2008 Fantasy WR Rankings (Will Be Updated)

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
I think this year there are 10 rock-solid #1 WR options. But I think the next 10 WR's ranked have potential to put up #1 numbers. I think the overall goal with WR this year is to come out of the draft with at least one guy in the top 10. Honestly, any guy ranked in my top-40 could crack the top-15 this year. Last year, for example, Jennings, Marshall, Curtis, Welker, and White all cracked the top-15. WR is such a gamble in fantasy. In my rankings, I have some TE's in there because my keeper league does not start a TE. They can be used as FLEX players. Here's the tier breakdowns:

1 thru 3: Elite WR's who are locks for 1200+ and 10+.

4 thru 8: Very strong #1 WR's with potential to crack the top-3.

9 thru 13: Low-end #1 WR's and high-end #2's. Top-5 potential, but questions marks for each.

14 thru 20: Solid #2 WR with #1 potential.

21 thru 29: Low-end #2, high-end #3. Lots of potential.

30 thru 39: #3 WR's with potential.

40 thru 47: #4 WR's. Not much upside, but should be solid bye week fill-ins.

48 thru 67: Take a flier.
Updated: Aug 23, 2008

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2. Owens<sup>10</sup><o></o>
3. Wayne<sup>4</sup><o></o>
4. Edwards<sup>5</sup><o></o>
5. Colston<sup>9</sup> <o></o>
6. An Johnson<sup>8<o></o></sup>
7. Fitzgerald<sup>7</sup><o></o>
8. TJ Hous<sup>8<o></o></sup>
9. Tory Holt<sup>5<o></o></sup>
10. Burress<sup>4</sup> <sup><o></o></sup>
11. Welker<sup>4</sup><o></o>
12. Johnson<sup>8*</sup><o></o>
13. Holmes<sup>6</sup><sup><o></o></sup>
14. Ca Johnson<sup>4<o></o></sup>
15. Marshall<sup>8*<o></o></sup>
16. Smith<sup>*9<o></o></sup>
17. Boldin<sup>7</sup><o></o>
18. Williams<sup>4<o></o></sup>
19. Harrison<sup>4</sup><sup><o></o></sup>
20. Whitten<sup>10</sup><o></o>
21. Gates<sup>4</sup><o></o>
22. Cotchery<sup>5<o></o></sup>
23. Bowe<sup>6<o></o></sup>
24. Hines Ward<sup>6</sup><o></o>
25. White<sup>7</sup><o></o>
26. Jennings<sup>8<o></o></sup>
27. Chambers<sup>9<o></o></sup>
28. Driver<sup>8</sup><o></o>
29. Coles<sup>5</sup><o></o>
30. Moss<sup>10<o></o></sup>
31. Winslow<sup>5</sup><o></o>
32. Berrian<sup>8<o></o></sup>
33. Burleson<sup>4</sup><o></o>
34. Crayton<sup>10<o></o></sup>
35. T Gonzalez<sup>6</sup><o></o>
36. Galloway<sup>10</sup><o></o>
37. Lee Evans<sup>6</sup><o></o>
38. Gonzalez<sup>4
39. Stallworth<sup>5<o></o></sup>
40. Isaac Bruce<sup>9</sup><o></o>
41. RWilliams*<sup>7</sup><o></o>
42. D Jackson<sup>7<o></o></sup>
43. Ginn Jr<sup>4<o></o></sup>
44. V Jackson<sup>4</sup><o></o>
45. Mason<sup>10</sup><o></o>
46. Br Johnson<sup>9<o></o></sup>
47. Randle- El<sup>10<o></o></sup>
48. Ron Curry<sup>5<o></o></sup>
49. Dal Clark<sup>4</sup><o></o>
49. Gage<sup>6<o></o></sup>
50. Gaffney<sup>4<o></o></sup>
51. Bennett<sup>5</sup><o></o>
52. Walter<sup>8<o></o></sup>
53. Hester<sup>8<o></o></sup>
54. Rice<sup>8<o></o></sup>
55. Royal<sup>8<o></o></sup>
56. Bryant<sup>10</sup><o></o>
57. Curtis<sup>7*<o></o></sup>
58. Reg Brown<sup>7<o></o></sup>
59. Hackett<sup>9<o></o></sup>
60. Muhammed<sup>9<o></o></sup>
61. Porter*<sup>4<o></o></sup>
62. Engram<sup>4*</sup><o></o>
63. Patten<sup>9</sup>
64. Meachem<sup>9</sup><o></o>
65. Obomanu<sup>4</sup><o></o>
66. Steve Smith<sup>4<o></o></sup>
67.<sup> </sup>Northcutt<sup>7</sup><o></o>
68. Hardy<sup>6</sup><o></o>
69. Breaston<sup>7</sup><o></o>
70. C Henry<sup>8</sup>* <o></o>
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he was out last year with turf toe and a bad knee and he is getting old....He is on the way down, Bulger is a walking injury and the offensive line sux...Where is his upside?

I have holt past 15 atleast.
he was out last year with turf toe and a bad knee and he is getting old....He is on the way down, Bulger is a walking injury and the offensive line sux...Where is his upside?

I have holt past 15 atleast.

He didn't miss a game last year. He doesn't have much upside, but he's been consistent.
true, he did miss a few the year before....He is consistent but there is no one else to target on that team so the defense will have double coverage on him. I think he finishes 15-20...Just my opinion....
Im higher on Anthony Gonzalez than 39th. Few others but we still are yet to draft. :shake:
Im higher on Anthony Gonzalez than 39th. Few others but we still are yet to draft. :shake:

I was too. But the reports are saying Harrison is looking healthy. If Harrison plays all year, I think Gonzalez is still in the category of "#3 WR's with potential." If Harrison goes down, Gonzalez moves up.

And since I do tiers, even though Gonzalez is 39, I still value him as high as 30. In that 30-39 tier, I think everyone is about the same. I wouldn't put Gonzalez over anyone in the previous tier of 21-29.
One more update will come on Monday. The 3rd tier got bigger, and some new names have been added. Injuries/Suspensions hurt the lower-end #1 options. It should be something to keep in mind in deciding when to draft a #1 WR.
One more update will come on Monday. The 3rd tier got bigger, and some new names have been added. Injuries/Suspensions hurt the lower-end #1 options. It should be something to keep in mind in deciding when to draft a #1 WR.

How about Sunday afternoon before the CTG III Draft?:smiley_acbe:
I'm done updating the rankings, but Chad Jackson was just cut by New England. That means Gaffney is the clear cut #2 WR in New England now. I'd put him in the top-40. He's going un-drafted in many leagues. He's a great late round pick.