1st day of June

Unfortunately, i slept till 1:00am CET. Otherwise, it would be a maximum 10 units play for me. That's one of the disadvantages betting baseball and living in Europe.
COL/CIN over 31 RHE @1.95, 2 units

I expect a nice little batting practice here with Buchholz and Livingston.

This one is cancelled. I went to take a shower and got back to see i forgot to lock in the play. I'm an idiot. Griffey just hit a solo. I hope it will lose now...
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I planned to take Angels RL but the odds went up something like 4 times in the last 5 minutes at pinny. I don't like that.
I should now why the odds of Angels went up several times. They left a hell lot of people on base in 2 innings.
They got another gidp with bases loaded 1 out. I hate this team. Every time i bet on them, they don't hit nd let all the opportunities go. If i bet against them, they kill elite pitchers in a row...