2019 ESPN Bowl Pick'em Contest - $100 prize


Goodbye to Romance College Football
We did one of these last year and maybe 2017; since Yahoo no longer offers a bowl contest we use ESPN. These are staight up, confidence points based picks.

BAR is putting up $100 prize for first place!

From the email list I have in the yahoo league, many of those players will receive an email invite, about half dozen of those members have their email hidden so I can't invite those. Or, you can try to follow the link below (I think that should work), you will need to have an ESPN log-in and password to join.

If anyone has trouble with the link, message me your email address and I will have a direct invite from ESPN sent to you.

Join my group, CTGers, in ESPN Capital One Bowl Mania!

Group name/ID is CTGers, password is Kyler
i can't seem to find where to enter the password after i click the link above...
i can't seem to find where to enter the password after i click the link above...

I'm not sure since I am already in the group. Send me your email and I will invite you directly.
Tried To Join, Looks Like I Made My Own Group?! Haha
So F'n Difficult That Site.
I might be in, might not. Let me know.
I’ve been signing up for espn contests for years like this and every single time for the life of me I can never figure out how to join the group unless I’m given an actual invite. I’ll never get it. @s--k I sent you a message with my email. Thanks man.
I really don't use espn's site or any of their games of anything outside of this, so I can't offer much advice unfortunately.

One thing, make sure you are logged into your espn account. If you are not logged in then I do not believe you can proceed with sign up.

Best thing, when in doubt, contact me for a direct invite.
Can someone tell me if im in the right group. Name is skanless13 . It says fans of miami?

Yes, you are in our league CTGers as skanless1.

You are also in a second league "fans of miami"

Near the top of espn's page under where it says "Capital One Bowl Mania" you will see some options which include "My Groups" with a drop-down menu. There it will show the leagues you are in and you can go back-and-forth to manage your picks.
For those having issues.

After clicking the link s--k provided in post #1, there's another button that says Join now for Free. You need to click that to join the CTG group. Should be blue and right in the middle of the screen.

Think that should help!
Well shit I kinda screwed up. Used same entry as other so every time I switch a few in one it switches them for the other as well!!! Lol. Oh well, no biggie.,
Yes, you are in our league CTGers as skanless1.

You are also in a second league "fans of miami"

Near the top of espn's page under where it says "Capital One Bowl Mania" you will see some options which include "My Groups" with a drop-down menu. There it will show the leagues you are in and you can go back-and-forth to manage your picks.
Thank you.
Let me know if I am in this one. It appears as it is the same contest as the MyBookie contest with the same picks unless I am doing something wrong.
I like it. You could start 10-0 And Still Lose, Or Start 0-10 and Still have a chance with the point system the way it is! Thanks @B.A.R.

I put most those early ones I had no clue on as 1-2-3-4-5, even at 5-5 I still have really high possible score since most my loses thus far were rated so low. Of course none of this will matter once I start losing the higher ranked ones, just prolonging the inevitable! Lol
Why oh why did I somehow leave the championship Game in the 25 point range?!?? I could had this thing locked down had I put a good play in that spot! Lol.
2 games left, still some potential for most of the top 10 to shuffle around
2 games left, still some potential for most of the top 10 to shuffle around

For some reason I saved laffy taffy for my 41 confidence pick. Still feel pretty good about them, not as much laying the -14 in another contest i am in somewhere else. Don’t hate it, lot of points to lay for a team in whatever conf u la la plays in!!

I’m way more pissed at myself for having the championship game in the 20s. Im not that confident! Lol.
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For some reason I saved laffy taffy for my 41 confidence pick. Still feel pretty good about them, not as much laying the -14 in another contest i am in somewhere else. Don’t hate it, lot of points to lay for a team in whatever conf u la la plays in!!

I’m way more pissed at myself for having the championship game in the 20s. Im not that confident! Lol.
Got U-la-la high too. NC game is low on my board. Not in love with the pick though. GL to the contenders.
Got U-la-la high too. NC game is low on my board. Not in love with the pick though. GL to the contenders.

Yea I think most have u la la high, think I was only one of top 5 or so that had them as 41 so guess I’ll make a few points on the field assuming they win. im not confident at all in championship game, not sure if I was when I filled out or was just a oversight by me leaving it so high? looks like I have it higher than most so good chance picking the winner of that gonna decide if I win or not, guess it better than trailing and not having a shot (maybe that was my thinking, lol). I mostly did the right thing with the games I did put under 10 confidence., my record was horrible over the opening weekend!
Looks like this one is finalized as no one can catch first place on Monday.

I’m confused on which is which? Looks like one of them 2nd the best I can do, I thought that was the free play from my bookie one? Then im a point out of 1st in the other. Hoping the one second best I can do is the one that pays top 3? Lol
I’m confused on which is which? Looks like one of them 2nd the best I can do, I thought that was the free play from my bookie one? Then im a point out of 1st in the other. Hoping the one second best I can do is the one that pays top 3? Lol
This one is the @s--k one. I tossed 100 bucks towards it. The other one pays out 3 places.
This one is the @s--k one. I tossed 100 bucks towards it. The other one pays out 3 places.

I see now. For some reason I had them confused the entire time. Lol. Anyways thanks as always., Can’t believe I was even so competitive! If only I wasn’t so right about no confidence in my 1-10, lol.