2025 MLB In-Game Thread

With the exception of Murphy at Catcher, Braves throwing what should be their opening day lineup out there today.
I appreciate all you guys concern, it really means a lot that guys I’ve never met have shown me so much love. Most of you know my wife Theresa been battling cancer and the shit has finally beaten her. I couldn’t take care of her at home anymore so she in a hospice facility and been getting worse pretty rapidly, I go and sit with her every day, she seems to respond more for me than any the nurses but she can only have short conversations and then she goes back to sleep. Sometimes she makes more sense than others. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go thru watching someone you love so much go thru this but I just try to be there for her and let her know she isn’t alone. Even typing this has me tearing up like a little bitch. I seriously havnt made a bet since SB (where I got my ass kicked as bad as kd did, lol). I did actually make a few bets yesterday for 1st time since then. @VirginiaCavs text me the other day and said ya’ll been asking bout me, it means a lot and I appreciate it. I was planning on waiting for her to pass before I came back but betting yesterday was a nice distraction and I miss talking with ya’ll so I’m gonna start trying to post a little more and hopefully by time baseball starts I’ll be ready to do this every day. It really does mean a lot knowing ya’ll care and thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
I appreciate all you guys concern, it really means a lot that guys I’ve never met have shown me so much love. Most of you know my wife Theresa been battling cancer and the shit has finally beaten her. I couldn’t take care of her at home anymore so she in a hospice facility and been getting worse pretty rapidly, I go and sit with her every day, she seems to respond more for me than any the nurses but she can only have short conversations and then she goes back to sleep. Sometimes she makes more sense than others. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go thru watching someone you love so much go thru this but I just try to be there for her and let her know she isn’t alone. Even typing this has me tearing up like a little bitch. I seriously havnt made a bet since SB (where I got my ass kicked as bad as kd did, lol). I did actually make a few bets yesterday for 1st time since then. @VirginiaCavs text me the other day and said ya’ll been asking bout me, it means a lot and I appreciate it. I was planning on waiting for her to pass before I came back but betting yesterday was a nice distraction and I miss talking with ya’ll so I’m gonna start trying to post a little more and hopefully by time baseball starts I’ll be ready to do this every day. It really does mean a lot knowing ya’ll care and thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
I can't even begin to imagine the emotions, mental anguish, pain, everything, and to be as upbeat as you are says a lot about your character. Your wife, as do you, deserves every second of happiness she can find with you. I am so sorry bro, big hugs from NY.
I can't even begin to imagine the emotions, mental anguish, pain, everything, and to be as upbeat as you are says a lot about your character. Your wife, as do you, deserves every second of happiness she can find with you. I am so sorry bro, big hugs from NY.

I thought the fact I’ve known for some time this was the most likely outcome would prepare me more for it but it didn’t, I didn’t realize we go from one day where she was obviously sick but still mostly herself to at a click a button being as bad as she is. At 1st I thought this place was over drugging her but turns out after talking w other ppl who been thru it this is mostly how it goes. I’ve never been so emotionally spent in my life! The other day she told me she was coming home soon and I lost it, I do my best not to cry in front of her cause she hates seeing me sad, she then says “my xmas wish is for you to be happy”, I had to leave the damn room. Her mom always says it not fair but I just tell her I’m grateful for the time we had and hope that I am at least making this easier for her.