2016 Ryder Cup Hazeltine


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Thoughts? Plays? Course?
I am gonna be all over Europe, All Rory props & matches.
I feel he is about to explode this week.

Anyone played the course before or going to the Ryder Cup?
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Pete Willet (Danny Willet's brother)


They need to silence the pudgy, basement-dwelling, irritants, stuffed on cookie dough and pissy beer, pausing between mouthfuls of hotdog so they can scream ‘Baba booey’ until their jelly faces turn red.
They need to stun the angry, unwashed, Make America Great Again swarm, desperately gripping their concealed-carry compensators and belting out a mini-erection inducing ‘mashed potato,’ hoping to impress their cousin.
They need to smash the obnoxious dads, with their shiny teeth, Lego man hair, medicated ex-wives, and resentful children. Squeezed into their cargo shorts and boating shoes, they’ll bellow ‘get in the hole’ whilst high-fiving all the other members of the Dentists’ Big Game Hunt Society.
One thing about Rory and it is getting pointed out all week and just watched him for 2nd day in a row on putting green... He doesn't putt fast greens well...

I generally had thought I would be on Europe this week but I actually think this is the USA's week...just a feeling...
Gee, I like Europe here. Clarke would have molded a great culture, a night on the turps as a bonding session. They all love him and will play for him. Ego’s will be checked at the door. Not sure how many saw the vision of the team cheering when Rory sunk the winning putt on Sunday, but I can’t see the US team cheering like that had one of theirs done the same. Bubba is not a liked person amongst many on tour and that is apparently why he was left out, but Love still brings him into the team as a vice-captain. Team harmony will be a factor here. The six debutants are the issue though. At home I would have no issues with it, but away is an issue. Hopefully Clarke manages it fine.

For top point scorer I’m looking at guys that have done something on the course previously. Hazletine hosted the 2009 PGA Championship, and Rory, Westwood, Kaymer, Stenson, and Dustin all finished top 10. Westwood is not the player he was then, and Dustin is a better player. Not sure about Stenson and the knee. Rory has done well in the past two WGC match plays as well (1[SUP]st[/SUP] and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP]), while Willett beat Furyk for 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] last year. The US team will be able to spread the players around, with probably only Spieth and Dustin likely playing in five matches. Koepka, Zach, Holmes and probably Phil will play three at most, not sure about Koepka and Walker. That leaves Fowler, Kuchar, Reed and Moore as chances. Fowler has a shocking match play record. There is no value on Reeds price.

I’ve had something on Europe +2 at +105, Kaymer top Continental European at +450, Kuchar top USA at +1200 (win and top 3)
Bet Zach loves that bent grass, not to be confused with Kentucky creepin being

Wouldn't bet against him head up, probly drain some putts
Love it. Got the day off. Raining here, gloomy. Perfect day to lay around and ingame some Ryder Cup
Just woke up, contacts aren't even in and already "looks" like a long day. Ugh
• Four afternoon four-ball matches starting at approximately 1:30 p.m. ET, with play expected to last about six hours
I wonder why Tiger & Rory felt the need to get bulky?
When I think of a golfer body type nowa days, it tall, long, lean, & lanky. That's seems to be where the power & length is coming from
Remember when Duval decided to work out, get in shape and basically ruin his game?
Afraid I like all four of these afternoon matches too much and you know how that goes
That was unbelievable, hate to be so anti USA this afternoon but I do want to see this be a competition

And want to cash of course...love Henrik, always been a fan