2013 Jets


Curious About George Costanza‘s Modeling Career
Would love to hear some of your opinions and reads on this team. This is how it looks to me. Rex is a lame duck coach and even he knows it at this point. Short of winning the division and a couple playoff games he will be gone after the season. If its a total disaster he may not even last the season. I think the decision that sealed the deal was when he put Suckchez in the NFLX game in the fourth quarter. Just this last weekend Rex was seen tailgating at the Clemson game prior to attending. A NFL head coach just does not do this nor does he even have the time to do this.

This season could go back very quickly with Geno behind center to start the year. Once it goes bad my best guess is the team will quit on him shortly after.

It looks like a sucker bet to me and I realize that the Bucs are not anything special but how on earth do the Jets stay within a field goal on Sunday?
<article class="full-article" data-article-id="33670"> Rookie Geno Smith Has Already Mastered Jets Offense

Sports News in BriefSportsNFL Football ISSUE 49•35 • Aug 29, 2013

NEW YORK—After Jets quarterback Geno Smith finished last week’s game against the Giants with a 45.7 passer rating, head coach Rex Ryan told reporters Thursday that the team is very encouraged by the rookie’s mastery of their offensive system. “All camp we’ve watched to see if Geno understands what we’re trying to do here, and by completing barely half of his passes and throwing three interceptions against the Giants, he proved to everyone that he does,” said Ryan, adding that Smith demonstrated a firm grasp of key schematic elements such as staring down reads, throwing balls behind receivers, and rarely leading a drive of more than 20 yards. “When Geno carelessly scrambled out of the back of our end zone for a safety, I knew he was ready to lead the Jets in the regular season. He gets it.” Ryan confirmed that Smith’s greatest areas for improvement are boosting his relatively low sack and fumble totals.

YES, the Bucs will be a good test for the Jets but somehow I think they pull off the upset. I would lean on taking the points here.
I wanna PLOW into TB now....ugh

I am not sold on TB at all, the offense scares me...the defense however should cause a TON of concern for Geno tho
Jeff Fisher was at the Washington St-Auburn game this weekend. So it all depends on if you are just not into Rex or if you think Fisher was equally wrong.
Let's just establish that Rex Ryan's son is a walk on WR for Clemson, and he went to see if his son would play. To me, family comes first over your job, but maybe that's just me. Obviously as a walk on, his son was never gonna play in one of the biggest games of the year. But in the off chance he does. I don't blame Rex Ryan for going there, in what will certainly be the only chance he would get to see his son play all year (before the NFL season).
I don't think the jets have any idea what they are doing

just a complete joke of a team. The nonsense just does not stop. It's honestly just amazing.

might be best just to take the under in all their games
Tough to see this play out any way other than a blow out. Jets have zero threats. Tampa gets a much improved secondary, and a couple offensive line guys that missed all of last season. Not to mention Revis knowing this opposing offense....
What offense?

its completely different than last year. Definitely better but it's going to take time. Honestly the only thing I'm worried about is geno going out of the game and Matt Simms coming in. He can actually get shit done.
Guys, its not that Rex was at the game that catches my attention. I guarantee you that Jeff Fisher was not in the parking lot pre game partying prior to the wash st auburn game. I get that his son is on Clemson. I was pointing out that a real NFL coach would not be out in the lot tailgating. Especially a coach who's organization is crumbling around him and is working every last hour to keep his job. It was me pointing out a larger picture here. Rex is a goner and even he knows it and he no longer cares.
Guys, its not that Rex was at the game that catches my attention. I guarantee you that Jeff Fisher was not in the parking lot pre game partying prior to the wash st auburn game. I get that his son is on Clemson. I was pointing out that a real NFL coach would not be out in the lot tailgating. Especially a coach who's organization is crumbling around him and is working every last hour to keep his job. It was me pointing out a larger picture here. Rex is a goner and even he knows it and he no longer cares.

With all due respect, are you seriously using the jackass who was coaching an 0-5 team and then busted out a rivals jersey because he wanted to feel like a winner as a beacon of how a coach should act?!?

My god Jeff Fisher is Teflon.
Tough to see this play out any way other than a blow out. Jets have zero threats. Tampa gets a much improved secondary, and a couple offensive line guys that missed all of last season. Not to mention Revis knowing this opposing offense....
new o coordinator and new personnel...he can't know much
With all due respect, are you seriously using the jackass who was coaching an 0-5 team and then busted out a rivals jersey because he wanted to feel like a winner as a beacon of how a coach should act?!?

My god Jeff Fisher is Teflon.

I was referencing post number 6 MCG.
jets interior DL is gonna be nasty.

No doubt the Jets are going to have a good defense but at this point I'm just not sure at all how they score points on anyone. If I wasn't already fairly low on Tampa I'd unload on this game.
Rex is no longer Rex. You cannot tell me he has the same passion he did a few years ago. It's just not possible. The organization is incompetent.

Like why the fuck do you bring in Brady Quinn
Slightly biased here but the Jets will not be as bad as people think. Under .500 yes, but I can see them winning 5 or 6 this year. The defense is being underrated. Also 2 games versus the Bills plus games against the Titans, Browns, and Raiders, and they usually split with the Dolphins. Based off the local media here, you'd think they were going 1-15 like in the Rich Kotite era.
Slightly biased here but the Jets will not be as bad as people think. Under .500 yes, but I can see them winning 5 or 6 this year. The defense is being underrated. Also 2 games versus the Bills plus games against the Titans, Browns, and Raiders, and they usually split with the Dolphins. Based off the local media here, you'd think they were going 1-15 like in the Rich Kotite era.

How will they score on offense? If that O line can't protect Geno its going to be very very ugly. He was very easily flustered at WVU and now he gets to face NFL pass rushes. I got a feeling that Sims gives them the best chance to compete and he isn't long for the sidelines. We also have probably seen the last of Sanchez on the field in a Jets uniform IMO.
The jets have the worst offensive skill players in the entire fucking league. Take off the homer glasses. Nobody is underrating the defense because that's all the jets are.

Theyll be lucky to win 3 of the first 10 games
The Jets +3.5 is easily the highest equity bet on the board this week and it isn't particularly close.
But at least they have players that make the defense work and players the defense might be a little worried about.