1st Annual Bloodhound Memorial Confidence Pool -- Cash Prizes!


CTG Partner
Staff member
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This bowl season, we are going to bring back the confidence pool and honor one of our all-time members each and every bowl season moving forward. Bloodhound was an original member in the summer of 2006 here at CTG. He passed on November 15th of 2016. I and many would say he was the truest gentleman that has graced this forum. Please look through the thread linked below for some great memories. For our newer members, I think this will paint a pretty good picture of him from all the wonderful comments.

Bloodhound Thread

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2021 Contest

  • Runs from 12-17-21 through 1-10-22
  • Points will range from 1-44. If this is your first confidence pool, PM myself and I will explain it to you in detail.
  • You CAN edit as the bowls go on.
  • Tiebreaker will be for the National Championship Game on 1-10-22
  • Link for contest is BELOW
  • Password: alabama21
  • Must have an active CTG account to be eligible for prizes (minimum 25 posts as of New Years Day)

Prizes! (all via PayPal after completion of National Championship Game)

1st - 250.00
2nd - 100.00

3rd - 50.00
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I wasn’t as outgoing around here back when blood was posting, for some reason this forum felt little more tight nit w regulars and little more intimidating to start opening my big mouth than other places I posted (I know sounds weird) but he was always super nice and inviting to me whenever I asked him a question in one his threads, seemed like a really good guy.

Love this contest, hopefully I can have another good showing to make up for how bad I was in the dog and pickem regular season contest! lol. Thanks as always
looks like i joined, it didnt ask me for password so that was weird but i see my entry so assume im in, lol
holy cow,, i just tried running thru and picking them all to see how i felt,, this is a really really tough bowl season imo! there a handful i love but the 1st 10 or so i only had a slight lean on one of them, there freaking 20 where i basically just threw my hands up in the air! lol.. luckily as the games get closer we should get some info that will make some teams plays or fades, either way i have a lot of capping to do!!
I’m in
Is that really him? That’s fucking badass! I actually think I remember him from when I first joined. Seemed like a cool dude. RIP
Thank you as always for doing these.
I just made up some random name. Let me know if you’d like to be able to identify who is who
I met the Hound on this site when my handle was raiseathou which emminated from my propensity to raise a $1000 in private table stakes games. My wife and I met the Hound and his wife at their mountain home in rural N. Carolina, complete,with Bloodhound dogs.
You could never meet a more open,honest and engaging finer gentleman. His advise to me,then a rookie sports better was invaluable..
Bottom line, I miss him.If you want to confirm everything about him mentioned here, check with Wire to Wire or Tim on this site.
I met the Hound on this site when my handle was raiseathou which emminated from my propensity to raise a $1000 in private table stakes games. My wife and I met the Hound and his wife at their mountain home in rural N. Carolina, complete,with Bloodhound dogs.
You could never meet a more open,honest and engaging finer gentleman. His advise to me,then a rookie sports better was invaluable..
Bottom line, I miss him.If you want to confirm everything about him mentioned here, check with Wire to Wire or Tim on this site.
Awesome post, thanks.
Hound is/was my guy for sure. Chill ass mutha fuckin dude, greatest person, phenomenal passionate capper, true gentleman and all class, definition of true blue
SIP Hound
36 entries of as now,

I'd like to see at least 24 more.

This is as easy to sign up for as any of our contests.

Free money provided by some GREAT members and a bit from CTG.

Lets get it done.
Thanks for this and those that contributed toward it. I wasn't fortunate enough to have many interactions on here with him but I did like his willingness to respond and be helpful and provide capping advice when i was just starting out.

Btw, it appears it won't save your picks unless you enter them all at once and click the save button. dont make the same mistake i did and enter most of them then leave the page and then realize nothing was saved lol.
am i the only one who thinks this bowl season/schedule freaking blows? the ones i loved have opt outs or threat of them and total lack of motivation. still cant pick the other side in most cases cause the dog shouldnt even get a freaking bowl game! lol.. i feel like i usually like at least 33% of the bowls and figure out plays on bout half! this year not sure i will make a bet on 10 total other than maybe some props.
Terrific GL to everyone, great for the site and in memory of our pal the Hound! Thank you fellas!
Fuck Toledo!

Lol. I can’t believe I made a MAC team high confidence!! How dumb was that? One my rules is fade MAC but I just couldn’t do it as I saw mtsu enough times this year to know they sucked! Lol. It was clearly important to mtsu and it showed in 2nd half, their coach was tearing up after the game! Lol. Nothing a bigger kick in nuts than the fav showing they have more talent then simply packing it in after halftime.
Blood was one of a kind, the best!! Met him at Winners Circle sports forum around 2000-2001, when that shut down I talked him to coming to CTG where he was a great contributor and a better friend to many. We can all only hope to have the Class that that Blood had, he was good to everyone and always willing to help. Great idea doing this in his memory, I am proud to be one of the sponsors for this as is Tim H and others and I look forward to doing it again next year. Thank you Tim H and CTG for organizing this
Blood was one of a kind, the best!! Met him at Winners Circle sports forum around 2000-2001, when that shut down I talked him to coming to CTG where he was a great contributor and a better friend to many. We can all only hope to have the Class that that Blood had, he was good to everyone and always willing to help. Great idea doing this in his memory, I am proud to be one of the sponsors for this as is Tim H and others and I look forward to doing it again next year. Thank you Tim H and CTG for organizing this
Yes, big thanks to yourself, Wire and Tim for getting this going.

Very much appreciated.
Unfortunately this been a total shit show of a bowl season thanks to covid and seems to be getting worse not better. Everyday there more cancelations.
You're a real Debbie Downer.

Lol. It not me! I thought for sure I’d be able to find a prop I liked in ecu/bc today cause I know both those teams really well, but of course they not playing. I was excited to hopefully have something to bet today. They might as well cancel Nevada/wmu cause nobody on Nevada cares! The props they have up for that game are so weird, sone rb rush total for wmu who not even their lead back, the only wr up is a guy I’m sure I read in transfer portal so I seriously doubt he playing!! Total shit show!
I assume everyone has had no issues with the cancellations and at this point one replacement team?

The ESPN platform has seemingly done a good job with this so far.

Obviously, it is your responsibility to keep up on any and all changes.