265 ~ Sneaky Good Card


SDQL Badass Stat Boss
Don't understand all the bad mouthing about this card as there as some solid matchups. Not an A1 PPV for sure but still solid imo.


My 2021 cards and thots on prelims...


agree with your prelim takes. penne is a gamble for me but like you said something seems off with kowalkiewicz. I could look dumb if she finds herself again.

eagerly awaiting what you think about the main card, 4 closely lined fights.
[1-3 -3.01u]
  • 3/1.21 ALONZO MENIFIELD -247

random horsey...
Main card...
  • Kenney ...A telegraphed pressure fighter, Yadong is a prospect that hasn’t shown much improvement over the last 5 fights. Failing to use angles, Yadong launches into combinations on a straight line as if it were pad work. Flurries of heavy hooks are dangerous in any weight class, though. For all of Kenney’s awkward technical expertise, Yadong has the potential to clean Kenney out through power alone. 1628384396672.png The American’s chin may well be able to hold up against the power of Yadong, having survived a back and forth war with fellow prospect Nathaniel Wood. A wicked volume fighter who pushes a relentless pace, Kenney has potential to tire his more explosive foe and win cleaner rounds later down the line.
  • Hill +122
  • Chiesa -100...Counter-puncher supreme, Vicente Luque deserves some damn respect put on his name. The Brazilian’s money left hook was no more apparent than during the first round against Wonderboy, regularly catching the elite striker with the counter hook off the cage. Chiesa represents a test that Luque hasn’t often faced. Showcasing decent defensive grappling against Leon Edwards, Luque’s only real evidence of TDD came against the aged Tyron Woodley. If Luque can keep himself standing for three rounds, Chiesa will be dismantled on the feet, but there isn’t much evidence to back this hypothesis. Far more likely is Chiesa wraps up Luque early and grinds out another decision against a dangerous opponent with his exceptional wretling chops.
  • Aldo -120...Either Munhoz’s pace, durability and pressure kill Aldo late, or the former champ cops a decision based on cleaner technique. Although Aldo is well within his career twilight, he snapped a 3-fight slide by out-wrestling and out-experiencing Vera. The key to the match-up is Aldo’s willingness to call upon his leg kicks. Pulling them out of his locker against Yan after a long absence, Aldo proved the power was still there. Munhoz’s consistency with low kicks, often throwing them naked, may well break Aldo before himself, however. Despite being primed to counter Munhoz’s telegraphed shots with combinations that break Munhoz’s high guard, Aldo worryingly gasses by the later rounds. Early wrestling and Munhoz’s reliance upon his chin to drag Aldo into extended exchanges will only speed up the process. Aldo’s more diverse arsenal is still being backed, but this could be a razor-thin decision that comes down to personal stylistic preference. Minimal to no action here.
  • Gane Sub +500 or Lewis KO +350 ...While the script is available for all to see, Lewis secures his highlight reel comeback stoppages time and time again. A style based around durability, exceptional recovery and timing a one-shot knockout should only work for so long at Heavyweight. Of course, Lewis’ meme-like power off his back to keep fights standing enables the Black Beast more opportunities to land ‘that shot’. Even with the clear limitations of Lewis’ game, his mental fortitude remains elite. Willing to drop every round while waiting patiently for his overhand, Lewis also filters in a sprinkling of crazy explosive jumping strikes. Gane, without failure, has risen to every incremental career hurdle with nothing less than sheer dominance. The Frenchman possesses the tools to emulate Mark Hunt’s victory over Lewis, even without the lights-out power. A penchant for bodywork, regular leg kicks, and a variety of hand and shoulder feints all serve to draw out Lewis’ overhand. If Gane keeps this at range, there is almost no chance for Lewis to land his power. Unfortunately, Gane tends to smother his work against wobbled opponents, a prime time for Lewis to land big. Worse yet, Gane tends to gas by the championship rounds and watch his work in the pocket. Taking shots against Volkov is fine for Gane’s chin, against Lewis it could be suicidal. With the wrestling chops to offer brief respite in exchanges or to transition from awkward positions, the smart money says Gane likely has the tools to ride it out for possible SUB or decision, but I still like the Beast's chances for the one big shot...so I will find some way to play both sides here. Right now Lewis ITD is +350 while Gane ITD is -135 so that may be the way as I just don't see this fight extending 25 minutes.

[2-7 -9.65u]

  • 6.02/2 RAFAEL FIZIEV -301

Don't understand why Drako fought that fight, he could have dominated on the ground and showed Morales getting tired with a couple takedowns in the 2nd, but dumb ass fight plans are hard to overcome. Not a good night so far...but there's still time to come back without chasing.

[4-7 -5.65u]
  • 3.66/3 CASEY KENNEY -122

WOW, needed that one!​

[4-10 -11.71u]
  • 5/4.72 MICHAEL CHIESA -106
Doesn't look like my night, but I can still plug away. I thought very highly of this next one all along, biggest play I got left for sure.
Not my night...to say the least.

[4-12 -17.71u]
  • 2/1.83 JOSE ALDO -109
  • 2/8.50 DERRICK LEWIS ROUNDS 1,2 OR 3 +425

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Shit night, it happens...


Honestly I knew Lewis was a longshot and I should have been on Gane, but I want to believe...that didn't fuck my night as it was a cumulative effort. :oops: