
Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
only one play early... made it much earlier in the week.. grab whatever number you can find..

can discuss if desire exists.

Male sheep ML, TU


Cardinals -3, -110; 4 units
Denver -1.5, 4 units

got a couple potential adds but this is by far the best play on the board IMO..

don't think it will be close..GL
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only one play early... made it much earlier in the week.. grab whatever number you can find..

can discuss if desire exists.

Male sheep ML, TU

got a couple potential adds but this is by far the best play on the board IMO..

don't think it will be close..GL
I like the spot off the bye and going against the Mc family OTR

My concerns would be the same as yours I guess...maybe not. But let us talk, cuz I wanna bet it too

I hope the Tayvon/Kellen thing isnt a one hit wonder.....if it is, could be trouble I think. He had soem BIG strikes, and an awesome game(both of em)....Hope it wasnt flukey

Rammers D vs Bears...been not the best. I think they look to turn around tho

You got it EV?

I may lay the -1.5 for a reduce....thoughts?

I like the spot off the bye and going against the Mc family OTR

My concerns would be the same as yours I guess...maybe not. But let us talk, cuz I wanna bet it too

I hope the Tayvon/Kellen thing isnt a one hit wonder.....if it is, could be trouble I think. He had soem BIG strikes, and an awesome game(both of em)....Hope it wasnt flukey

Rammers D vs Bears...been not the best. I think they look to turn around tho

You got it EV?

I may lay the -1.5 for a reduce....thoughts?


I got it -120 on the ML and see that is available this morning most places.

only concern would be Bears big physical receivers vs Jenkins and Johnson but a concern for every team the Bears play.

Watch zac stacy this week. Off a bye and now completely healthy he should be frisky.. Keep in mind, he has been pretty dynamic on a bum ankle.. This week not even listed on injury report... Bears have allowed a league high 6 100 yard rushers. Me thinks it be 7 after today. Zac Stacy is sooooo fucking opposite of SJ39 and exactly what the Msheep needed... Puzzled why he was healthy scratch so many early games... Dynamic back, at home, Clemens getting comfortable with weapons (Austin), solid offensive line now with Stafford at guard, vs a team that can give it up AT A PICK...TU
tee, you got any opinion on that vikings game?

not sure about AD's health no matter what they say. Cold day to have a groin pullin on you.. So that and well Ponder still the QB... However this version of packers isn't very good and not even close to a playoff team.. They will likely play like its an elimination game tho, which it kinda is and doubt the vikes can match intensity.. Dunno tho... I don't think it is a good spot either way and I have no interest in watching a second of it.. One of the first ones I crossed off tbh.
Rams schedule is insanely tough the rest of the way.. Wins will be tough and if they gonna get another one, its here off the bye.. I think from a situational standpoint it works well also is what I am sayin.

Other random notes---Mizzu top unit play yesterday one of the easiest I've found in a long time.. Pacquiau is back on the good stuff.. (no chance he'll agree to Olympic level testing which money would still require---never happen)..
Headed to Bahammas Wednesday for CBB tourney and some diving with whole family.. So we are doing the turkey thing today, so time will be limited, but will check in from time to time.. I will have an opinion on the late game..

Have a great turkey lunch with your family! You pushed me over the edge on both plays as they were already heavy leans. Good luck to us!
gl today tee - excellent day for you in the sat league hoping that carries over today for you. Being a bears fan this game today does scare me - rams defense up front and that run game are both stong suits against this bear team.

Happy turkey day to you and your fam.....enjoy the bahamas.
What do you think about Ram TT tee? Thanks and have a great time in the Bahamas.
I made it 20.5 so I think its a little high. Clock is gonna be running a lot on both sides but with Austin and Hester potential for a quick one will be alive all day. Don't like any totals in that game tbh. Gl ute
Wrong thread I know, but pounded Iowa +3, -105 in cfb. Got limited but plan to add more here and in Bahamas . Line is correct, reality to it is not IMO. Lots of opinions there.
Had a bad turkey cook last year. Too dry. Going back to bag cook this year. Odds of success +165
I made it 20.5 so I think its a little high. Clock is gonna be running a lot on both sides but with Austin and Hester potential for a quick one will be alive all day. Don't like any totals in that game tbh. Gl ute

Thanks for response, I know you're busy today. I'll stay away and GL on those big plays!
Great call Tee! Went huge on this play! My sheep are turning it around and I believe not having Bradford is about 50% of the reason. No way he buys time in the pocket like Clemons did on some of the big plays. Notice the other one big difference??? He slung it down the field which is something Bradford doesn't do. Bradford likes to dump it off no matter what the down, distance and situation calls for. Clemons plays to the scoreboard, while Bradford plays to pad stats and stay clean.
Turkey update... Hit the plus ML!!! Very moist yet quite firm. Pressure was on and mounted for a full year. Turkey tetrazzini with the left overs tommorow! Hiphip hurray!
well, someone is headed to Bahamas with big ass bankroll..LOL

say this, and much closer to my last rodeo than my first... When you hit this many big plays in a row and they aren't even close, a correction is coming....

but perhaps we can stretch it out a bit more--

been reading this all week and its now in my range..

Denver -1.5, 4 units

thought about waiting or buying to 1 but rolling with this.. Hope that hook isn't the one the gets me.

I don't like NE or Brady or this defense or much else.. Well documented in lw thread.. Like colts, looking to fade NE whenever I can.. this is it.. Sure, worry about the weather, and mannings grip and Brady's prowess in such weather--- but I got a bunch of matchups I figure are my way.. And I honestly don't think NE is very good. Denver, and Monte Ball (yes, calling Monte fucking Ball as a big impacter tonight----just hang on to the ball kid and you could be a pro bowler) will have plenty of space and Manning will do way more than enough on the play action..

Someone mentioned it in in game thread, cant remember who but I totally agree--- Montee Ball is a fucking beast blocker in the passer game on blitz pickups etc... Touches will increase well into the playoffs.. Just a small thing but sometimes only the obvious stuff is shared on boards.. Pay attention to his explosion.
Wrong thread I know, but pounded Iowa +3, -105 in cfb. Got limited but plan to add more here and in Bahamas . Line is correct, reality to it is not IMO. Lots of opinions there.
Who says last Saturday cfb is tough? :thumbsup2: