2017 CTG Confidence Pool -- Cash prize!!


CTG Administrator
Staff member


This year we will be running a cash prize pool for our members and anyone that would like to sign up. It is easy to do and has been one of our long-running contests since the inception of the site back in 2006.

The platform we will be using this year is ESPN.

Here is a link to the contest!

Group ID: 158203
Password: (*will be given when contest conditions are met)

There is one simple condition. You must provide us with a Betonline.ag account number. Whether you have submitted this information of not before you must do it again. There is no deposit required but we definitely recommend looking around BOL for yourself if you have not played with them.

You can sign up for a FREE BetOnline account here!

So, here are the rules:

1. Sign up to BetOnline and provide your account number via Private Message to "Administrator"

2. Log-in to ESPN once you have received the password and start making picks!

3. This is a basic confidence contest. There should be no explanation needed,but if you do, please PM a CTG Staffer for details

4. No aliases

5. Payout is via moneyorder or paypal

6. Those who have not provided their account number by the start of the contest are deemed ineligible for prizes

7. No complaining or moaning. Please enjoy the contest. This is a yearly tradition many enjoy and we thank you for participating.

PRIZE (Winner takes all) : $150.00
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Grats madshooter! Great job.

I'll PM you in next day or two to get you your prize.