2024 SEC Schedule


Head of Alabama Department of Decision-Making
I know we're still knee-deep in the 2023 schedule, but some dates have been released for next year in the SEC. My first reaction is that 10-2 may be good enough to win the conference. A lot of tough games, and a lot of great matchups. Here's the ESPN story

Nobody will accuse Alabama of playing a weak schedule. September we host USF, go to Madison to play Wisconsin, then host UGA. In November we go to LSU, plays FCS, then travels to OU and then hosts AU. Looks like most teams won't be playing that FCS game before rivalry week, so that should quell the complaints on scheduling in the SEC lol. A lot of teams are going to see a serious increase in their SOS. Should be fun.
I know we're still knee-deep in the 2023 schedule, but some dates have been released for next year in the SEC. My first reaction is that 10-2 may be good enough to win the conference. A lot of tough games, and a lot of great matchups. Here's the ESPN story

Nobody will accuse Alabama of playing a weak schedule. September we host USF, go to Madison to play Wisconsin, then host UGA. In November we go to LSU, plays FCS, then travels to OU and then hosts AU. Looks like most teams won't be playing that FCS game before rivalry week, so that should quell the complaints on scheduling in the SEC lol. A lot of teams are going to see a serious increase in their SOS. Should be fun.
To be fair hosting USF is worse than hosting a FCS team
I know we talked this summer, but the UF schedule rivals one of the toughest ever.

Back home, next year's UM schedule might be a top 5 in CFB history.

With all that being said, this will become the norm.

Smart move by the SEC putting the marque game in September. Very smart.

As far as records go, a 9-3 season will basically be the equivalent of the old 11-1.

I hope the SEC is balanced, schedule-wise. The B16 is sooooo unbalanced the next two seasons. Remember that when we start talking rankings and playoff participants next season.