2008 Capping Contest


Assistant __ ___ Regional Mod
OK I know we have the free thing, sponsored by ThePig? I think and that's great. However I thought some of you might want to do another contest with a little money involved and compete against the other cappers here at the best gambling forum on the internet. I will post my suggestions for rules below but they are certainly subject to change and suggestions are encouraged. We can make the buy-in be whatever you guys want. Basically just sign up and tell me if you would prefer $20, $50 or $100 and what price you would be willing to play at. Maybe $100 is too much for some and maybe $20 isn't worth it for some of you. I'm not really sure on this so just let me know. $20 or $50 might get the most participation though. My suggested rules are below and I'll be more than happy to keep up with everyones plays and units. The work isn't a problem at all for me and should be relatively simple.

Everyone must bet 10 units per week. 1.1 unit to win 1 unit. Sides and totals only. Also, if everyone is cool with it I will include the FCS lines as well as soon as they come out from 5Dimes. If anyone has any reservations about this or we get a consensus against it then we can consider not allowing it. I will just have you guys send me an email as you make your plays so as to conceal what everyone is on for the week so that the leaders just can't mock the plays of the guy in second place. I will, therefore, not participate in the contest but will be keeping up with the results. As soon as a mid-week game kicks off I will post who made plays on that game. I will post everyone's weekend plays around noon on Saturday. All Saturday plays must be in by 11:00AM on Saturday to keep things simple. That keeps me from having to sift back through email times and compare them with kickoff times. Results will be posted sometime Sunday afternoon.

Again, since I will be aware of everyone's selections, I won't participate in the contest to keep things fair. I just figured it would provide you guys with a little friendly competition throughout the season...though obviously we are all in this together to beat the books.

I'll gauge interest over the next couple of days. If enough people decide to sign-up then we'll decide about the amount of buy-in and who holds the money. I'd be happy to do it but if some of you guys would prefer B.A.R or CKR, someone who's more well known and been around longer then that's certainly fine as well so long as they agree to do it. If there is minimal interest then this thread shall die. Just let me know fellas and good luck :cheers:

1. VegasKyle
2. Hoopsstar
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Yeah its cool with me hoops if everyone else agrees.

Its basically up to the people who participate in the contest though. I don't know how many people are going to voluntarily want to go up against 36-11 though. Very impressive :tiphat:
sure hoops should be allowed to do his fcs stuff. just make sure you post those lines at beginning of week too. we all need to use the same lines.
Yeah hopefully I'll get more input/registrants over the next few weeks. I'll update with names at the top. I'll go ahead and put you two in if thats cool.

Also, rule change suggestions are welcome as well as buy in preference
Personally i would prefer a handicapping contest over a money management contest. I would be in favor of being able to bet up to ten games a week , but no more than 1 unit a game. That way we get an accurate portrayal of what is actually happening ... not the situation where someone goes 0-10 one week and then bets one game for ten units the next two weeks and wins both and is now 2-10 plus 9 units ( 11 units in losses , 20 units in wins ).

Of course i can adjust from realism and bet 10 unit games too if thats how you decide to do it. dont really care as long as rules are clear and apply to everyone.

Just the multi-unit aspect to the contest is a bad system for a contest. This is why you won't see the hilton , or leroys or harrahs or stations or any of the major contest holders EVER do multi-unit contests. It defeats the purpose.
Personally i would prefer a handicapping contest over a money management contest. I would be in favor of being able to bet up to ten games a week , but no more than 1 unit a game. That way we get an accurate portrayal of what is actually happening ... not the situation where someone goes 0-10 one week and then bets one game for ten units the next two weeks and wins both and is now 2-10 plus 9 units ( 11 units in losses , 20 units in wins ).

Of course i can adjust from realism and bet 10 unit games too if thats how you decide to do it. dont really care as long as rules are clear and apply to everyone.

Just the multi-unit aspect to the contest is a bad system for a contest. This is why you won't see the hilton , or leroys or harrahs or stations or any of the major contest holders EVER do multi-unit contests. It defeats the purpose.

That makes sense. Do you think it would just be best to say pick 10 totals/sides per week? Should we include moneylines as well and just say that everything is worth 1 unit or do strictly totals and sides? Also, do you feel that 10 units is an appropriate amount? I appreciate your input man
i would make sure that everyone has to pick a minimum number of games each week. say 5 or 3 and can pick up to 10 games. i would not allow moneylines. For one reason , it is a lot more work and for the other obvious reason ..... someone down a ton of units just picks a huge dog the last few weeks trying to get lucky to win the contest. The contest winner should be the guy who handicapped the best.

I am just throwing opinions out there. its your contest hehe. I am conservative by nature , which means i resist change. Most of the contests i have been involved with have been that you select exactly 5 games a week, every week .... which of course often meant leaving a game or two off some weeks and having to add a game you don't really like some other weeks.

The more structured it is the better , though. Atleast in my eyes.

But i will play your contest however you set it up , cause it will be fun.
Just make all plays 1.1 to win 1 and go off opening lines.

Sides and totals only.

Should be very easy to track for the season in a simple spread sheet.

Must make 10 plays per week. If not automatic -1.1 for plays not played.

Also, the entry fee must be collected up front.
Just make all plays 1.1 to win 1 and go off opening lines.

Sides and totals only.

Should be very easy to track for the season in a simple spread sheet.

Must make 10 plays per week. If not automatic -1.1 for plays not played.

Also, the entry fee must be collected up front.

All this sounds good.
Just make all plays 1.1 to win 1 and go off opening lines.

Sides and totals only.

Should be very easy to track for the season in a simple spread sheet.

Must make 10 plays per week. If not automatic -1.1 for plays not played.

Also, the entry fee must be collected up front.

Basically use the same format as the Pbox Challenge used
OK, those are the rules then. Alex, you in as well?

I guess we'll just wait to gauge interest to decide the buy-in and make sure everyone is cool with the I-AA lines
Rules are very simple...

1. Opening lines only. If the line opens at +7.5 and closes +5.5, +7.5 is the play. Same as opening at -12.5 then it moves to -9.5, you still must take the -12.5 if you want to play that team.
2. Ties count as losses. This makes up for the ability to make a play on a no where near WA line.
3. Sides and totals only. No exotic bullshit. No MLs.
4. All plays are risking 1.1 to win 1.
5. Must make 10 plays per week. Every play under 10 counts as a loss of -1.1.
6. Person with the most units at the end of the season wins.

I would recommend using Wagerline's opening #'s to keep everything consistent, and avoid eventual bitching because someone can't get the number that they wanted because Dwight was hungover, and couldn't post openers.
Wagerline opening numbers are fine. A few questions about that though? Will I be able to find out their opening numbers if I'm hungover and can't get to the opening lines? Also, will they have the FCS lines for you or are you not worried about that? Thanks for posting the rules hoops
Not sure if I'm in or not, depends how much money is left after closing on the condo, but I don't understand the tie thing. Seems like it makes it awfully hard to take a line that is -3 or something...
You can access the lines any time.

On the scores and matchups page, just click "line moves" right under each matchup. It has the line history, and the opener.

As far as FCS, I'm not worried about that. If someone happens to catch them after they come out to post, good. But no one other than me hit them last year upon opening. I use to watch them like a hawk and see where they would go. I have a shitty day job now, so there's no luxury of me getting to see them at 11am Tuesday or Wednesday morning any more.
Sounds good. My final question is why can't I just grade the tie as a push? It just seems like that's how it is in the real world and I hate to penalize someone for a push.
Sounds good. My final question is why can't I just grade the tie as a push? It just seems like that's how it is in the real world and I hate to penalize someone for a push.

Thats the way weve always done it for years, I never liked the rule, but thats what we did in the Pbox, I think Marino made up the rules like 4 years ago and they stuck. I can only join if there is an option for me to send money via moneygram or western union. I cant use paypal. If not, I just wont be in and watch
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Thats the way weve always done it for years, I never liked the rule, but thats what we did in the Pbox, I think Marino made up the rules like 4 years ago and they stuck. I can only join if there is an option for me to send money via moneygram or western union. I cant use paypal

Hmmm, I don't know how to do that. I guess you could send me a personal check and I could cover you through paypal so long as the buy-in is less than $50. The reason I say that is b/c I have the $50 in there from the British Open contest but I no longer have my bank account set up to deposit in pay-pal anymore so I couldn't do anything over the $50. We'll just see how it shakes out
Counting a push as a loss negates the advantage of getting the best of an opener.

Out of 100 plays, how many are expected to push?

Out of 100 plays, how many beat the opening number, but not the closing?

See where I'm getting?

Also, shit will get stirred when someone pushes, and then only has 9 official plays.

It makes no difference to me though. Lets hear some opinions from others.
Hmmm, I don't know how to do that. I guess you could send me a personal check and I could cover you through paypal so long as the buy-in is less than $50. The reason I say that is b/c I have the $50 in there from the British Open contest but I no longer have my bank account set up to deposit in pay-pal anymore so I couldn't do anything over the $50. We'll just see how it shakes out

Very simple, I send you a reference number with my name and city I sent it from. You go to your grocery store which I garuntee has it (Food Lion is down there right), give them the reference number, no charge for you, 50 dollars. anyway we have time to work out what I wanna do if I do the contest
Counting a push as a loss negates the advantage of getting the best of an opener.

Out of 100 plays, how many are expected to push?

Out of 100 plays, how many beat the opening number, but not the closing?

See where I'm getting?

Also, shit will get stirred when someone pushes, and then only has 9 official plays.

It makes no difference to me though. Lets hear some opinions from others.

IF everyone is picking from the same list of lines , what complaint can they have ?? if the person pushes it is still a play. i dunno , seems like you get an incorrect percentage by counting it as a loss. 8-1-1 should be a winning percentage of 88.89 not 80.00.

The contest is against the listed line whenever dwight posts them. That eliminates all arguments about line changes or liars. Also , any post that is edited after the first kickoff that week should be considered an 0-10 record. Editing a plays post should never be tolerated.
Just an idea...

Since its a contest for money but not a real wager, make all home favorites an extra half point and all away favorites minus a half point on games where the line has no half-points on it. That way there are no ties or pushes and everyone has the same odds.
