

Be back later...:cheers:oh and Cincy got on the board took in my 1st Half over 4.5 there already!!:shake:
Afternoon plays pending : {1unit unless noted}

Over 8.5 -110 Reds {3u}
Reds -110 {2u} -120 {1u}
1st 5 INN Over 4.5 -110 Reds/Backs {2u}
Cubs -150{1.25units} because of canceled parlay w/NYY
Under 9.5 Even Philly {2u}
TB -130
WSox +1.5 RL -140
Over 8 Even LAD
Over 8 -115 NYM {2u}
StL -120 {1unit} rain delay??

Late Afternoon
Sea 1st 5 Inn -180 {0.75u}
Over 9 -110 Pitt {2u}
Under 5 -110 1st 5 Inn Minny {2.5u}
LAA -150
Under 9.5 -125 Minny

Be back in abit ! Good Luck all :shake::cheers:
Last edited:
How'd you get this thread to look like this?

I really like it, neat and easy to read as you said.

Hey B. Chip , good call with Webb and Zona clearly I was wrong. Should have backed off some when the weather was not quite was it was supposed to be. Sometimes I get to locked in and cant make snap judgements when the situation changes...oh well ...

Seriously I have no idea !! Which is why I thought it was a computer glitch! The one difference I see is when I go to expanded version to type it sort of becomes a white bordered screen rather then normal blue...didnt touch the fonts or sizes ...

So much better though..

Not real interested in the Sea/ Texas game would have played the over at 8 with reasonable vig. Bedard struggled all ST but he has great success last 3 outings vs Texas. Who will they have added some players are very young and should continue to struggle on the road. Kinsler , Young , Byrd , Laird , Bradley swing from the RH side while newbies Hamilton & Broussard , Blalock and Murphy all are LH facing one of the toughest LHs..Millwood pitched in just 1 ST against motly backups. While he looked good he is tough to gaugae and no team is more familiar with him then Texas making about a 12 starts vs them past 2 years and in most getting hit fairly hard...Seattles pen looks terrible on paper and Texas pen has loads of potential...another reason why I like the over.... in the end small play on SEA 1st 5 inn...:cheers::shake:

Nut you playin any NBA

My connection has been screwy all day making it impossible to look at games. Thought some about the OVERS and leaned to Miami. Did play Toronto but waiting for the 2nd H as I continue to seee teams start fast after a road trip then fade in the 2nd Half when playing one 1 day rest. Tor has some payback for last meeting on 3/02 and off that bad SU loss yesterday at home vs NO...

let ya know if I play anything else...but if I can get Tor at around the game line or better going to be on it...BOL:cheers::shake:
Just a heads up since I have been in and out today...lokking at Houston 1st 5 inn and game as well as the over ...be back in a bit working on the NBA games...Okur upgraded to probable if anyone cares
Another NBA game...Wash playing 5 in 7 days but off agrueling OT game @ LAL and really has been wildly inconsistent on the trip. Jazz of a bad loss @ Minny and really the 1st time they traveled since mid March and having been resting with a few home games inbewteen. last time they lost 2 straight games was back on 12/28 and 12/29...

Daniels also sprained his wrist about 5 minutes into the game and didnt return so hard to imagine him playing today. Just seems like Utah has every edge in this win and reasonable line with a team who reguarly wins by 10+ at home...

also UNDER is a small lean but more 2nd H under...if we see alot ofearly points...
Not sure why VK. No great baseball insight anyway today. Started late and playing catch up all day...burned out...

For anyone who is on ATL (like me)or just in general I do like Memphis -4 2nd H. They have shown the ability to comeback in blowouts an this makes them something like +23...Hawks just hit every shot in shot and 67% is not sustainable...:shake:
Okay in Pho we have another team coming off a solid 4 game trip. I look for these teams to start fast and fade in the 2nd H . Just hit it with Toronto today and looking to do it again with a twist. Love for the SUNS to come out strong here as they are known for good 1st Hs and Den for sluggish starts. Plus Suns just lost up in Denver few weeks back .

So like Suns 1st Half -3 and have to say I like Nuggets +6 but I hate fading PHO but hey its what I see...but really the plan is hope Suns win 1st H and get some great value on Denver 2nd H...

Trying to see Grant Hills status...

Peavy had some shoulder issues this spring and hard to see where he is at. His numbers were not very good and well thats why your paying for today , last years Triple Crown winner in the NL. So simply on that I would lean towards Houston. Then you have OSwalt on the flip side and he is almost as good but he as well had some ups and downs this spring. Huge edge to the Houston lineup but think SD has the same huge edge in the pen. Brocail already lost his setup job without playinga real game. All Hou relievers suffered poor springs and most dont have great track records to begin with...SD has a real young lineup especially with McNaulty and hairston but also not much from the LH side. Kouzz blossomed in the 2nd H ..

Oswalt has pitched much at petco past few years and had decent numbers in a couple starts.He has struggled alot on the road nearly 3 runs higher away last year at 4.77 to 1.99...

With such a low total , Oswalt not looking sharp and a terrible potential pen in Houston ( early till they getstraight) , vs a 2 through5 lineup that is Murders Row like and peavy with possible some armissues and maybe able to go just 5 or 6 here I have to think we see a few runs...6.5 totals are for midseason IMO....Peavy is KNOWN to pitcher hurt or less then 100% and has stat line of either sub3 ERAs of 4 + ERAs granted the 1st 2 years were his 4+ sandwiched by an injury riddled year..

Houston 1st 5innings and game(maybe +1.5 didnt see the price)
Over 6.5 -125 or 7 +110 and slight lean towards 1st 5 over because 6th and 7th innings shhould be key...

got a nice hit on raps... leaning towards Dallas late any thoughts...

Uhm yeah FUCK Dallas ! They killed me by not covering yesterday had them game and 2nd H...

In all seriousness not sure yet. LAC backdoored them in Dallas because well I had Dallas ! I like the Clips play last few and well Dallas cant do shit right these last few games dropping 6 straight vs the spread..dont doubt they win but cover not so sure....gonna get my 10PMs in and then look at it....:shake:
How bout that Grizz 4th quarter !! Memphis 2nd H cashed and the hawks cruised..had the over as well....Tulsa pushed -5 and I meant to play them 2nd H -4 and over 74 but got distracted...would have been sweet..

I went with
Pho -3 1sthalf
Over 119.5 1st H

Astros +140 (and smaller on 1st 5innings as well)
Over 7 +110 Houston...

Still looking at the Dal / Lac game and thinking:shake:
Had to go LAC and Under. Just expect a real sloppy low scoring game...

Dallas has not done anything to make any of us feel like they will make the playoffs losing to EVERY 500 team they have played. Stackhouse sat out yesterday and appears to be out today. Dampier mysetriously played 13 minutes but is starting. The bench beyond Bass is not contributing and thats crucial playing a b2b...kaman missed the last meeting and think LAC has played better of late despite some of the scores...Dallas cant win so why lay road chalk??

Not as strong as most of my other NBA plays...
Mar 30 Dampier played only 13 minutes in Sunday's loss to Golden State. He made his only shot attempt and collected two boards and a block.
Recommendation: Dampier was run off the court by Golden State's smaller and quicker lineup. Look for Dampier's minutes to return to normal as the Mavericks take on Chris Kaman and the Clippers on Monday
Holy Denver RUN !!!! It was Den 20-18 then I see up 15!! I have faith though...somewhat like the Tor start@ Charlotte...two absolutely different quarters ....hoping the same...