1st Coach To Get Fired This Year


In transit, arriving late.
Let's have some fun.....CFB, you are hired to be fired. The Hot Seat is half of the fun I think.....

Who ya got?

I would say Sumlin, but I am not sure how 12 gets down on this kinda shit....the others in the West would do some craziness like axing after game 1(kidding.....ok, maybe LSU and Auburn lol)....

The other guy was his dance partner in Mora.....that comeback bought him some time

I don't think Butch Jones survives the season, but they may let him coach it out

I am not savvy enough to know the situation in LV for that university, but that dude might've not made it on my bus if I am AD.....that is brutal

I am gonna go Dave Doeren.....all the hype. I have to admit, like TAMU, I don't know how this program gets down and if they let coaches ride out the season, but I think he is in trouble. It wasn't a conference game, so there is hope, but you gotta win that game. I don't live in that part of the country, but I've heard they got the support they need and a pretty decent fan base. The D line was hyped coming in, to the tune of maybe 4 guys getting drafted(that's Bama/LSU/Ohio St type shit)....they have talent. Another choke job and they may be forced

What y'all think?
Butchie no doubt does not get fired mid season. I don't see that happening.
Coach.... maybe Chavis
You think Sumlin is out of a job for awhile?
Ole Les & Chip are chomping at the bit right about now
Sumlin is such a head scratcher. I thought he was an offensive guru and possibly something special but some coaches dont know ho to win just to score I guess, idk Whats his deal?
Gary Anderson if OSU only wins 1 game. They look bad.
Ok so you all out there tell me why the fuck this guy left Wisky to go here??!

I mean......Corvallis?! What Riley did there was inhuman.....never happen again

he deserves to get fired for leaving a much better job (Wisconsin). Idiot.

Oregon St is almost impossible to win at.....what The previous coach did in Corvallis(Riley) was amazing....he mightve won the conference one year. Amazing!

Did I read that he left Wisconsin because "the standards to get in were too hard"......like, he said that publicly?!

Other coaches have won there before with the same standards I believe.....

Odd odd odd...
I don't think Anderson and Alvarez got along but that's second hand info.
OSU looks worse this year than they did last year, I really think he could be gone by year's end. They won't fire him during the season I don't think.