1st Major Arrest of 2009? CrimiNoles once again...


Pretty much a regular
FSU's Parker arrested on DUI charge

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<cite class="source"> ESPN.com news services
<!-- begin story body --> <!-- isa photo -->Florida State junior receiver Preston Parker was arrested Saturday morning and charged with DUI after police found him passed out behind the wheel of his car at a McDonald's, according to the Tallahassee Democrat.
An officer arrived to find a red Dodge Charger in the drive-through lane at approximately 5 a.m. A witness told police the car had been parked there for about 20 minutes, according to the paper.
The car's engine was running, the car was in drive and Parker's foot was on the brake pedal, according to a news release from the Tallahassee Police Department. The officer woke Parker by pounding on the window, according to the release.
Parker was arrested after taking part in a field-sobriety test he agreed to take, police said.
His blood-alcohol content was 0.054, below the Florida legal limit of 0.08. Police said a urine sample was a "presumptive positive" for marijuana. Police also said Parker admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana Friday night.
According to the Democrat, anyone convicted of first-offense DUI in Florida, a misdemeanor, faces a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months in jail.
Parker was formally charged in May 2008 with a felony count of carrying a concealed firearm and possession of marijuana. He later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts, and was suspended for the first two games of the 2008 season.
Parker was arrested in Tallahassee in the fall of 2006 for petty theft, but the charge was dropped after he completed a diversion program.
Parker had 40 catches for 372 yards and two touchdowns in 2008, well below the 62 catches for 791 yards he had in his standout sophomore season. He finished that sophomore year with 1,061 yards and five touchdowns in total offense and was named Florida State's offensive MVP.
Why did he have to take a urine test if his B.A.C. was legal?

Because he admitted to the cops (like a dumbass) that he'd been smoking?

20 minutes passed out in the McDonald's drive thru with the car running and in drive @ 5 AM...WTF were the McD employees doing?
UPDATE: According to the St. Petersburg Times, and as of 1 p.m. EST, Parker was still in jail and awaiting the posting of a $500 bond.
Additionally, The Times is reporting, Parker was sentenced to 12 months probation for the incident last May. Presumably, at least one of the conditions of the probationary period would be to not be found passed out in a vehicle at five in the morning with an illegal substance in your system — allegedly.
There has been no comment yet from the University regarding this latest incident.

I don't see how a UF fan can poke fun at FSU. Gator players can shoot automatic weapons into apartments, face no charges, and still play the next year. The Gators are no better than any other major CFB program in this regard.
I don't see how a UF fan can poke fun at FSU. Gator players can shoot automatic weapons into apartments, face no charges, and still play the next year. The Gators are no better than any other major CFB program in this regard.

lets not forget.....

Gators can get CAUGHT smoking pot the week of the South Carolina game, play in it, block the game winning field goal, and get suspended the next week against Western Carolina, ain't that right Mr. Mully?

lets not forget.....

Gators can get CAUGHT smoking pot the week of the South Carolina game, play in it, block the game winning field goal, and get suspended the next week against Western Carolina, ain't that right Mr. Mully?


They're very selective on punishment down there since Spurrier left.

Zook would give one game suspensions but it would be enforced when UF played Southwest Louisiana Engineering Tech in like the seventh game. I'm fairly sure Urban has done the same thing. Urban proclaims that UF players come from the top 1% of the top 1%. It's good to see he holds their punishments accountable to the same high standards.

It always cracks me up when UF fans chirp about how superior their institution is and how they're above FSU and every other SEC school in this regard when at best they're no different than anyone else.
They're very selective on punishment down there since Spurrier left.

Zook would give one game suspensions but it would be enforced when UF played Southwest Louisiana Engineering Tech in like the seventh game. I'm fairly sure Urban has done the same thing. Urban proclaims that UF players come from the top 1% of the top 1%. It's good to see he holds their punishments accountable to the same high standards.

It always cracks me up when UF fans chirp about how superior their institution is and how they're above FSU and every other SEC school in this regard when at best they're no different than anyone else.



Mully :cheers:
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If I know one thing, it is my favorite team. Bowden will suspend him for the first drive in the spring game.

:36_11_6: Boys-will-be-boys...old school style......:shake:

(Outside of assault, abusing women, attempted murder...things that prove you're a threat to society...a good player deserves a 2nd chance or even a 3rd chance if that MFer is a stud.)
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