2015 NFL Playoff Teams


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Is anyone legit? I think CAR has that "it" find a way to win thing and AZ is good and PIT is good. NE is banged up. The Texans are gonna win a division LOL along with the Skins maybe LOL. Boy Wonder is still out there.....

Anyone think the Chefs are the sneakers?

My main point is, does this field seem weaker than usual?
I sure don't think Carolina, Cards, Pitt, Pats are weak....Chiefs, Shawks are good wildcards and I find Skins very entertainig
Car & AZ are solid on both sides. I won't put too much into the Car letdown yesterday just as I won't put too much into the Pats losing to Philly a few weeks ago. Pats are getting healthier. Pitt has some D issues that I don't see getting fixed. D wins playoff games so I don't see them going far. Like Twink said, pretty open & wouldn't be surprised to see any team beat any team. Biggest disparity would be Carolina & Washington. They could see one another in the second round & wouldn't be shocked at all to see the Skins beat them. Maybe a little.
Think Pitt's passing game can only be halted by some New England weather, good enough to win playoff shootouts in spite of a poor D.
Wouldn't sell Denver short, that game was very misleading regarding Denver's defense. The Steelers four touchdown drives were:

- 21 yards following a fumble
- 58 yards which included a 26 yard PI which was suspect
- 60 yards which included a 9 yard roughing the passer penalty which was one of those scrape across the top of the helmet calls
- 37 yards following a pick

The Steelers started 7 drives inside their 40 in the first 57 minutes of the game (I'll toss out the last 3 minutes where they were looking just to kill clock) and came away with just 6 points. Another two possessions started between the 40-midfield and were stopped. The four TD drives totaled only 141 yards of actual offense. The Steelers yards per pass play of 6.1 was the lowest since their week 8 loss to the Bengals.

If Manning comes back fairly healthy I think he's got the weapons to do some damage. Osweiler is tougher to gauge, although he did some great things early teams seem to be able to take it away after making halftime adjustments.
With the Steelers having two road games to end the season it looks like they would need to win road games for 5 consecutive weeks in order to make it to Bowl L.
Browns game will be a home game, no joke. 90 minutes up the road, terrible towels as far as the eye can see.
I take road game to mean more of having to travel and not be in the comfort of the home routine, not how many fans are there. That's a tough task for PIT.
Think Pats v AZ. Seattle still scary, home or away. I'm off the Pack, off the Broncs. Steez and the undefeated Panthers sleepers. Bengals no shot. Chefs will lose on the road. Who am I missing? Vikes not ready.
Zona just lost Mathieu for the season, big hit for them.

Seattle is the team I wouldn't want to face in January. Wilson has really gotten comfortable with his receiving corp the last 6 weeks. They've got the #2 offense and the #1 defense in the NFC.
Unlike Coach Pettine, I think Russ Wilson's in the elite conversation.