#2 Fantasy Football League 2017-18


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
i got the league renewal notice from Yahoo this week. $50 buy-in, 12-person league, settings from last year rolling over. i just renewed the league, please login and confirm everything looks correct. we will be looking to fill two spots this year since Ivy and CappingCrunch will not be back.


in the past i was very lenient with payments, but i'm not going to be a nice guy this year. once i setup LS, the league dues of $50.00 will need paid before the opening game in Week 1. anybody not paid by then will have their roster frozen until they pay.



please post in this thread if you will, or will not be returning. i would like confirmation from everybody. so who's back for another year?

  1. Ivy is a Deadbeat = takeit
  2. the real deal = mogo
  3. koroooooooooooo = gsro
  4. Trout's Trollers = Troutman
  5. FL Fighting Amish = madshooter
  6. CTG Falcons = AtlHawks
  7. THE TRUTH = thetruth
  8. T-Squared = T-Squared
  9. renew = reNew Orleans
  10. Titties and Beer = ISU74
  11. Western District Way = aplous
  12. Cuntpunt = McAvoy08
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aplous and McAvoy are in. bump for returning confirmation from others.
thinking draft date sometime between 9/2-9/6... anybody with preferences?
Rather weekday night vs weekend night but those dates work for me. I have a draft on 9/5 so prefer not to do it then.
draft set for the following...

Date: Monday, September 04, 2017

Time: 8:30 pm
Regarding the draft date, that's Labor Day and I wouldn't be able to draft (5:30 in the West). Tuesday, Sept. 5 would work. If Monday is best for everyone else, I'll auto draft.
Regarding the draft date, that's Labor Day and I wouldn't be able to draft (5:30 in the West). Tuesday, Sept. 5 would work. If Monday is best for everyone else, I'll auto draft.

sorry but think Monday seems to work best for most
ok just setup LeagueSafe. invites have been sent to those who have confirmed back. LS link has been added to the Yahoo message board as well. right now waiting on new players to confirm LS email addresses to send invites to.

All payments due by 11:59 PM CST on Thursday, September 7, 2017

we not accepting late payments. anybody not paid by the deadline will have roster locked on Yahoo.

i'm still waiting on confirmation from gsro, AtlHawks, ISU74 on returning this year.

i made the following scoring changes for this year:
  • Field Goals 50+ points changed from '-1' to '0'
  • Def Pts Allow 7-13 points set to '1'
  • Def Pts Allow 14-20 points set to '1'

Can we back it up to 9 eastern? Kids bed times and such.....

i'm ok with it, but would probably need ok's from a few people ITT... anybody have issue with moving from 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST?
it looks like we have some agreement to move the time back.... waiting for a few others to respond before making the change

did everybody get the LS invite?
it looks like we have some agreement to move the time back.... waiting for a few others to respond before making the change

did everybody get the LS invite?


so we have 12 or are we still waiting for confirmation from people?

so we have 12 or are we still waiting for confirmation from people?

The 10 above in blue confirmed, with the two in green paid on LS. Still waiting on the other two in black to confirm if they are back. Waiting on one email address that confirmed will play to send LS invite.

Let's get those LS payments in.
draft time change seems to be fine with everybody so changed to 9:00 PM EST

still haven't heard anything from gsro or ATLHawks.

still waiting on confirmation of LS email from McAvoy08.

let's get those LS payments in.
i'm back, sorrry...haven't been online much with a quiet beisbol season
Payment Deadline: 26 Days, 12 Hours, 58 Minutes and 19 Seconds
All payments due by 11:59 PM CST on Thursday, September 7, 2017