2nd Half Det/Clev


Go NY Go NY Go Go Go
Over 89.5 2nd half. In all their last 10 games playede together they avg 174.3 points. All they need to hit is 165 total with the 1st half being under 15 total points of a total of 180.

Clev -4. Just gotta win the game for a push which is better than game line. Lebron with 3 early fouls as well. Goitta love lebron and co in det where det already won once this year.

Bol fellaz :cheers:
The points are starting to come.

That Cleveland can't even pretend to pull away from this team confirms their average-ness away from home.
I hear ya Joe. I just feel that in the end it's King James that I'll be on to just win this game anyday of the week and anyplace esp in det
Yeah, Cleveland needs to go on a run, but as usual only one player on their team is playing for them away from home.
I love how clev is taking this 4th qtr. Lebron trying all game long and screwing up alot but det knew how to contain him. Now take him out and each team shows their true colors.
Perfect example of the Cavs' complete lack of an offense. LeBron tries to set up a pick, it doesn't work, he ends up 1 on 3, hits the three pointer.

Mike Brown, you are a genius, here's a contract extension.
OK, I mock Mike Brown, but seriously, the rest of the way in this game you pretty much have to run every possession through James. You're up eight, there's two and a half to go, no one can guard him, you have to go through him.